Using passive hair traps to obtain genetic material from wild mammals is an effective form of testing the abundance of animal populations. Based on genetic analysis of collected hair, it is possible to estimate the number and sex of individuals present in a given area. The aim of this study was to confirm the success of the method of collecting hair from beavers in a non-invasive way, as well as to determine the effectiveness of using passive hair traps as sampling tools that can be applied in different regions. The study was carried out in the area of Stobrawa Landscape Park (southwestern Poland) between December 2017 and May 2018. For 17 control days, 12 samples were obtained, which gave the result of 0.7 samples per control day. This study shows that the proposed method, due to its simplicity and efficiency, could be a cost-effective way of collecting hair from free-ranging beavers without the need for capturing individuals.
Light trapping is the most widely used tool for determining the diversity of nocturnal Lepidoptera, but UV LEDs have yet to be used as light sources for the large-scale monitoring of Lepidoptera. We assessed the efficiency of this novel light source for sampling moths using a Heath type moth equipped with a strip of 150 high brightness UV LEDs (emission peak 398 nm, ~ 15 W) powered by a 12 V battery. We compared the number of individuals, the number of species and the Geometridae / Noctuidae ratio recorded for the samples collected using UV LED traps with those collected in two monitoring programs carried out in the same geographic region using two different light sources: a 200 W incandescent lamp (Rothamsted trap) and a 160 W mercury vapour lamp (manual catch). The total catch consisted of 61,120 individuals belonging to 699 species. The species richness rarefaction curves revealed that the Rothamsted trap collected fewer species and individuals than UV LED traps. Furthermore, the median numbers of species and individuals caught by UV LED traps fell within the range of those caught by mercury vapour lamp traps. In addition, the community composition recorded using incandescent lamps and UV LEDs was similar. The data obtained using UV LED traps, in absolute terms and in comparison with the other light sources and different sampling methods, clearly reveal that this light source is suitable for sampling macro-moth communities. For field work UV LEDs have many advantages, as they are resistant to mechanical damage, easily protected from heavy rain and energy efficient., Marco Infusino, Gunnar Brehm, Carlo Di Marco, Stefano Scalercio., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the present study physicochemical characterization of slate sample was carried out which was collected from slate mine in Lasbela District, Baluchistan. Slate was evaluated for its effectiveness as partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in the production of Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC). The grain size analysis of crushed slate sample using ball mill revealed that maximum fraction retained on 44 μm was about 72.8 %. Sum of the major oxides (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3) is about 90.09 % that meet the requirement as per ASTM C 618 (minimum 70.0 %). Other oxides including SO3 (<0.05), CaO (4.04), MgO (1.66), K2O (0.10), Na2O (0.16), TiO2 (0.35), MnO (<0.02) and Cl (0.12) also meet the international standard of ASTM C 618 for PPC. OPC without and with using slate sample in a ratio of 5 % and 10 % with clinker was tested to measure compressive strength, physical tests and setting time. The results showed that after 5 % and 10 % replacement, insignificant effect was observed on the physical properties, setting time and compressive strength in 2-, 7- and 28-days curing. Hence, slate can be used as natural pozzolan for manufacturing PPC. It is cost effective for the production of cement as well as to sustain the resources of limestone for long time and reducing emission of CO2 in the environment. It can also be used in the sulfate rich environment, coastal areas especially for the construction of dams and bridges.
The majority of the conservation strategies for threatened dragonflies are designed to protect only their aquatic habitats. Sympetrum depressiusculum is a species threatened not only by the destruction of its aquatic habitats but also by its association with a specific terrestrial environment. In this study, we aimed to identify the key elements of the terrestrial environment of adult S. depressiusculum. We used generalized linear mixed models to determine habitat preferences of adults and the particular features of habitat patches, such as vegetation cover, vegetation structure and the availability of potential prey. Our results indicate that S. depressiusculum adults preferred mainly riparian vegetation but beyond ponds they utilized only certain terrestrial habitats (abandoned fields, meadows, forest clearings). Adults responded positively to habitat patches with a high cover of vegetation and suitable vegetation structure. Adult abundance was affected also by the distance of patches from the natal site. In an agricultural landscape, the availability of such habitat patches may be limited and could influence the abundance and distribution of this species. We suggest that conservation efforts for this species should not only focus on the larval environment but also include suitable surrounding terrestrial habitats. Effective management around natal sites should concentrate on maintaining a heterogeneous landscape, which is extensively managed (e.g. leaving several fields fallow, maintaining managed hay meadows)., Michal Hykel, Filip Harabiš, Aleš Dolný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Toxoplasmosis is one of the world's most prevalent zoonoses. The causative agent, Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) is a facultative heteroxenic, polyxenic apicomplexan protist. There are several potential pathways of transmission within and between host species. Most infections with T. gondii result from close contact with pets/cats, ingestion of tissue cysts in undercooked meat of infected animals, and oocysts from food or water contaminated by feline faeces. Recently, epidemiological studies have shown that T. gondii infection plays a prominent role in the pathogenesis of several psychiatric disorders. This report reviews the association between T. gondii infection and patients with psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia, depressive disorders and bipolar disorders.
The nematodes Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) and Toxocara cati (Schrank, 1788) have been associated with worse human cognitive function in children and middle-aged adults. In this study, we sought to determine the association between Toxocara seropositivity and serointensity determined by detection of IgG antibodies against the Toxocara antigen recombinant Tc-CTL-1 and cognitive function in older adults, including approximately 1,350 observations from the 2013-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Mean fluorescence intensity was used to quantify IgG antibodies against the Toxocara recombinant Tc-CTL-1 antigen, and respondents were considered positive at values greater than 23.1. In adjusted models from sample sizes ranging from 1,274 to 1,288 depending on the individual cognitive task, we found that Toxocara seropositivity was associated with worse performance on the animal-fluency task (b = -1.245, 95% CI: -2.392 to -0.099, P< 0.05) and the digit-symbol coding task (b = -5.159, 95% CI: -8.337 to -1.980, P< 0.001). Toxocara serointensity assessed using log-transformed mean fluorescence intensity as a continuous variable was associated with worse performance on the digit-symbol coding task (b = -1.880, 95% CI: -2.976 to -0.783, P < 0.001). There were no significant associations with tasks assessing memory. Further, age modified the association between Toxocara and cognitive function, although sex, educational attainment, and income did not. These findings suggest that Toxocara might be associated with deficits in executive function and processing speed in older U.S. adults, although additional research is required to better describe cognitive function in older adults who are seropositive for Toxocara spp.
The endothelin system may play a role in the pathogenesis of vasovagal syncope (VVS) because it is implicated in blood pressure regulation. We hypothesized that endothelin-related genetic polymorphisms might modulate susceptibility to VVS. This study aimed to evaluate the possible influence of endothelin-1 (EDN1) and endothelin receptor A (EDNRA) gene variants on the occurrence of tilt-induced VVS and autonomic nervous system activity during the head-up tilt test (HUT). Results were expressed as mean ± SEM. In 254 patients with recurrent syncope (age 45.33±1.22 years, 94 males, 160 females), heart rate variability (HRV) was measured during HUT. EDN1 rs5370 G>T and EDNRA rs5333 T>C gene polymorphisms were assessed using high-resolution melting analysis. There was no statistically significant association between polymorphisms EDN1 rs5370 and EDNRA rs5333 and positivity of HUT or hemodynamic types of VVS. Patients with GT or TT genotypes at the rs5370 locus of the EDN1 had significantly higher values of high-frequency (HF) and the standard deviation of the average NN intervals at the time of the syncope, and they tended to have lower low-frequency (LF) and LF/HF ratio when compared to homozygotes (GG). No statistically significant differences were found in HRV parameters concerning the EDNRA rs5333 genotypes. Our findings suggest the potential role of EDN1 rs5370 variants in regulating autonomic nervous activity and pathogenesis of VVS.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) disorders are common in multiple sclerosis (MS). Previous studies showed differences in insulin resistance (IR) and lipoprotein levels in MS subjects compared to controls. Lipolysis caused by increased sympathetic activity could be one of the possible linking mechanisms leading to dyslipidemia in MS. Our study aimed to evaluate ANS activity in the context of glucose and lipid metabolism in people with MS. We prospectively measured short-term heart rate variability (HRV), fasting lipoprotein concentrations, and calculated IR indices based on plasma glucose and insulin levels during oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) in 32 patients with MS and 29 healthy controls matched for age, sex and body mass index in our study. There was no significant difference in HRV parameters and lipoprotein levels between MS and controls. A significant positive correlation was found between low/high-frequency power ratio (LF/HF) and triglycerides (r=0.413, p=0.021) in MS subjects but not in controls. A significantly lower whole-body insulin sensitivity index (ISIMat) was found in patients with MS compared to the control group (7.3±3.7 vs. 9.8±5.6, p=0.041). No significant correlations were found between LF/HF and IR parameters. In MS subjects, the positive correlation of LF/HF with triglycerides could reflect the effects of sympathetic activity on lipolysis. Positive correlations of sympathetic activity with increased lipoprotein levels could rather reflect processes associated with immune system activation/inflammation, than processes involved in glucose homeostasis maintenance.
