Cílem této práce je přispět k debatě o existenci otroctví v minulosti a představit možnosti jeho archeologického poznání. Základní aplikovanou metodou je mezikulturní výzkum neboli srovnávací analýza etnografických dat, pro niž byl vybrán vzorek 186 světových kultur, tzv. Standard Cross-Cultural Sample. V principu jde o hledání korelací mezi otroctvím a specifickou skupinou kulturních indikátorů. Výsledky ukázaly jednak vazbu otroctví na očekávané a známé domény (např. válčení, polygynie, společenská a politická integrace), jednak jeho vztah k metalurgii, což je možné považovat za inovativní zjištění. V textu je učiněn pokus o validaci této souvislosti. Konečná interpretace pak vychází z prokázané skutečnosti využívání otroků v průběhu různých etap operačního řetězce výroby kovů, z nichž na prvním místě byla těžba surovin. and This article aims to contribute towards the discussion of the existence of slavery in the past and present possibilities of its archaeological recognition. The principal method applied is the cross-cultural research – comparative analysis of ethnographic data, for which a sample of 186 world cultures was selected (the so-called Standard Cross-Cultural Sample). Essentially, this method involves search for correlations between slavery and a specific group of cultural indicators. Results showed connection between slavery and anticipated and known domains (such as warfare, polygyny, social and political integration), but also its relationship with metallurgy, which may be considered an innovative discovery. The text attempts to validate this relationship. The final interpretation is based on the proven fact of slaves’ exploitation during different phases of metal production operational chain, above all raw material extraction.
Česká část Slezska, onen „plot Slezska”, jak to vyjádřila již Marie Terezie, je okrajem slezského území. Úzký vztah mezi Opavskem a Horním Slezskem v období lužické kultury se výrazně projevuje i na pohřebišti v Kietrzi. Zemědělské osídlení se soustředilo podél řeky Opavy a na Hlučínsku, ale početné předměty mimořádné kvality z rozsáhlých pohřebišť v okolí měst Opavy a Krnova naznačují tehdejší význam této oblasti. Již pro dobu bronzovou je doložena těžba zlata v Suché Rudné. K rozkvětu oblasti v období lužické kultury jistě přispěly i kovy z Jeseníků. and The Czech Silesia is, as already the empress Maria Theresia stated, only a ‘fence’ of the country, a narrow strip; its Lausitz culture is close in its character to that of Polish Silesia, well known especially from the cemetery of Kietrz. The agricultural settlement is located along the Opava river and in the Hlučín district only, but exceptionaly bronze objects from large cemeteries around the towns of Opava and Krnov show a particular importance of this marginal region. The mining of gold at Suchá Rudná is attested already for the Bronze Age, and the metals in the Jeseníky Mountains apparently contributed to the flourishing of the area during the development of the Lausitz culture.
Studie se pokouší rekapitulovat základní vývojové tendence a charakterizovat současný stav archeologického výzkumu v oblasti středověké těžby a zpracování rud v Čechách. Snaží se upozornit na některé problémy a nedostatky provázející tuto specializovanou oblast bádání jak ve sféře sběru a analýzy dat, tak na úrovni teorie a interpretace. Česká středověká archeologie by měla systematickým propracováváním analytických a interpretačních možností svých pramenů zvýraznit svůj podíl na řešení technologických, ekonomicko–sociálních, sídelních, kulturních a ekologických otázek spojených se středověkou exploatací surovin. and This study attempts to recapitulate the basic developments in, and describe the present state of, archaeological research in the areas of medieval ore extraction and processing in Bohemia. It aims to draw attention to the major problems and issues linked to this specialised research area, both in terms of the collection and analysis of data and at the level of theory and interpretation. Czech archaeology should systematically develop the opportunities for analysis and interpretation provided by its sources to emphasize their contribution to the resolution of the technological, socio–economic, settlement, cultural and environmental questions associated with the medieval exploitation of raw materials.
The study strives to complexly understand the tools the mining community used to represent itself within the society of Kutná Hora. The miners were not among the wealthy nor those that were exposed in society, although their corporation was well respected and its representations were visible in various contexts of municipal life. The esteem in which the mining community was held balanced the insignificant position of the miners themselves within the entire community. This also created a demand for power that the miners did not hesitate to use beginning at the end of the 15th century. Thanks to its skilful communication and reasoning of its importance, the mining community was able to force its will and influence political decisions.
