This article discusses the way in which three different generations
of Lithuanian patriots defined their relationship with the Czech national movement; how the Czech national movement influenced the development of the Lithuanian national movement in the 19th century. The article is methodologically based on a three-stage periodization of the national movement provided by historian, Miroslav Hroch. It draws information primarily on the basis of text analysis of the journals Teka Wileńska, Aušra, and Varpas, which
can be regarded as generational ideological platforms, and correspondence and memories of activists. The author researches the difference in the motivation of Lithuaanian-Polish patriots on one hand and, on the other, by later generations activists of the Lithuanian national movement. and Obsahuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
This paper aims to examine whether self-reported home valuations can be a substitute for objective market data in studies on the level of housing wealth inequality. In order to achieve this aim, information on subjective values of flats and their features in Warsaw (Poland) and Prague (Czechia) was used. Next, hedonic models were estimated to calculate the objective values of these residential properties. The results indicated that, on average, homeowners overestimated their real estate by 2.10% in Warsaw and underestimated by 5.49% in Prague. Finally, using tests for the equality of variances, it was examined whether the level of housing wealth inequality differed significantly when calculated using subjective and objective home values. The findings showed that self-reported home values cannot serve as a perfect proxy for market values when assessing the level of housing wealth inequality in both cities.
Článek se zabývá vyhodnocením nově provedených i starších fyzikálně-chemických rozborů amorfních sklovitých a struskovitých hrudek i skelných povlaků na keramických nádobách z Prahy. Ke zkoumání bylo využito elektronové mikroanalýzy (EDX analyzátor), elektronového mikroskopu (Cam Scan S4) a optické emisní spektrografie. Výsledky stanovení naznačují, že v pražském podhradí docházelo k záměrné tavbě sklářských surovin již v raném středověku. Diskutovány jsou otázky možnosti výroby skleněných předmětů i využití skelných hmot s příměsí olova k hutnickým účelům. Pozornost je též věnována problematice tzv. technických misek s polevou z pražských nálezů 12. a 13. století. and The paper evaluates previous and newly conducted physico-chemical analyses of amorphous vitreous and slag-like lumps as well as vitreous coatings on ceramic vessels from Prague. The study employed electron microanalysis (EDX analyser), electron microscope (CamScan S4) and optical emission spectrography. The results of the determinations indicate that deliberate smelting of glassworking raw material in the suburbium of the Prague Castle dates back to Early Middle Ages already. Possible manufacture of glass objects and the use of glass materials with lead addition for metallurgical purposes are discussed. Attention is also given to the problem of the so-called glazed technological bowls from Prague finds of the 12th and 13th centuries.
Text se věnuje zhodnocení souboru kachlů a forem k jejich výrobě, získanému při výzkumu dosud jediné archeologicky zkoumané renesanční hrnčířské dílny v Praze. Ze zadní části parcely domu č. p. 1111 v Truhlářské ul. na Novém Městě, kde v l. 1531–1572 fungovala dílna hrnčíře Adama Špačka, byl z vrstev výrobního odpadu získán soubor zlomků 66 forem k výrobě kachlů a dalších kamnových doplňků. Kromě zlomků forem bylo identifikováno 167 rozdílných motivů na kachlích; včetně forem je v souboru zastoupeno 195 různých reliéfů. Šestnáct z nich patří přitom mezi kachle označované jako gotické; některé z nich byly až dosud datovány před konec 15. století. Jejich výroba ve Špačkově dílně dokládá přežívání těchto motivů přinejmenším do 1. pol. 16. stol., v kamnovém tělese pak mohly sloužit i později. V řadě případů se porovnáním kachlů vyrobených v této dílně s exempláři se stejným reliéfem z jiných lokalit (především z Pražského hradu) podařilo prokázat jejich společný původ, jindy toto srovnání přináší zajímavé informace o možných způsobech šíření jednotlivých motivů do různých hrnčířských dílen. Lze soudit, že dílna Adama Špačka byla na výrobu kachlů speciálně zaměřena a že v této činnosti patřila k nejlepším. and The text presents an evaluation of the assemblage of stove tiles and the moulds used in their production acquired during excavations of the single Renaissance pottery workshop in Prague to have undergone archaeological study to date. An assemblage of 66 mould fragments and additional stove accessories were obtained from production waste layers in the rear section of the lot of house no. 1111 in Truhlářská St. in Prague’s New Town, where the pottery workshop of Adam Špaček was in operation between the years of 1531 and 1572. In addition to mould fragments, 167 different motifs were identified on the tiles; therefore, including the moulds, the assemblage contains 195 various reliefs. Sixteen of these reliefs are those identified as Gothic; several of the reliefs had been dated until now to the period prior to the end of the 15th century. Their production in Špaček’s workshop documents the persistence of these motifs at least into the first half of the 16th century; they could have then been used on stoves even later. In many cases comparisons of tiles produced in this workshop with specimens bearing the same relief from other locations (Prague Castle in particular) demonstrated their common origin; in other cases these comparisons have produced interesting information concerning possible methods for the spread of individual motifs to various pottery workshops. It is possible to conclude that Adam Špaček’s pottery workshop specialized in the production of stove tiles and was one of the best facilities for the production of these items.
