The article deals with school reports on gains and properties of schools and their masters (the so called "fassiones" in Latin). It focuses on the part of archive of Bohemian Gubernium containing school reports from 1775 to 1792. Previous Czech historians as Josef Hanzal or Jan Šafránek examined these reports especially with the use of quantitative methods, but the goal of this study is to show that more points of view are possible and available. More details about the problems of schools and teachers, content of school instruction, and employed books and tables could also be found in this kind of source., Michal Kneblík., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article discusses the relationship between educational attainment and the existence of cohabitation in the Czech Republic. Cohabitation of unmarried partners is a timely topic given a constant growth of this form of relationship in the Czech society, which almost tripled between the years 1991 and 2011. Based on data from the ISSP 2012 quantitative survey, the article seeks to demonstrate whether the educational attainment of an individual or his/her partner is associated with whether or not they cohabitate. Cohabitation is juxtaposed to marriage as well as to living-apart-together relationships, with partners living in different households. Where methodologically feasible, the findings are verified on data from the
following surveys: European Value Study 2008, Our Society 2012 and European Social Survey 2012. However, most of the analyses rely exclusively on the more robust dataset of ISSP 2012. When split into the different categories of relationship and educational attainment, the other datasets analyzed did not provide sufficient samples for the necessary analyses.
The article builds on the socioeconomic Rational Choice Theory (Becker) and normative theory (Inglehart, Van de Kaa). RCT is primarily applied to the relationship between education and postponing marriage or cohabitation, while normative theory provides a perspective on the effect of education-related values on alternative relationship preferences or the decision never to marry.
In the analysis, we first verify whether educational attainment affects an individual’s relationship form (cohabitation vs. marriage). To determine the association between specific variables, we applied the chi-square test of independence (for the education variable recoded into three categories) and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U Test (for the original scale variable). We were unable to confirm an immediate relationship between education and cohabitation in either of the datasets analyzed – the same results were attained when the analysis was replicated on EVS 2008, Our Society March 2012 and
ESS 2012 data. The authors suggest two possible interpretations of this finding. First, the perceived difference between long-term cohabitation and marriage is gradually decreasing in the Czech Republic. This argument is supported by the use of the term “de-facto marriage” as an equivalent of cohabitation in the Czech context. The second possible interpretation is based on the effect of factors that motivate both low-education and higher-education individuals to postpone marriage, namely lack of funds among the former and preference of education and career among the latter.
In the second part of the analysis, we study the relationship between educational attainment and cohabitation versus living-apart-together relationships. We tested the relationship using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U Test on the original scale education variable. The analysis was performed on unmarried (divorced, widowed or single) individuals who have a partner. A difference was observed in the group of divorced cohabiters, where more educated individuals are less likely to share a household with their partner. In contrast, higher-income single partners are more likely to share a household. However, the relationship with education could not be verified for the latter group.
To sum up, the analysis reveals that single (younger) higher-income respondents are more likely to cohabit because they can afford sharing a household with their partner. In contrast, divorced (older) higher-income respondents are more likely to live in single-member households. This finding is primarily associated with respondent age, while education probably only takes effect in older age. In both groups, only the relationship with income, not education, was observed because divorced individuals are older than singles, on average.
A new physical laboratory for students of Physical engineering and nanotechnology study programme is based on experiments from the field of modern physics and on advanced imaging techniques with nanometre scale resolution. The experiments and their interpretation form base for study of the modern physics and nanotechnology. and Experimentální sestavy z oblasti moderní fyziky a zobrazovacích technik s nanometrovým rozlišením tvoří základ nové výukové laboratoře pro studenty oboru Fyzikálního inženýrství a nanotechnologie. Experimenty a jejich interpretace představují základní pilíře při studiu moderní fyziky a nanotechnologií.
