This paper focuses on a unique and yet overlooked source which offers an interesting insight into the daily life of a late-medieval Italian castle during a time of war. It is a list of the guards as well as the other defenders of the castle of Collalto (north of Treviso) from 1373, which also contains a set of rules for them. After a short introduction to the history of the Collalto family and a description of the source, the author offers some theories as to what circumstances and motives may have led the lord of the castle, Count Rambaldo IX di Collalto, to drawing up the document in question. Subsequently, the source is used to analyse the social structure of the garrison and the defence system of the castle of Collalto.
his study analyzes one of the negative aspects of the history of Crusades. Some of the events that occurred during the Fourth Crusade cause controversy even today — especially the conquest of the Byzantine capital of Constantinople in 1204. his act was preceded by the conquest of the Dalmatian city of Zadar. Here the Crusaders abandoned their original plans to conquer Egypt. he French Crusaders, who were in financial distress, were forced to accept the plans of Venice, and one of these plans was to capture the strategically important town of Zadar. his attack took place in November 1202. he episode outraged not only the Pope, but also the Hungarian king, due to his role as the ruler of Croatia and Dalmatia. Several other aspects played a significant role here; two of these were a dispute over the church jurisdiction and the issue of heresy. These aspects, as well as the Hungarian counterattack, have been rather neglected in the historical literature. and Štúdia analyzuje jeden z negatívnych javov v rámci dejín križiackych výprav. Počas IV. križiackej výpravy prišlo k udalostiam, ktoré dodnes vyvolávajú kontroverziu. Predovšetkým išlo o dobytie hlavného mesta Byzancie, Konštantínopolu v roku 1204. Tomuto aktu predchádzalo dobytie dalmátskeho mesta Zadar. Pôvodný križiacky projekt smerujúci do Egypta bol zabudnutý. Francúzski križiaci, nútení inančnou tiesňou, museli prijať benátske plány. Jedným z nich bolo získanie strategického Zadaru. Samotný útok sa uskutočnil v novembri 1202. Táto epizóda vyvolala rozhorčenie zo strany pápeža a tiež zo strany uhorského kráľa ako panovníka Chorvátska a Dalmácie. Značnú úlohu tu zohrávali viaceré aspekty. Medzi ne patrili aj jurisdikčný spor či otázka herézy. Medzi opomenuté faktory v historickej literatúre patrila aj uhorská odvetná akcia.