Studie se zabývá institucionální spoluprací mezi českými a rakouskými historiky od r. 1957 (kdy byly navázány první oficiální kontakty) až do r. 2003, a sice na symbolickém příkladu Česko-rakouské komise historiků a jejích předchůdců. Navzdory citelným zvratům a césurám se v oblasti historických věd tato spolupráce vyvíjela - s výjimkou prvního desetiletí tzv. normalizace po r. 1969 - poměrně intenzívně, každopádně mnohem silněji než s ostatními ,,kapitalistickými'' státy (a zvláště se Spolkovou republikou Německo). Po r. 1989 došlo k prohloubení a rozšíření této spolupráce jak v tematickém, tak i institucionálním rozměru, přičemž domnělé ,,monopolní'' postavení společné komise historiků (resp. i ostatních bilaterálních komisí historiků) - ve smyslu koordinace a výsostné interpretační autority - se ukázalo být, a to nejenom v rakousko-českém případě, zastaralým modelem. Na tom nic nezměnily ani některé pokusy z politické sféry přenést a ,,postoupit'' těmto komisím alespoň část politických debat o složitostech nedávné historie., This paper deals with institutional collaboration between Czech and Austrian historians from 1957 (when the first official contacts were established) to 2003, involving the symbolic example of the Czech-Austrian Commission of Historians and its predecessors. Despite appreciable reversals and hiatuses, this collaboration developed quite intensively within the field of historical studies, apart from during the first decade of ,,normalization'' after 1969, and in any case much more than with other „capitalist” states (particularly West Germany). After 1989 this collaboration was extended and intensified both with regard to subject-matter and the institutional dimension, although the assumed „monopoly” status of the joint commission of historians (as well as other bilateral commissions of historians) - as a coordinating and supreme interpretation authority - proved to be an outdated model, and not only in the Austrian-Czech case. This was not altered by attempts from the political sphere to transfer and ,,assign'' at least some of the political debates on the complications of recent history onto these commissions. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der institutionellen Zusammenarbeit der tschechischen und österreichischen Historiker von 1957 (als die ersten ,,offiziellen'' Kontakte angeknüpft werden konnten) bis etwa 2003, und zwar auf dem symbolischen Beispiel der gemeinsamen Österreichisch - tschechischen Historikerkommission und ihrer Vorgänger. Trotz der spürbaren Zäsuren, insbesondere im ersten Dezennium der sog. Normalisierung in der Tschechoslowakei (nach 1969), entwickelten sich die wissenschaflichen Kontakte zwischen der Tschechoslowakei und Österreich auch in der Geschichtswissenschaft verhältnismäßig intensiv - jedenfalls viel intensiver als die mit den anderen ,,kapitalistischen Staaten'' (und insbesondere die mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland). Nach dem Jahre 1989 kam es zu einer schnellen Vertiefung und Erweiterung der Zusammenarbeit (sowohl im thematischen als auch im institutionellen Bereich); die ,,Monopolstellung'' der gemeinsamen Historikerkommissionen (im Sinne der Koordinierung oder der mehr oder weniger spürbaren Deutungshoheit) zeigte sich jedoch, nicht nur im österreichisch-tschechischen Fall, als ein Auslaufmodell - ungeachtet der wiederholten Versuche der Politik, an die bilaterale historische Kommission (Kommissionen) mindestens einen Teil der politischen Debatten über die schwierige Vergangenheit ,,weiterzugeben''. (Übersetzt von Miroslav Kunštát.), Anglický překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke, and Německý překlad resumé: Miroslav Kunštát
Cieľom výskumu bolo popísanie motívov, ktoré adolescentov vedú k, respektíve brzdia v čítaní, ako aj zistenie možných rozdielov v motivácii a preferenciách žánrov z hľadiska veku. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 375 respondentov, z čoho čitateľov bolo 130 (34,66 %). Motivácia k čítaniu bola meraná prostredníctvom dotazníka Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motívy, ktoré vedú respondentov k čítaniu, respektíve ich od čítania odrádzajú, boli zisťované otvorenými otázkami. Výsledky ukázali, že medzi staršími a mladšími adolescentmi sa v rámci motivácie k čítaniu nenachádzajú rozdiely. K najčastejším motívom, ktoré vedú mladších respondentov k čítaniu kníh, patria: získavanie nových informácii z kníh, skutočnosť, že čítanie považujú za zábavnú a zaujímavú aktivitu a súčasne za možnosť na chvíľu uniknúť z reality. U starších dominovalo získavanie nových informácii, možnosť oddychu a únik z reality. V skupine nečítajúcej mládeže mladší respondenti uviedli, že nečítajú hlavne preto, lebo ich táto aktivita nebaví, knihy považujú za nudné a