Sourozenectví je jedním z nejvýznamnějších vztahů v lidském životě. Tento vztah může být velmi specifický, má-li jeden ze sourozenců vývojové postižení. Zdraví sourozenci potom, stejně jako jejich rodiče, bývají konfrontováni s řadou stresových a náročných situací, které u nich vedou ke zvýšenému výskytu psychických obtíží. Za účelem podpory a naplnění potřeb této skupiny byl vytvořen program STEPS – Skupinový terapeuticko-edukační program pro sourozence dětí s postižením. Pilotním během intenzivní alternativy tohoto programu prošlo pět sourozenců dětí s Williamsovým syndromem. Cílem článku je podat základní informace o prvním běhu programu a poskytnout tak podnět pro další rozvoj podpory rizikové a v naší zemi doposud opomíjené skupiny – sourozenců dětí s postižením. and Sibship is one of the most important relationships in life. However, this relationship may be very specific if one of the siblings suffers from a developmental disorder. In such a case healthy siblings are confronted with a similar number of stressful and challenging situations as their parents. These stressors lead to an increased incidence of mental health problems in this population. In order to support and fulfil the needs of healthy siblings, STEPS program (Group Therapeutic Program for Siblings of Children with Disabilities) was developed. Five siblings of children with Williams syndrome have participated in piloting of an intensive alternative of this program. The aim of this article is to provide basic information on the pilot of this program and provide suggestions for further development of support for at-risk and in our country neglected population – siblings of children with disabilities.
Cílem tohoto textu je zjistit, jestli se v čase mění podíl matek, které rodí děti mimo partnerský vztah, a jestli se mění také asociace tohoto rodinného uspořádání se sociodemografickými charakteristikami matek. Rodinná uspořádání, do kterých se rodí děti, se v posledních více než dvou dekádách značně proměnila, a proto lze očekávat, že se změnil i podíl a/ nebo charakteristiky žen, které své děti rodí mimo partnerství. Jedním z důvodů, proč toho o porodech mimo partnerství víme tak málo, jsou omezené datové zdroje, ze kterých můžeme informace čerpat. Proto je cílem tohoto textu také zmapovat možnosti měření rodinného uspořádání rodiček a porovnat výsledky, která nám k tématu poskytují., Single motherhood is known to have negative consequences on the wellbeing and life chances of mothers and their children. It appears as a consequence of parental dissolution or birth to an unpartnered woman. There are studies of divorce and union separation in the Czech Republic but less is known about women who bear their children outside unions. The goal of the paper is to determine if the proportion of mothers who bear children without having a partner changes in time and if there is a change in the socio-demographic characteristics of mothers. As the data on unpartnered childbearing are limited, the paper also aims to map the available data sources and their possibilities and limitations. Two data sources are used to measure births to unpartnered mothers, the birth register (BR) and the Labour Force Survey (LFS). BR data include mothers of liveborn infants in 2007-2014 (n is 886,467) but do not contain a direct measure of family arrangement. Single mothers are defined as those who did not provide information about newborn´s father. The LFS data set is limited to households with a member under one year of age interviewed in 1993-2010 (n is 8,172). Single motherhood is defined as an absence of mother´s partner in the household. Results about single motherhood are reported for all house holds and for those headed by one of the infant´s parents. The main independent variable is time period. Three maternal characteristics are controlled for, namely education, age, and parity. The proportion of children with unidentified fathers declined slightly from about 10% in 2007 to 8% in 2014. Both measures of unpartnered childbearing based on household composition suggest a growing trend in the 1993-2007 period and then stabilisation. The proportion of mothers without partners among all households with an infant rose from 7% (1993-1995) to 12-13% (2005-2010). As for households headed by child’s single parent, the number of single mothers is underestimated because a substantial proportion of tem live in households headed by other persons. There is a growing trend from 3% to 8%. These figures also indicate that the proportion of single mothers who live in their own households increased from 37% (1993-1995) to 60% (2008-2010). Logistic regression was used to test if the trends apply to mothers in all socio-demographic groups. The results suggest that each of the measures of unpartnered motherhood is strongly associated with low (i.e. primary) education, first parity, and low or high age of mothers (up to 25 or above 35 y.o.). Interaction between time period and maternal characteristics shows that the decline in the non-identification of fathers occured in all groups of mothers except those with low (i.e. primary or vocational) education and those of third or higher parity. These groups show a growing tendency not to acknowledge fathers. The absence of fathers in households with infants exhibited a similar trend in all groups of mothers. In sum, different definitions result in different estimates of unpartnered motherhood. Depending on the measure, the ratio of births outside unions was estimated between 8% and 12% at the end of the 2000s (i.e. the time period of 2008-2010 when all of the time series overlap). Measurement based on the absence of father in any type of household provides the highest estimate of the proportion of unpartnered childbearing, while the other two measures lead to lower estimates. The results regarding temporal trends in unpartnered childbearing also depend on measurement. This suggests that the absence of coresident partner and denial of information about child´s father are different events and they are likely to further differentiate in the future., Martina Štípková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studie se v první řadě zabývá otázkou, jaké tresty a odměny jsou v současnosti používány ve skautských oddílech. Zajímalo nás, zda se mezi českými oddíly najdou takové, které tresty a odměny ze svého repertoáru zcela vyřadily a naopak, zda existují oddíly, které se důsledně drží tradičních výchovných metod. Dále se ptáme, zda samotní vedoucí vnímají změnu ve výchovné motivaci v oddílech, kde prožili své dětství a kde nyní působí. Výzkum se zabývá také otázkou, zda děti a vedoucí z jednoho oddílu vnímají výchovné prostředky stejně nebo rozdílně. Konečně se snažíme odpovědět na to, zda systém výchovných prostředků ovlivňuje vztah mezi vedoucím a dítětem.
