Text John Toland a jeho Křesťanství bez mystérií sestává ze dvou provázaných částí. První část představuje stručné biografické pojednání o Johnu Tolandovi (1670–1722), v němž se mimo jiné snažíme předložit obecný úvod do jeho myšlení. Druhá část pak nabízí první český překlad předmluvy k Tolandovu nejznámějšímu spisu Christianity not Mysterious (1696), který je považován za základní impulz deistické diskuze na Britských ostrovech. and The text John Toland and His Christianity not Mysterious consists of two interconnected parts. The first part represents a brief biographical essay on John Toland (1670–1722), in which we also try to present a general introduction to Toland's thought. The second part presents the first Czech translation of the Preface to Toland's most famous treatise Christianity not Mysterious (1696) which is regarded as the main stimulus to the Deist discussion on the British Isles.
The following paper is based on some of the Slovak authors composing in the first half of 20th century reflecting religious though of T. G. Masaryk. The paper detects three basic thesis of Masaryk's religious philosophy in these reflections. Furthermore, it examines whether theological thoughts are unchangeable or are possibly being historically modified. Masaryk considers theology as mythology that is in conflict with science. According to present knowledge theological thoughts are denoted as irrelevant. The paper aims to theological thoughts should not be defended as an objective truth and as a relevant ontological theory. The conflict belief and science is artificial, because both phenomena means essentially different attitude in examination and explanation of the world. The religion is not just a theory for Masaryk, but above all life praxis.