Serlio und Du Cerceau copyright : die praktische Ausgangsbasis für zwei mährische Residenzen der Fürsten von Liechtenstein in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts
Serlio und Du Cerceau copyright : die praktische Ausgangsbasis für zwei mährische Residenzen der Fürsten von Liechtenstein in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts Serlio and Du Cerceau copyright : practical underpinnings of two Moravian seats of Liechtenstein princes in the first half of the seventeenth century Serlio a Du Cerceau copyright : praktická východiska dvou moravských sídel knížat z Liechtensteinu v první polovině 17. století
The paper focuses on Liechtenstein architecture of the first half of the seventeenth century. Stylistic features of the chateau in Eisgrub (Lednice), built by Prince Karl I of Liechtenstein, and the chateau in Butschowitz (Bučovice), which Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein had rebuilt in the 1720s, serve as evidence of the spread of theoretical principles from the works of Sebastiano Serlio and Jacques Androuet du Cerceau. This stylistic groundwork defined the appearance of the princely summer palace as well as the princely residence, while hinting at possible authorship of both projects, which the paper links with the figure of Giovanni Maria Filippi, a court architect to Emperor Rudolf II.