Karpologické a xylotomické analýze bylo podrobeno 18 vzorků náplavových sedimentů ze zaniklého vedlejšího ramene Vltavy v sousedství Malé Strany v Praze. Lokalita se ve středověku nacházela vně městského opevnění v říčním korytu, protékaném vodou jen za povodní. Náplavy byly datovány metodou 14C (99,7 %) do rozmezí 770–990 A. D. až 1160–1282 A. D., podle keramiky do závěru 10. až poč. 14. století. Rostlinné makrozbytky – 23 399 diaspor + fragmenty diaspor, dřeva, uhlíků aj. – nejméně 300 taxonů bylin a dřevin prokázaly smíšený charakter sedimentu. Část makrozbytků měla původ v sedimentačním prostoru, část projevila spojitost se sousedícím sídlištěm, ostatní byly splaveny řekou. Ve srovnání s analyzovanými soubory z městského jádra Malé Strany je kolekce z říčního sedimentu bohatší o ca 50 %. Výsledky byly konfrontovány se závěry pylové analýzy z téže lokality, s nálezovými soubory z městského jádra Malé Strany a s nálezy makrozbytků z mimopražských raně středověkých lokalit situovaných do slepých říčních ramen. and 18 samples from alluvial deposits extracted from a defunct side branch of the river Vltava in the neighbourhood of the medieval Lesser Town in Prague were submitted to carpological and xylotomical analyses. The site was situated outside the fortification in the river channel through which water used to flow only during floods. The alluvial deposits were dated by means of 14C method (up to 99.7 %) to the period between 770–990 A.D. and 1160–1282 A.D., according to the pottery to the end of the 10th till the beginning of the 14th centuries. The vegetal macroremains – 23 399 diasporas + fragments of disaporas, wood, charcoal, etc. – at least 300 taxa of herbs and woody plants demonstrated mixed character of the sediment. The origin of a part of the macroremains was in the sedimentation area, a part showed relation with the neighbouring settlement; the others were washed down by the river. It was the river itself and the floods, which became more devastating after 1250 A.D., that took part in enlarging the collection of the species by about 50 % compared with the sets from the historical core of the Lesser Town. The results were compared with the outcomes of pollen analysis from the same location, with the early medieval sets of finds from the core of the Lesser Town and partially from the Czech early medieval sites situated into dead river branches.
Výrazný nárůst pramenné základny archeologických dokladů středověké výroby a zpracování železa z historického jádra Prahy, především po roce 1989, vyvolal potřebu provést nové zhodnocení geneze této nezemědělské činnosti, která významným způsobem ovlivnila počátky a postupné utváření pražské sídlištní aglomerace v období od 9. do 1. poloviny 13. století. Rekapitulace starých a prezentace nových nálezů umožnila vytvořit zcela nečekaný rekonstrukční obraz, ze kterého je zřejmá dynamičnost železářských aktivit v čase a prostoru. Vedle otázek spojených s dislokací a genezí výrobních areálů na ploše města je v této práci řešena neméně důležitá a v řadě případů klíčová otázka spojená s problematikou surovinových zdrojů a jejich těžby na území dnešní Prahy. and A considerable increase in source material providing archaeological evidence of the Medieval production and working of iron in the historic core of Prague, particularly post–1989, has created a need to undertake a new evaluation of the genesis of such non–agricultural activities, which in a significant manner affected the origins and gradual formation of the Prague settlement agglomeration from the 9th to the first half of the 13th centuries. The recapitulation of older and presentation of newer finds enables the creation of an entirely unexpected reconstruction, a picture from which the dynamism of metallurgical activities both spatially and temporally is clear. Alongside questions associated with the dislocation and genesis of production areas within the city’s bounds, this work also resolves other no less important questions linked to the problem of raw material resources and their exploitation in the area of today’s Prague.
The main aim of this article is to present a new interpretation of the decoration of the lateral facade of the Augustinian Church of St Thomas in the Lesser Town of Prague, which was created during the reconstruction of the church by its architect Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer in the first third of the 18th century. Drawing on recently discovered sources, it provides a new interpretation of the emblematic decoration of the portal of the lateral facade, both in the context of the painted decoration of the church interior and in relation to the social and theological conditions of the time. In particular, it proposes an interpretation of the four metopes in the entablature of the Doric order, for which the author or commissioner of the Baroque rebuilding of the church probably found inspiration in the emblematic album Devises et Emblèmes Anciennes & Modernes by the late 17th-century French writer and emblematist Daniel de La Feuille, on the basis of which the symbolism of these four metopes can be interpreted. The meaning of these four metopes is then related in the context of the entire decoration of the lateral facade of the temple also within the symbolism of the columnar orders, in this particular case the use of the Doric order. As it appears, the entire decoration of the lateral facade was systematically and purposefully chosen by the architect and contains extraordinary Christological symbolism that may be hidden to the modern observer at first glance.