nechce sa im. Starších adolescentov od čítania odrádza presvedčenie, že čítanie je nudná aktivita a ďalším významným dôvodom je nedostatok času. Medzi mladšími čitateľmi sú populárne dobrodružné romány, fantasy a dievčenské romány. U starších čitateľov dominujú žánre podobné, a to žáner dobrodružný, fantasy a detektívny. and The aim of this study was to describe motives that lead adolescents to read, or which make them refuse to read. Furthermore, it aimed to find out potential differences in motivation and reading preferences due to age group. Totally 375 respondents participated in this study from which 130 (34,66%) were readers. Reading motivation was measured by the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motives that lead adolescents to read or which make them refuse to read were detected with open questions. Results show that there are no differences between younger and older adolescents in reading motivation. The most common reading motives in younger readers were: reaching new information from books, opinion, that reading is a funny and interesting activity and reading represents an opportunity to escape from the reality for a while. In the group of older adolescents were most common motives reaching new information, the way how to relax and escape from the reality. Nonreading younger adolescents refuse to read because they are not interested in reading, they consider the book boring and they do not have the will to read. Older adolescents do not read because they consider reading as a boring activity and they do not have enough time for it. The most popular genres among younger readers are the adventurous genre, fantasy, and novels for girls. Older readers prefer the adventurous genre, fantasy, and detective novels.
The risk screening of non-native species that are likely to be invasive in a defined risk assessment area is crucial for implementing strategies of rapid response and mitigation to protect native biodiversity and socio-economic activities. However, for successful risk-ranking of the screened species, scientifically defensible evidence in support of the screening outcomes must be provided, and computation of a correctly calibrated threshold to distinguish between medium-risk and high-risk species must be achieved. This paper reviews published applications of the “second-generation” Weed Risk Assessment-type decision support tools (i.e. the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit and the Terrestrial Animal Species Invasiveness Screening Kit) and evaluates them in terms of the above two requirements. Several procedural errors were identified that involved: i) lack of provision of the report with details of the species-specific screenings; ii) incomplete justifications for the responses in the toolkit questionnaire; iii) incomplete details of the protocol used for the a priori categorisation of the screened species for threshold computation; iv) unaccepted or non-existent taxonomic names for the screened species (including typographical errors). Guidelines are provided for both assessors and reviewers to ensure that these procedural errors are avoided in future applications of these risk screening toolkits.
A study was conducted in Mabira Central Forest Reserve in Uganda to determine rodent species composition, relative abundance, and habitat association. A total of 1,030 rodents belonging to 14 species were captured on 10,584 trap nights. Rodent species recorded include: Lophuromys stanleyi, Hylomyscus stella, Praomys jacksoni, Mastomys natalensis, Lophuromys ansorgei, Lemniscomys striatus, Aethomys hindei, Mus triton, Mus minutoides, Deomys ferrugineus, Gerbilliscus kempi, Rattus rattus, Grammomys kuru, and Hybomys univittatus. Overall, L. stanleyi (23.7%) was the most dominant species followed by H. stella, P. jacksoni, and M. natalensis. Species richness and evenness was highest in the regenerating forest habitat and least in the intact forest habitat. Rodent abundance was significantly affected by habitat type. The regenerating forest habitat had the highest number of animals, while the lowest numbers were observed in the depleted forest habitat. Species diversity was higher in regenerating forest habitat and lowest in the intact forest. The three habitats appeared distinct in terms of rodent species composition and there was a strong association between the two trapping grids in the same habitat type. All ordination plots showed that different rodent species consistently associated with distinct habitats. Habitat type and seasonal changes influenced rodent composition, relative abundance and habitat association. Composition of rodent community reflected the level of habitat degradation and can be used as a proxy for evaluating the biodiversity of lowland tropical forests.
