The target of research was the implementation of the comparative analysis of conservative therapy of preparation of basic therapy and also new methods of treatment (anticytokine therapy). Appointment of salofalk in twos tablets (0, 5) 34 times a day per os, and also 2,0 gr in the form of a rectal enema unitary for a period of seven days, then had transferd the patients to reception 2,0 gr salofalk per os, allowed to achieve substantial improvement patients cliniclaboratory and endoscopic symptoms with a heavy intensification of ulcer colitis variation, providing full cliniclabaratory remissions achievements of disease at 8 (34 %) patients. In the Minister of the Uzbek Public Health of the Republican Science Coloproctological Center at 10 patients with the IDI have spent the therapy remicade, 7 of them had NUC and 3 patients had the Crohn's disease. Therefore, all patients no longer than on the first week after introduction of remicade had improvement of a course disease which was expressed in defering stool, extinction or reduction of pathological impurity in excrement and subsidence bellyaches. During colonoscopical inspection, in 1218 weeks after the first infusion at 80% of the patients had observed disappearance of ulcers and erosion. In terms of 6 months of supervision of relapse of disease was not noted. All new directions in treatment of the IDI, apparently, are perspective, but while are proved only theoretically and had no practical development. Unique and enough effective and safe method at the IDI and already has clinical acknowledgement is remicade., Matkarimov S. R., Rustamov A. E., Rahmonov S. T., and Literatura
Problematika idiopatických střevních zánětů přitahuje nejen gastroenterology, ale i ostatní lékařskou veřejnost již od počátku minulého století, doby objevu této skupiny zánětlivých autoimunitních chorob. Výjimkou mezi gastroenterology přirozeně nebyl ani doyen české gastroenterologie, profesor MUDr. Zdeněk Mařatka, DrSc., který podstatnou část svého života zasvětil výzkumu zánětlivých střevních onemocnění, zejména ulcerózní kolitidy. Pro současné století je charakteristický velmi rychlý rozvoj vědeckého výzkumu a téměř okamžité zavádění výsledků vědeckého poznání do klinické praxe. V oblasti idiopatických střevních zánětů jsou to především pokroky v diagnostice a terapii. Vyšetření tenkého i tlustého střeva magnetickou rezonancí patří k vrcholu v neinvazní diagnostice dolní části trávicího traktu. Podávání biologické léčby nemocným s nejtěžšími formami idiopatických střevních zánětů je nutno považovat za přelom od zavedení kortikoidů do terapie idiopatických střevních zánětů v 50. letech minulého století., The inflammatory bowel diseases have been an interesting topic not only for gastroenterologists, but also for other medical professionals, since the beginning of the last century, when this group of inflammatory autoimmune diseases was revealed. Logically, the doyen of Czech gastroenterology, Professor MUDr. Zdeněk Mařatka, DrSc., who dedicated a substantial part of his life to research into inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis, was no exception. The current century is characterized by a very rapid development of scientific research and almost immediate introduction of scientific knowledge into clinical practice. In the area of inflammatory bowel diseases, the biggest advances have been made in diagnosis and therapy. The examination of the small bowel and large bowel by magnetic resonance belongs at the very pinnacle in the non-invasive diagnosis of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract. The administration of biological therapy to patients with the most severe forms of inflammatory bowel diseases should be considered a breakthrough since the introduction of corticosteroids into the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases in the 1950s., and Michal Konečný, Jiří Ehrmann