During the reign of the empress Maria Theresa and in particular of her successor Joseph II, the Habsburg monarchy went through substantial changes. The state took control of parts of public life which had until then been independent. Besides arts, which started to be controlled through the state academy, architecture became the centre of attention. Architecture regulated by state was supposed to observe the so called architectura civilis (Bürgerliche Baukunst) the principles of which had been formulated by German and Austrian theoreticians and mathematicians in the second half of the 18 century. The main features typical for the architectura civilis were simplicity, practicality and economy, which suited the enlightened state. Architects and engineers with profound theoretical knowledge who were able to respond to a wide spectrum of assignments became important for the intentions of the state. Designers who did not make part of the guild structure and who had such wide competences that they could design architecture normally designed by engineers - fortifications, roads, and bridges were considered as ideal. This study focuses on the professional bibliography of two significant engineers working in the service of the estates and the state in Moravia at the last years of 18 century Johann Anton Krzoupal von Grünnenberg, and first Director of the Provincial Building Directorates in Brno Karl Jacobi von Eckholm., Michal Konečný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Onemocnění pankreatu jsou často doprovázeny pleuropulmonálními komplikacemi. Akutní pankreatitida může vyvolávat řadu patologických stavů v oblasti respiračního systému, mezi které patří hypoxemie, snížení transfer-faktoru (DLCO), snížení transfer-koeficientu (DLCO/VO), snížení maximálního středního výdechového průtoku ve střední polovině vydechnuté usilovné vitální kapacity (FEF25?75 %), elevace a/nebo paréza části bránice, atelektázy bazálních partií plic, jednostranné nebo oboustranné plicní infiltráty, mediastinální pseudocysta a pleurální výpotek. Nejnebezpečnější komplikací akutní pankreatitidy je syndrom akutního dechového selhání. U chronické pankreatitidy je někdy přítomen rozsáhlý, rekurentní pleurální výpotek s velmi vysokou koncentrací amylázy v pleurální tekutině. Nejčastější příčinou tohoto pleurálního výpotku je pankreatikopleurální píštěl (PPP). Popisujeme náš soubor 3 pacientů s PPP a pleurálním výpotkem, hodnotíme klinické příznaky, diagnostiku a léčbu., Petr Jakubec, Vítězslav Kolek, Vlastimil Procházka, and Lit. 49
Problematika idiopatických střevních zánětů přitahuje nejen gastroenterology, ale i ostatní lékařskou veřejnost již od počátku minulého století, doby objevu této skupiny zánětlivých autoimunitních chorob. Výjimkou mezi gastroenterology přirozeně nebyl ani doyen české gastroenterologie, profesor MUDr. Zdeněk Mařatka, DrSc., který podstatnou část svého života zasvětil výzkumu zánětlivých střevních onemocnění, zejména ulcerózní kolitidy. Pro současné století je charakteristický velmi rychlý rozvoj vědeckého výzkumu a téměř okamžité zavádění výsledků vědeckého poznání do klinické praxe. V oblasti idiopatických střevních zánětů jsou to především pokroky v diagnostice a terapii. Vyšetření tenkého i tlustého střeva magnetickou rezonancí patří k vrcholu v neinvazní diagnostice dolní části trávicího traktu. Podávání biologické léčby nemocným s nejtěžšími formami idiopatických střevních zánětů je nutno považovat za přelom od zavedení kortikoidů do terapie idiopatických střevních zánětů v 50. letech minulého století., The inflammatory bowel diseases have been an interesting topic not only for gastroenterologists, but also for other medical professionals, since the beginning of the last century, when this group of inflammatory autoimmune diseases was revealed. Logically, the doyen of Czech gastroenterology, Professor MUDr. Zdeněk Mařatka, DrSc., who dedicated a substantial part of his life to research into inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis, was no exception. The current century is characterized by a very rapid development of scientific research and almost immediate introduction of scientific knowledge into clinical practice. In the area of inflammatory bowel diseases, the biggest advances have been made in diagnosis and therapy. The examination of the small bowel and large bowel by magnetic resonance belongs at the very pinnacle in the non-invasive diagnosis of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract. The administration of biological therapy to patients with the most severe forms of inflammatory bowel diseases should be considered a breakthrough since the introduction of corticosteroids into the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases in the 1950s., and Michal Konečný, Jiří Ehrmann
A major reform in the reign of Joseph II was the establishment in 1786 of the provincial building directorates, through which the court aimed to regulate all public building works in the monarchy. Although the original aim of unifying building regulations throughout the realm was never achieved, the reform was a success and remained in force, with a few minor amendments, until the revolutionary year of 1848. One reason for its success was the elite corps of civil engineers who staffed these institutions. This study looks at advances in technical education, especially engineering, in the Habsburg monarchy from the beginning of the 18th century and the emergence of the Collegia Nobilia, or elite colleges, where graduates were prepared for a career in the Imperial Army. Besides military architecture, the colleges also taught the fundamentals of civil engineering, turning out some of the best‐trained creators of early modern architecture. The development and nature of this elite engineering training is examined with reference to the engineering academies of Prague, Vienna and Olomouc. In all three cases we stress the colleges’ status within the state framework, and their evolution in the light of changing official doctrine and methods of instruction. In all three cases it is clear that during the latter half of the 18th century the original ‘aristocratic’ colleges began to decline and were slowly replaced by similar state‐controlled establishments. As a first step, the court of Joseph II introduced a specialized course in practical architecture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. From around 1800 this model was gradually superseded by the progressive French‐style polytechnic, a modified version of which remains the standard model for technical education to this day., Michal Konečný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy