This article focuses on the relationship between young adults’ cognitive abilities and individual partner preferences. We worked with the Preference NSZ 2017 data set, which contains data on partner preferences and the results of the National Comparative Secondary-School Exams of Czech high school graduates, and our analyses, using logistic regression, confirmed a tendency towards homophily on the level of cognitive abilities and university education. Young people with above-average results place more importance on agreement in political opinions, but do not regard the partner’s homemaking abilities or financial situation as too important. The results further show that partner preferences differ according to the education capital of the background family and according to preferred partnership arrangement. We also find significant differences in the partner preferences of men and women that reflect ideas about traditional gender roles. Women favour characteristics that relate to status, and men assign more importance to physical looks.
V príspevku sú opísané teoretické a metodologické východiská konštrukcie dynamického testu latentných učebných schopností detí zo sociálne znevýhodňujúceho prostredia. Autori za teoretické východisko meraného znaku navrhujú teóriu inteligencie Campioneho a Brownovej (1978). Zatiaľ čo tradičné testy inteligencie zisťujú obvykle to, koľko, resp. čo sa osoba naučila z toho, čo je testované, dynamické testy latentných učebných schopností majú ambíciu odhadnúť to, v akej miere je dieťa schopné sa učiť. Charakterizované sú základné princípy dynamického testovania, ktoré sú spravidla aplikované v dvoch formách: ako dlhodobé alebo krátkodobé učebné testy, ktoré sa od seba líšia v dĺžke trvania učiacej fázy. Opísaný je návrh modelu krátkodobého dynamického testu, ktorý využíva na meranie latentných učebných schopností úlohy, ktoré majú povahu pre dieťa subjektívne nových problémov. V závere príspevku sú navrhnuté psychometrické postupy probabilistickej teórie testov, ktoré je možné využiť pri overovaní vlastností testových úloh pre tento typ testu a navrhnuté sú pravidlá pre výber vhodných položiek a pre tvorbu štandardizovanej pomoci.
Sex and gender matter in all aspects of life. Humans exhibit sexual dimorphism in anatomy, physiology, but also pathology. Many of the differences are due to sex chromosomes and, thus, genetics, other due to endocrine factors such as sex hormones, some are of social origin. Over the past decades, huge number of scientific studies have revealed striking sex differences of the human brain with remarkable behavioral and cognitive consequences. Prenatal and postnatal testosterone influence brain structures and functions, respectively. Cognitive sex differences include especially certain spatial and language tasks, but they also affect many other aspects of the neurotypical brain. Sex differences of the brain are also relevant for the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorders, which are much more prevalent in the male population. Structural dimorphism in the human brain was welldescribed, but recent controversies now question its importance. On the other hand, solid evidence exists regarding gender differences in several brain functions. This review tries to summarize the current understanding of the complexity of the effects of testosterone on brain with special focus on their role in the known sex differences in healthy individuals and people in the autism spectrum.