Objectives. This study aims to expand previous research findings by focusing on the mechanism of the frustration and satisfaction of basic psy-chological needs that links parental psychologi-cal control and autonomy support to the drive for thinness as an indicator of disordered eating among early adolescent boys and girls in Slo-vakia. Participants and setting. 443 pupils (47.6% girls) reported on the explored variables in a cross-sectional data collection. Hypotheses. The drive for thinness was hypoth-esised to be (1) negatively associated with the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and (2) positively associated with the frustration of basic psychological needs. Autonomy support from the mother (3) and father (4) was hypoth-esised to be positively related to basic psycho-logical needs satisfaction. Psychological control from the mother (5) and father (6) was hypothe-sised to be positively linked to basic psychologi-cal needs frustration. Autonomy support from the mother (7) and father (8) and psychological control from the mother (9) and father (10) were also hypothesised to be indirectly associated with the drive for thinness. Statistical analysis. Structural equation model-ling was carried out and the model was found to be statistically equivalent for boys and girls.Results. The psychological control from the mother was significantly associated with the frustration of basic psychological needs, which was subsequently associated with the drive for thinness. Autonomy support from the mother and father significantly positively explained the satisfaction of basic psychological needs. Limitations. The mediation model was tested using a cross-sectional design. However, the temporal ordering of the examined variables is clear. Furthermore, while the used measures are standardized and widely used abroad, their vali-dation in the population of Slovak adolescents is needed. Other inaccuracies could have been caused by the exclusion of the part of the sample from the analyses and the self-reporting nature of the data. and Cieľ.Táto štúdia presahuje zistenia predošlých výskumov zameraním sa na mechanizmus frustrácie a naplnenia základných psychologic-kých potrieb, ktorý spája rodičovskú psycholo-gickú kontrolu a podporu autonómie s túžbou po štíhlosti, ktorá je indikátorom dysfunkčného stravovania u chlapcov a dievčat v ranej adoles-cencii.Súbor a výskumný dizajn. 443 žiakov (47,6 % dievčatá) zo Slovenska poskytlo informácie ohľadne skúmaných premenných pomocou prierezového zberu dát. Hypotézy. Na základe aktuálneho stavu poznania autori predpokladali, že túžba po štíhlosti bude (1) negatívne asociovaná s naplnením zák-ladných psychologických potrieb a (2) pozitívne asociovaná s frustráciou základných psycholo-gických potrieb. Ďalej predpokladali, že podpo-ra autonómie (3) zo strany matky a (4) otca bude pozitívne asociovaná s naplnením základných psychologických potrieb. Tiež sa predpoklada-lo, že psychologická kontrola (5) matky a (6) otca bude pozitívne asociovaná s frustráciou zá-kladných psychologických potrieb. Napokon sa očakávalo, že podpora autonómie (7) zo strany matky a (8) otca a psychologická kontrola (9) zo strany matky a (10) otca budú v nepriamom vzťahu s túžbou po štíhlosti. Štatistické analýzy. Bolo realizované modelova-nie pomocou štrukturálnych rovníc a model bol štatisticky ekvivalentný pre chlapcov aj dievča-tá. Výsledky. Psychologická kontrola matky bola signifikantne asociovaná s frustráciou základ-ných psychologických potrieb, ktorá bola ná-sledne asociovaná s túžbou po štíhlosti. Podpora autonómie zo strany matky aj otca vysvetľovala naplnenie základných psychologických potrieb.Limity. Po prvé, mediačný model bol testovaný použitím prierezového dizajnu. Avšak časové usporiadanie skúmaných premenných je zrejmé. Po druhé, hoci sú používané metodiky štandar-dizované a široko používané v zahraničí, je po-trebná ich validácia aj v populácii slovenských adolescentov. Napokon nepresnosti mohli byť spôsobené aj vylúčením časti vzorky z analýz a seba posudzujúcim charakterom údajov.
To characterize the differences in baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR) in preterm infants with a similar postconceptional age reached by various combinations of gestational and postnatal ages. To detect potential sex differences in assessed cardiovascular parameters. The study included 49 children (24 boys and 25 girls), postconceptional age 34.6±1.9 weeks. Two subgroups of infants were selected with the similar postconceptional age (PcA) and current weight, but differing in gestational (GA) and postnatal (PnA) ages, as well as two matched subgroups of boys and girls. Blood pressure (BP) was recorded continuously using Portapres device (FMS). A stationary segment of 250 beat-to-beat BP values was analyzed for each child. Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) was calculated by cross-correlation sequence method. Despite the same PcA age and current weight, children with longer GA had higher BRS, diastolic and mean BP than children with shorter GA and longer PnA age. Postconceptional age in preterm infants is a parameter of maturation better predicting baroreflex sensitivity and blood pressure values compared to postnatal age. Sex related differences in BRS, BP, HR and RR were not found in our group of preterm infants.