Výzkumu se zúčastnilo celkem 131 probandů ze 14 skautských oddílů, z toho 3 oddíly byly vodní, 11 oddílů pěších. Data byla sesbírána formou nově vytvořeného kvalitativního dotazníku, který vycházel z již dříve uskutečněných semistrukturovaných rozhovorů na stejné téma. Po vyplnění dotazníků následovala ještě diskuse všech zúčastněných členů jednotlivých oddílů. Aby bylo sbírání dat efektivnější, byl použit také on-line dotazník, který vyplnilo 18 probandů. U těchto účastníků nedošlo k následné diskusi.
Výsledky ukazují, že ve volbě výchovných prostředků se české skautské oddíly diametrálně odlišují. Existují oddíly, používající tvrdé tresty i oddíly, které tresty záměrně nepoužívají. V oblasti odměn jsou si oddíly více podobny, avšak rozdílný bývá účel, který má odměna plnit. Dle výzkumu existují v naší republice minimálně dva oddíly, kde již funguje poměrně nový „respektující přístup“, přijetí podobného přístupu je však velmi náročné a v rámci organizace, jakou je Český skaut, má prozatím své meze. and This study deals primarily with the question:„Which punishment and rewards are used by contemporary Czech scout guides?“. Our goal was to find out if there is any scout group, where no punishment and rewards are being used and on the other hand, if there is any scout group, which strictly sticks to the old tradition of upbringing methods. Other goals are to verify: if the upbringing methods used by scout guides changed anyhow in time, if the system of upbringing methods influences the relationship between guides and children and if there is any difference between perceiving rewards and punishment by children and by guides.
The research attended 131 volunteers from 14 scout groups, thereof 11 were the terrestrial scout groups, the rest of them were water scouts. I chose the method of a qualitative questionnaire, which was created on the basis of previous interview, used in the pilot study. After filling out the questionnaires, there was also a thematic discussion involving all members of the particular groups. 18 volunteers filled out an on-line form of questionnaire, without following discussion. The results show that there is a big difference between the upbringing methods used by various Czech scout guides. The research revealed two scout groups, guides of which use the alternative upbringing methods, based on respectful access to children. This means that systems like that can work in scout groups, but we find making this big change of access to children very hard, because of the socio-historical context of our country. The other results say that the system of raising methods does influence the relationship between a guide and a child. The majority of Czech scout groups have changed these methods in accordance with development of education in society.
In the present text I have attempted to describe the profession of elementary school teacher and the changes it underwent in the last quarter of the 18th century. At that time, the education of the majority of children between the ages of six and twelve or thirteen was mostly in the hands of village schoolmasters, and these are my primary focus. Following the reform of the education system by Maria Teresa, teachers in Bohemia and Moravia were trained predominantly in what were known as preparanda at the Normal School in Prague. Their training differed from that of their predecessors in that their knowledge was now tested in examinations, with greater emphasis on teaching methods and closer supervision. Drawing on lists of teacher training graduates and other sources, I have analysed how many graduated every year and under what conditions, what textbooks they later used in the classroom, and the official view of pedagogy at that time. From those lists I was able to conclude that graduates who only spoke Czech ended up teaching only in small Czech-medium village schools. By looking at certain individual teachers more closely (such as the composer Jakub Jan Ryba, the pastor Tomáš Juren and several members of the Vlach family of teachers from Boleslav), my aim was to describe in outline the career of these "Czech" village schoolmasters, their motivation, level of knowledge, and deduce what they probably taught. From 1787 on, they were subject to inspection by regional school commissioners. I focussed on the first sixteen of these (one for each region), noting in particular how they were selected, their duties and aims. For it is they who were the guarantors of the new school system and the disseminators of the new thinking.As a result of the reforms, mandatory training and more exacting standards, elementary school teachers were able to improve their social standing and prestige., Michal Kneblík., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy