Oxidative stress is a phenomenon associated with imbalance between production of free radicals and reactive metabolites (e.g. superoxide and hydrogen peroxide) and the antioxidant defences. Oxidative stress in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) has been associated with trisomy of the 21st chromosome resulting in DS phenotype as well as with various morphological abnormalities, immune disorders, intellectual disability, premature aging and other biochemical abnormalities. Trisomy 21 in patients with DS results in increased activity of an important antioxidant enzyme Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) which gene is located on the 21st chromosome along with other proteins such as transcription factor Ets-2, stress inducing factors (DSCR1) and precursor of beta-amyloid protein responsible for the formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer disease. Mentioned proteins are involved in the management of mitochondrial function, thereby promoting mitochondrial theory of aging also in people with DS. In defence against toxic effects of free radicals and their metabolites organism has built antioxidant defence systems. Their lack and reduced function increases oxidative stress resulting in disruption of the structure of important biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. This leads to their dysfunctions affecting pathophysiology of organs and the whole organism. This paper examines the impact of antioxidant interventions as well as positive effect of physical exercise on cognitive and learning disabilities of individuals with DS. Potential terapeutic targets on the molecular level (oxidative stress markers, gene for DYRK1A, neutrophic factor BDNF) after intervention of natural polyphenols are also discussed., J. Muchová, I Žitňanová, Z. Ďuračková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Príspevok sa zaoberá komparáciou definovania a konceptuálneho vymedzenia pojmov kognitívny proces, kognitívna funkcia a kognitívna schopnosť. Načrtáva kategorizáciu kognitívnych procesov na horizontálnej i vertikálnej úrovni. Špecifikuje tri prístupy k definovaniu pojmu kognitívna funkcia vo vzťahu k definovaniu pojmu kognitívny proces. Na kognitívnu funkciu je nazerané ako na úlohu alebo algoritmus, kognitívny proces predstavuje skôr priebeh danej funkcie. Kognitívna schopnosť následne vyjadruje možnosť, prípadne kvalitu procesu alebo funkcie. Rozdiely medzi kognitívnymi procesmi a funkciami a ich vzťah je vysvetlený na základe kritérií rýchlosti, viditeľnosti a hierarchie. V záverečnej časti príspevok analyzuje rozdiel medzi pojmom kognitívny proces a kognitívna schopnosť. Teoretický rámec vymedzenia a analýzy pojmov je reprezentovaný okrem psychológie aj pomocou matematiky. Je pritom vzatý do úvahy aj jazykovedný základ uvedených pojmov. Príspevok reaguje na potrebu precízovania odbornej terminológie v rámci prieniku psychologických pojmov do diskurzov spoločenských vied., The paper deals with the comparison of defining and conceptual delineating the concepts cognitive processes, cognitive functions, and cognitive abilities. The categorization of cognitive processes on horizontal and vertical level is sketched. Three approaches to defining the concept of cognitive function in the relation to defining the concept of cognitive process are specified. The cognitive function is regarded as a task or algorithm, the cognitive process presents rather the course of the given function. The cognitive ability expresses the alternative or the quality of the process or function. The differences among cognitive processes and functions and their relations are explained on the basis of criteria of speed, visibility, and hierarchy. In the concluding part, the paper analyzes the difference between the concept of cognitive process and cognitive ability. The theoretical framework for delineation and analysis of concepts is represented besides psychology also by means of mathematics. The linguistic basis of mentioned concepts is also taken into account. The paper responds to the need to precise the terminology in the scope of breakthrough of psychological concepts into the social sciences discourses., autoři., and Obsahuje seznam literatury