Předkládaná výzkumná studie se zabývá zmapováním diskurzů o schizofrenii v českém prostředí. V rámci výzkumu byly prováděny polostrukturované rozhovory o schizofrenii s laiky, s lidmi s diagnózou a s odborníky (N = 15). Přepsané rozhovory byly následně analyzovány jedním z přístupů diskurzivní analýzy – kritickou diskurzivní psychologií. Celkem bylo identifikováno 13 odlišných interpretačních repertoárů, které respondenti využívali pro konstruování schizofrenie a člověka s diagnózou. Také byly zmapovány pozice, které tyto repertoáry umožňují zaujmout, důsledky, jaké identifikované repertoáry přináší, a repertoáry byly zasazeny do globálních diskurzů. Respondenti zaujímali větší množství mnohdy protichůdných repertoárů. V diskusi byly následně konfrontovány výsledky s relevantními studiemi. Dále byly popsány limity předkládané studie a návrhy možných navazujících výzkumů a aplikace do praxe. and The presented research study deals with the mapping of discourses on schizophrenia in the Czech environment. The research conducted semi-structured interviews on schizophrenia with lay people, people with diagnosis and experts (N = 15). Those transcribed interviews were subsequently analyzed by one of the discoursive analysis approach – critical discursive psychology. Overall, 13 different interpretative repertoires used by respondents for the construction of schizophrenia and schizophrenic people were identified. Positions that could be hold thanks to these repertoires and consequences of these repertoires were also described. Respondents used a larger number of often conflicting repertoires. Results were confronted with relevant studies in discussion. Further, limits of this study were described as well as suggestions of possible follow-up research and practical application.
Five new species of Mulcticola Clay et Meinertzhagen, 1938 are described and illustrated from Brazil. These new species and their hosts are: Mulcticola sicki sp. n. from the sand-coloured nighthawk, Chordeiles rupestris rupestris (Spix), Mulcticola bacurau sp. n. from the common pauraque, Nyctidromus albicollis (Gmelin), Mulcticola tendeiroi sp. n. from the long-trained nightjar, Macropsalis forcipata (Nitzsch), Mulcticola piacentinii sp. n. from the short-tailed nighthawk, Lurocalis semitorquatus semitorquatus (Gmelin) (type-host) and L. s. nattereri (Temminck), and Mulcticola parvulus sp. n. from the little nightjar, Setopagis parvula (Gould). These species were compared primarily with Mulcticola nacunda Carriker, 1945 from the nacunda nighthawk, Chordeiles nacunda nacunda (Vieillot), which is one of the species of Mulcticola previously recorded in the Neotropical region. All the five new species described herein differ from their congeners by exclusive characters such as the shape of anterior dorsal head plate, metasternal plate, subvulvar plates in females and genitalia in males. We increased the number of species in Mulcticola to 18 in total, with seven of them now known from the Neotropics. We present the main morphological characters to distinguish Mulcticola from other species of the Philopteridae parasitising Caprimulgiformes and also compile a detailed catalogue for species included in this louse genus., Michel P. Valim, Kamila M. D. Kuabara., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The life cycle of the swim bladder nematode Huffmanela huffmani Moravec, 1987 (Trichinelloidea: Trichosomoididae), an endemic parasite of centrarchid fishes in the upper spring run of the San Marcos River in Hays County, Texas, USA, was experimentally completed. The amphipods Hyalella cf. azteca (Saussure), Hyalella sp. and Gammarus sp. were successfully infected with larvated eggs of Huffmanela huffmani. After ingestion of eggs of H. huffmani by experimental amphipods, the first-stage larvae hatch from their eggshells and penetrate through the digestive tract to the hemocoel of the amphipod. Within about 5 days in the hemocoel of the experimental amphipods at 22 °C, the larvae presumably attained the second larval stage and were infective for the experimental centrarchid definitive hosts, Lepomis spp. The minimum incubation period before adult nematodes began laying eggs in the swim bladders of the definitive hosts was found to be about 7.5 months at 22 °C. This is the first experimentally completed life cycle within the Huffmanelinae., McLean L. D. Worsham, David G. Huffman, František Moravec, J. Randy Gibson., and Obsahuje bibliografii