a1_This study aims to present the physician Johann Melitsch (1763–1837) as a courageous reformer who presented a specific alternative to the étatist model of healthcare reforms implemented by the Habsburg monarchy in the 18th century. As obstetrics was the focus of Melitsch’s reform activities, the paper also contributes to the broader issue of the professionalisation of obstetrics at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 1780s, Joseph II decided to use the assets of the secularised monasteries and hospitals to form a state complex of various health and social care facilities in the capitals of the Habsburg “provinces”. Where conditions and proximity to the university allowed, the first real “clinics”, i.e. hospitals linked to the teaching of medicine (and therefore science), were established: this was the case, for example, in Vienna and Prague. General hospitals formed the core of these complexes; maternity hospitals were also built, primarily for unmarried mothers, to prevent infanticide, but also as a source of female bodies for young medical students, who otherwise generally did not have the opportunity to learn about pregnancy and childbirth. At the same time, a young doctor who had just finished medical school in Prague, the twenty-fouryear- old Johann Melitsch, the son of a cabinet-maker, decided to undertake another project: a Privatentbindungsanstalt, ie. private outpatient maternity clinic. It was designed for married but poor women and also offered the opportunity of midwifery practice to medical students. Thanks to a family inheritance and his wife’s dowry, he was indeed able to found such an institution. And with donations from wealthy patrons from the nobility, he was able to provide small financial rewards or medicines to his patients. His assistants were students. and a2_Melitsch later extended his outpatient care, which was also improved by the “district doctors”, to sick women and children in general and thus offered a counterpart to the “stationary” type of state general hospital. In 1793, he was finally appointed professor at the Prague Faculty of Medicine – but only after the intervention of Emperor Francis I himself, who also granted this institution a “public right”. In 1795 Melitsch drew up a proposal – also probably the first in the Habsburg monarchy – for health insurance for low-income segments of the population. However, this system was never put into practice. In this predominantly Catholic monarchy, where hospitals had hitherto operated mainly on a church or municipal basis and where there was a clear tendency in Melitsch’s time to create a purely state-run health service, this was an exceptional case. The paper is also a contribution to the broader issue of the professionalisation of midwifery at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. Besides that, Melitsch is considered to be the first doctor in the Czech lands to perform a successful caesarean section in which both mother and child survived.
The article examines how different social and urban processes were reflected in the spatial patterns of three dimensions of population structure (demographic, socio-economic, and ethnic statuses) in Prague during the socialist and post-socialist periods. The article has three main objectives. First, it analyses inertia and change in socio-spatial patterns and evaluates the processes that have influenced them. Second, it investigates how the importance of all three statuses in the spatial differentiation of urban space has evolved. Third, the article focuses on the level of geographical variability as recorded within different spatial scales, and the development of this variability. It examines selected indicators of socio-economic, demographic, and ethnic statuses by employing detailed statistical data on the level of basic settlement units from the Population Censuses held in 1970, 1991, and 2011. The results confirm that the most significant changes in socio-spatial patterns between socialism and post-socialism can be observed for ethnic spatial differentiation. In addition, the city witnessed considerable changes in demographic spatial patterns in both periods, while socio-economic spatial patterns have remained relatively stable. New socio-spatial processes driven predominantly by movements of young and better-off populations have taken place in previously less attractive neighbourhoods. As a result, very different populations often live side-by-side in contemporary Prague.
Soubory zvířecích kostí a zubů datované do 8. až 14. století byly shromážděny při archeologických výzkumech na několika místech Prahy (Pražský hrad, Malá Strana a Staré Město). Získaný osteologický materiál představuje odpad vznikající převážně při úpravě a konzumaci masa. Jeho detailní vyhodnocení se zaměřením na druhové složení, úmrtní věk a pohlaví zvířat přináší bližší informace nejen o složení stravy a kvalitě masa, ale i využívání dalších živočišných produktů. Porovnáním více souborů na prostorové a časové úrovni jsme se pokusili lépe porozumět trendům v hospodaření se zvířaty a spotřebě jejich produktů v prostoru středověké Prahy. and Assemblages of animal bones and teeth dated to the 8th–14th century AD were collected during archaeological excavations at several Prague locations (Prague Castle, Lesser Town and Old Town). The acquired osteological material is waste resulting mainly from the butchering and consumption of meat. A detailed evaluation of this material with a focus on the taxonomic representation, the slaughter age and the sex of the animals provides more detailed information on both the composition of the diet and the quality of meat, but also the use of other animal products. By means of a comparison of multiple assemblages on the spatial and temporal level, we attempted to gain a better understanding of the trends in animal husbandry and the consumption of their products in medieval Prague.