The paper is a follow-up to the survey One Century of English Translations of Ján Kollár (1832–1931) and it aims to sum up and evaluate English book translations of Kollár since 1940. His appearance in five more anthologies from the 1940s to the 1970s together with previously analysed translations makes him the most frequently translated Slovak poet of all times into English although his working language was Czech. Some of the translations mentioned here are re-worked versions of previous translations (Selver), others are new (Ginsburg, French). From the point of view of versification, various methods to replace the original quantitative verse were adopted from accentual-syllabic or accentual substitution to the use of typical English form – blank verse. and Štúdia nadväzuje na náš prehľad Storočie anglických prekladov Jána Kollára (1832–1931) a jej cieľom je zosumarizovať a zhodnotiť anglické knižné preklady Kollára od 40. rokov 20. storočia. Jeho účasť v ďalších piatich antológiách v rozmedzí 40. až 70. rokov vedno s už skôr analyzovanými prekladmi dokazuje, že je najprekladanejším slovenským básnikom do angličtiny všetkých čias napriek tomu, že jeho pracovným jazykom bola čeština. Niektoré preklady uvádzané v tejto štúdii sú prepracovanými verziami skorších prekladov (Selver), iné sú nové (Ginsburg, French). Z verzifikačného hľadiska prekladatelia využili rozličné spôsoby náhrady pôvodnej časomiery od substitúcie sylabotonickým či tonickým veršom až po uplatnenie typického anglického verša – blankversu.
This article deals with the development of the love relationships between the protagonists in the romances Livistros and Rodamni and Byzantine Achilleid. Focusing on the female protagonists and their characters, it pursues the potential shifts in their demeanours towards their male counterparts. The method used for the analysis of the characters is the actantial model by A. J. Greimas. Firstly, the article shows how the process of courtship transformed from an act of persuading the female protagonist in Livistros and Rodamni to the rather straightforward wooing in the Achilleid, despite the use of similar courtship methods. Second, it shows that the behaviour of the female protagonists also shifted; the complexity and craftiness of Rodamni contrasts with the much more direct and decisive character of Polyxeni. The article provides evidence of a shift in the portrayal of the love relationships in erotic fiction as well as a tendency to portray the female protagonists of such works as being more self-reliant and open-hearted.
Text sa sústredil na vybrané autorské zámery na priblíženie osobnosti Fiodora Michajloviča Dostojevského. Tri knižné práce sa odlišným žánrovým spôsobom venujú vybratým úsekom zo života Dostojevského. Jadro žánrovej odlišnosti spočíva v genologickej problematike pri troch textoch, ktoré pracujú s faktom a fikciou. O žánrovej forme rozhodli dostupný materiál a dokumenty, s ktorými sa pracuje, a tendencia poskytnúť historickú biografiu, autorskú rekonštrukciu ako zaujímavú, či výnimočnú konkrétnu sekvenciu zo života alebo literárny príbeh na sprostredkovanie ľudského portrétu známeho spisovateľa. and The text focused on selected authors' intentions to bring the personality of Fiodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky closer to him. Three books are devoted to selected sections of Dostoevsky's life in a different genre. The core of genre difference lies in the genological issue of three texts that work with fact and fiction. The genre form was decided by the available material and documents that are being worked on and the tendency to provide a historical biography, an authorial reconstruction as an interesting or exceptional specific sequence from life or a literary story to convey the human portrait of a famous writer.