Rudolf Pokorný, český podporovateľ česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti, uskutočnil cesty na Slovensko, ktoré zásadným spôsobom ovplyvnili jeho nasledujúci profesijný vývoj a literárnu tvorbu. Predložená štúdia na základe archívnych materiálov objasňuje pozadie realizovaných príprav, prispieva k poznaniu osobných kontaktov autora a jeho ďalších aktivít. Zároveň sa zameriava na vybrané aspekty zobrazenia česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti v cestopise Z potulek po Slovensku I a II. Text českému čitateľovi objasňoval napríklad slovenskú geografiu a folklór, sociálnu otázku alebo literárne pomery. Aj z pohľadu aktuálneho, aj historického. Slovenské prostredie autor zobrazil ako "iné", ale predsa stále blízke. Zachytené reakcie osobností a dobovej tlače sa stali dôležitým svedectvom o autorových aktivitách. To neskôr ovplyvnilo budovanie česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti, pretože "základný kameň" už existoval. and Rudolf Pokorný, the Czech supporter of Czech-Slovak reciprocity in the 19th century, executed several trips to Slovakia. Those fundamentally influenced his subsequent professional development and literary work. The study clarifies the background of the implemented preparations, contributes to the knowledge of the author's personal contacts and other activities. It also focuses on selected aspects of depicting Czech-Slovak reciprocity in the travel book Wanderings across Slovakia I and II (Z potulek po Slovensku). The text explain Slovak geography and folklore, the social question and literary conditions, specifically intended for the Czech readers (that was the author's goal). The author portrayed the Slovak environment as "different", but still "same". The captured reactions of personalities and contemporary press became an important testimony to the author's activities.
Příspěvek se zabývá odkazem významného zástupce francouzské slavistiky 20. stol. Clauda Kastlera (1936– 2011), který jako představitel slovanské srovnávací jazykovědy přispěl k vědeckému a pedagogickému rozvoji bohemistických studií na Stendhalově univerzitě v Grenoblu (dnes Université Grenoble Alpes). Zájem o češtinu vyvolaly zejména události pražského jara 1968, kdy Kastler byl povolán na univerzitu. Vedle polské a ruské mluvnice svou pozornost zaměřil na komunikační a lingvodidaktický výzkum češtiny jako cizího jazyka, který se odrazil v jeho syntetizující, "praktické a promyšlené" mluvnici La langue tchèque (1995). Jako rusista vynikl monografií Un bolchévique fou de littérature (1995) o ruském prozaiku a literárním kritiku Alexandru Voronském. Svým dílem a pedagogickým působením navázal na silnou tradici francouzské kulturněhistorické a filologické slavistiky (E. Denis, A. Mazon, A. Meillet, L. Leger ad.). and The paper explores the legacy of Claude Kastler (1936–2011), a major figure in the 20th-century Slavonic studies in France whose research and teaching activities as the leading representative of the Slavonic comparative literature made him instrumental in the promotion of Czech Studies at the University of Grenoble (today the Université Grenoble Alpes). His interest in the Czech language was in particular due to the Prague Spring events of 1968, when he joined the University. Besides Polish and Russian grammar, Kastler's researches were focused on the communicative and linguodidactic study of Czech as a foreign language, which is reflected in his synthesising, "practical and well-designed" grammar of La langue tchèque (1995). Thus in both his works and teaching practice, Kastler followed in the distinguished tradition of cultural, historical, and philological studies of Slavonic nations in France (E. Denis, A. Mazon, A. Meillet, L. Leger, etc.).
Autorka opisuje dzieje recepcji twórczości C. K. Norwida w Czechach począwszy od pierwszych wzmianek (J. V. Frič w piśmie "Rodinná kronika" w 1863 roku) poprzez omówienie stosunku do poety twórców kręgu pism "Slovanský přehled" (red. Adolf Černý) i organu czeskich modernistów "Moderní Revue" (którego redaktorzy utrzymywali bliskie kontakty z rewelatorem Norwida – Zenonem Przesmyckim) oraz kręgu pisarzy katolickich (zwłaszcza wywodzących się z tzw. Moderny Katolickiej) aż po bogate, w bardzo wysokich nakładach wydane tłumaczenia Jana Pilařa z lat 70. i 80. XX wieku. and The author describes long history of reception of C. K. Norwid's work in the Czech lands, starting from the first mentions (J. V. Frič in "Rodinná kronika", 1863) by discussing the attitude of the editors of reviews "Slovanský přehled" (ed. Adolf Černý), "Moderní revue" and Catholic writers (especially those connected with so-called Catholic Modern) to the sumptuous translations and editions by Jan Pilař from the 1970s and 1980s.
This paper focuses on the design principles and features of the 'Digital Solomos' project, a digital edition of the corpus of Dionysios Solomos' manuscripts that is currently being developed at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The digital edition in question will include digital facsimiles of almost all of Solomos' draft manuscripts (provided by the institutes where they are housed) as well as digital tools to enhance the reader's interaction with the digital surrogates and the transcribed text. After a brief overview of the editing traditions developed around the editorial problem of Solomos' unfinished works, the paper focuses on the relationship between the digital edition under development and the groundbreaking diplomatic edition that Linos Politis envisioned and compiled in 1964. The features of the diplomatic digital edition are then described, namely its layout and the options it provides for manipulating the document facsimiles and analyzing the texts contained within them. Finally, the paper's closing section refers to the design and characteristics of the digital genetic edition of Funeral Ode II, a small poem by Dionysios Solomos, which will be the first (experimental) genetic edition to be included within the 'Digital Solomos' project.