The paper is focused on an analysis of eight manuscripts of the Bavarian editions of Wenceslas legend Crescente fide (c. 970) from the period before the year 1200 (today Admont, Munich, Zurich, and the Vatican). The result is the finding that the text spreads especially in the Bavarian area; we know with certainty that the two manuscripts were created in Admont, one was copied in Tegernsee, respectively in Benediktbeuren and the other two may be connected (at least on the basis of paleographic arguments) also with the Bavarian environment. Furthermore we know on basis of the comparison of transcripts that manuscripts Admont 412, Admont 654, CLM 4605 (Benediktbeuren) and CLM 18547b (Tegernsee) are mutually related, while the manuscript of unknown origin CLM 332 is textually close to the Vatican Reginensis Latinus 498. Due to the fact, that it would be difficult to trace the linkage of the majority of manuscripts on the Czech or Moravian environment, it seems more likely that the text spreads through a limited number of Bavarian religious centers (Nieder Alta?, Regensburg?). and Wir haben uns mit acht ältesten Handschriften der Legende Crescente fide beschäftigt, die um 970 um die Stadt Regensburg oder in Prag verfasst worden sei. Sie sind in München, Admont, Zürich und Vatikan aufbewahrt. Die Analyse der Handschriftenüberlieferung hat gezeigt, dass sie besonders mit dem bayerischen Raum verknüpft worden sind – mit Sicherheit wurde der Text in Tegernsee und Benediktbeuren abgeschrieben; vielleicht sind die weiteren zwei Handschriften in Admont entstanden. Wir wissen auch, dass die Hss. Admont 412 und 654 mit den Hss. CLM 4605 und CLM 18547b miteinander verwandt sind. Demgegenüber steht CLM 332 dem Vatic. Reginensis Latinus 498 nahe. Weiter können wir voraussetzen, dass es nur wenige Kirchenzentren gab, durch die die Ehre zum hl. Wenzel (und das Wissen über Böhmen) vermittelt worden ist.
The following paper is based on some of the Slovak authors composing in the first half of 20th century reflecting religious though of T. G. Masaryk. The paper detects three basic thesis of Masaryk's religious philosophy in these reflections. Furthermore, it examines whether theological thoughts are unchangeable or are possibly being historically modified. Masaryk considers theology as mythology that is in conflict with science. According to present knowledge theological thoughts are denoted as irrelevant. The paper aims to theological thoughts should not be defended as an objective truth and as a relevant ontological theory. The conflict belief and science is artificial, because both phenomena means essentially different attitude in examination and explanation of the world. The religion is not just a theory for Masaryk, but above all life praxis.
This paper focuses on a unique and yet overlooked source which offers an interesting insight into the daily life of a late-medieval Italian castle during a time of war. It is a list of the guards as well as the other defenders of the castle of Collalto (north of Treviso) from 1373, which also contains a set of rules for them. After a short introduction to the history of the Collalto family and a description of the source, the author offers some theories as to what circumstances and motives may have led the lord of the castle, Count Rambaldo IX di Collalto, to drawing up the document in question. Subsequently, the source is used to analyse the social structure of the garrison and the defence system of the castle of Collalto.
This study introduces the reader to the on-going re-edition of the abstracts of Emperor Sigismund's charters within the Regesta Imperiiseries and their parallel publication at the RI-online portal. The project team prepares new volumes containing Sigismund's charters from the Czech Lands and Hungary, while simultaneously a partial emendation of the existing old abstracts by Wilhelm Altmann in the RI-online database is undertaken, due to the complications caused up to now by their brevity and their system of abbreviations.
The paper presents a new project, focused on the digitization of the normative regulations from the Early Modern Period for Moravia. It is aimed at the description of their function in society and emphasizes their significant role for the sovereign's regulation of the behaviour of the populace in various areas of life. Despite that, they have not been systematically treated so far by researchers. Digitization is to help make this important source collection accessible.
This article deals with the image of the first rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in German chronicles. The aim of the work is to reconstruct the image of Pagan and Christian rulers of the emerging state, marking out similarities and differences, and to characterize the legitimacy of their status as monarchs in the eyes of German chroniclers based on the religion of the Lithuanian dukes. The article mainly focuses on Mindaugas, Vytenis and Gediminas, the most powerful and dynamic figures from the initial period of the foundation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The Florentine historian and politician, Francesco Guicciardini, played a key role in Renaissance culture and his works contributed to the heated debate between the Catholic and Reformed churches. A diplomat and adviser to the Medici Family and the Papacy, his work left a crucial mark during his lifetime, and between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries his texts made the long journey through Europe, meeting with considerable appreciation. Leading thinkers, editors, printers, kings and military leaders published,and read his works, and this paper aims to shed light upon this important moment in the dissemination of Renaissance culture.
This article describes the manuscript of Thomas Cisterciensis Commentaria in Cantica canticorum, which is deposited in the library of Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov.