Autor naznačuje způsob, jak uplatnit fenomenologii při studiu takových společenských jevů, jako je autorita. Ty představují osobní zážitky ve veřejném prostoru, zároveň subjektivní a objektivní, tedy doslova fenomena. Potíž s fenomenologií je její sklon k subjektivismu, který Husserl neúspěšně řeší pojetím transcendentálního ega a Heidegger pojetím rozhodné přítomnosti. Problém se jeví jako neřešitelný, pokud chápeme svět jako prvotně nesmyslný. Řešení je možné, pokud svět chápeme vitalisticky jako z podstaty smysluplně uspořádaný teleologickým zaměřením života k naplnění. Ani transcendentální ego, ani rozhodné Dasein nepotřebuje svět osmyslnit. Svět je předreflektivně smysluplný jako svět života, jak vystupuje u francouzských fenomenologů či v a-subjektivní fenomenologii Jana Patočky., The purpose of this study is to suggest a way of making phenomenology available for the study of social phenomena like authority, which the subject experiences in a public space. Phenomenology is ideally suited to the purpose – except for its inherent tendency to subjectivism. Neither Husserl’s solution – the transcendental ego – nor Heidegger’s solution – the entschlossene Dasein – will do. The problem remains insolvable as long as we regard the world as initially meaningless. It disappears when we set out with a vitalist conception of the world as intrinsically meaningful in virtue of the initial purposive orientation of life to fulfilment. Neither a transcendental ego, nor a determined Dasein, but life itself is the key to prereflective intelligibility, as in the work of French phenomenologists or in Jan Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology., and Marek Hrubec.
Autorka článku vypracovává kritickou diagnózu proměn konceptu emancipace žen, k nimž dochází jak v důsledku prosazování širších společensko-ekonomických změn, tak expanze trhu do většiny oblastí společenského života. V první části je stručně nastíněn historický kontext, v němž se rozvíjely snahy o prosazení feministického emancipačního projektu. Ačkoli se některé feministické požadavky postupně prosadily a staly se součástí hodnot euroatlantické kultury, emancipace žen ve smyslu odstranění útlaku a podřízení žen ve všech oblastech společenského života, tedy nejen v politické, ale i ekonomické, sociální a kulturní, se dosáhnout nepodařilo. Ve druhé části autorka ukazuje, že pozdní modernita uvedla do pohybu dynamiku, v jejímž rámci je koncept emancipace žen v procesu snah o jeho prosazení redefinován a v pozměněném společenském kontextu posléze deformován až do té míry, že se stává svou vlastní antitezí. Tradiční autoritářství, proti kterému se feministické pojetí emancipace vymezovalo, bylo v pozdně moderních společnostech nahrazeno mocensko-ekonomickou strukturou společnosti, ve které funguje trh jako autoritářský princip organizace společenských vztahů. Na základě reflexe této dynamiky autorka předkládá sociálně filosofický rozbor deformované emancipace. Ve třetí části obecnou tezi deformované emancipace aplikuje na specifické vztahy péče a problém komodifikace péče, jejichž prostřednictvím ilustruje zablokování emancipace žen trhem charakterizovaným autoritářskými imperativy., The author develops a critical diagnosis of the changing interpretations of the concept of emancipation of women due to broader socio-economic transformations and the expansion of the market into most domains of social life. In the first part she briefly outlines the historical context in which the feminist emancipation claims were put into practice. Even though some of these claims were successfully integrated into the body of Euro-Atlantic cultural norms, the emancipation of women, in the sense of the elimination of oppression and subjection of women in all aspects of social life, not only in political but also in economic, social and cultural life, has not been accomplished. In the second part, the author argues that late-modernity set into motion a dynamic in which the concept of emancipation was distorted to such a degree that it became its own antithesis. The traditional authoritarianism, against which feminist conception of emancipation was defined, was in late-modern societies replaced by the power-economic structure of society in which the market serves as the authoritarian principle for the organisation of social life. On the basis of reflection on this dynamic the author proposes a socio-philosophical analysis of distorted emancipation. In the final part, the author specifies the abstract thesis of distorted emancipation using care relations and the issue of commodification of care as a way to exemplify anti-emancipatory forces within the market with its authoritarian imperatives., and Zuzana Uhde.
The work of Jean Baudrillard has gained for itself large groups of followers and opponents alike. But Baudrillard is often misinterpreted by both camps. The reason for this, apart from anything else, is the characteristic way in which he gets hold of the “objects” of his interest. When reading his work one witnesses a tendency towards non-standard accounts of subject matter. He operates on the border of its significance and, at the same time, he often (quite intentionally) contradicts himself. In the article I present Baudrillard’s view of the productive theory and the dialectical method. I sketch the reasons why he condemns them and replaces them with the seductive theory-fiction or with theoretical terrorism and reversibility or even with symbolic exchange. These are the strategies by which, with passion, he comes to terms with objects. Many hitherto published studies of the theories of Jean Baudrillard tackle and focus on its concrete elements in contexts of the utmost diversity. This article, on the contrary, is concerned with the theoretico-methodological viewpoint, and it thus serves as a certain kind of general introduction to the investigation of the work of Jean Baudrillard. Baudrillard’s idiosyncratic method is introduced and comparisons are made. A characterisation and mutual comparison is made of the productive and seductive way of theorising. The study also points to the content of these, with stress being placed on Baudrillard’s seductive way. Last but not least theory-fiction, as an independent method, is brought into contrast with method of a dialectical stripe., Tomáš Zemčík., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Benedict ANDERSON, Představy společenství. Úvahy o původu a šíření nacionalismu . Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2008 ( Imagined
Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 1983, přeložil Petr Fantys). and [autor recenze] Radim Hladík.
Departing from the recent scholarship that acknowledges fundamental similarities in the post-colonial and the post-socialist experiences, the article argues that comparisons across these two contexts and paradigms prove themselves to be a useful tool for analysis of specific problems of transitioning societies. This claim is demonstrated by examination of the making of public history of the recent past in the Czech Republic and South Africa. Two authoritative aspects of public history are considered: the state-sanctioned commemoration and historiography. Whereas the South African state has sought by the means of transitional justice to reconcile the former victims and victimizers in a shared quest for the truth, the Czech state prioritizes legislative and judiciary assignment of retroactive blame. The South African historiography is closely tied to collective memory and prefers the approach of social history. The Czech historiography of the recent past is dominated by the totalitarian paradigm and prioritizes archival work. In both cases, the political and the historiographical projects seem to overlap in crucial points. It is suggested that the articulation of public history as either resentment or forgiveness may have been ultimately predetermined by the forms of resistance to the opressive regimes.
The article is devoted to the enterprise and state reactions against the impact of economic crisis on business R&D and innovation. It analyses strategic approaches and solution of enterprises during the crisis period with respect to ensuring competitiveness when the economy rebounds. There are used findings from surveys realised in the Czech Republic as well. The article is concluding with the context of general environment for business R&D by analysis of economic stimulus packages introduced by governments as measures in response to the crisis. and Karel Mráček.