Cross-border cooperation between Czechs and Germans is currently evolving in numerous areas. In recent years, the mining tradition has become the common denominator of cross-border activities in the Ore Mountains region. The study deals with this aspect of Czech-Saxon cross-border cooperation primarily from the perspective of regional development and tourism. It focuses on the Silver Road and its role in contemporary Czech-Saxon cross-border activities. As a symbol of shared heritage, the Silver Road exemplifies the so-called spatial turn, i.e. the cultural-social dimension of cross-border
The article seeks to present the Silver Road as an example of cross-border cooperation in tourism/destination management and to enrich that cooperation based on a survey of local residents. It strives to determine the importance of the role in public awareness played by this specific tourism product, namely the Silver Road and the mining heritage as a whole, what Czechs and Saxons know about this local tradition and the neighbouring country’s traditions. It is concluded by summarizing the potentials and deficits of the Silver Road’s destination management.
The study presents the results of a questionnaire survey implemented in mid-2016 which focused on the mining theme and its potential for Czech-Saxon cross-border activities and cooperation. The survey targeted local residents in communities along the Silver Road. 350 questionnaires were collected in the Czech Republic and 550 in Saxony. Quota sampling was applied, with minor deviations in terms of age and distribution of the population in the Czech sample due to the Silver Road’s small geographical coverage. Since the stakeholders on both sides of the border are planning to include these sites in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, we need to study the attitudes of local residents to determine whether this is
lived heritage.
The article demonstrates that the mining theme plays an important role in the practice of cross-border cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony. A cross-border activity with such high ambitions as UNESCO listing cannot be found elsewhere in the Czech borderland. While the Saxon side exhibits a considerably higher intensity of cross-border activities, Ore Mountains residents in both countries are little aware of the ways the mining heritage is being developed in the neighbouring country. Most of the respondents do not know the neighbouring country’s mining
heritage sites. Based on this finding, we argue that cross-border marketing communication needs to be improved, and this applies both to the Saxon institutions dealing with regional development and tourism and to entities at the level of the Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem regions. Moreover, CzechTourism, as the key agency of central government responsible for marketing communication and destination management in the Czech Republic, should probably get involved in these activities as well. Finally, cross-border destination management needs to be encouraged. Bilingual activities should perhaps be undertaken because the language barrier continues to pose a relatively major obstacle to Czech-Saxon cross-border
cooperation, a fact also revealed by previous studies. In addition to these promotional activities, marketing communication needs to be elaborated more comprehensively to better tap the possibilities of new media. Inspiration can be drawn from similar activities or areas with cross-border destination management.
Using the FLAC3D numerical simulation method, the characteristics of mining stress evolution, fault activation patterns, and fault energy evolution characteristics are simulated and analyzed in the process of the footwall and hanging wall working face heading to a normal fault. The study shows that the fault cut off the mining stress propagation of overlying strata, and the stress blocking effect due to the fault is evident. When working faces head towards a fault, the abutment pressure and the vertical stress of the surrounding rock increase first and subsequently decrease. The abutment pressure of the coal wall and fault is highest when the distances to the fault are 40 m and 30 m for the footwall and hanging wall working faces, respectively. Moreover, the hanging wall mining stress is higher than the footwall mining stress. Fault activation in high-located strata precedes that in low-located strata when working faces head towards the normal fault. Energy is gradually accumulated before unstable fault events take place because of mining, and fault instability quickly releases a lot of energy. The mining stress concentration and fault activation due to faults easily result in rock bursts and mine seismicity, Wu Quan-sen, Jiang Li-shuai and Wu Quan-lin., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The case study of a ground steps creation due to underground mining in Upper Silesia Basin, where for many years was conducted intensive hard coal extraction has been presented in this paper. This type of linear discontinuous deformations is considered as an important threat to the surface building constructions and elements of underground technical infrastructure. This threat is even more important, that presently still we do not have methods for predictions of such phenomena, and protection of building constructions against such damages is difficult, if not impossible. On the basis of the analyzes results shown in the paper, the following factors were pointed, that favor the formation of mining-induced ground steps: the presence of fault outcrops in the vicinity of extraction fields, multiple extraction in several coal seams led to the same border and large values of tensile horizontal strain., Piotr Strzałkowski and Roman Ścigała., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The importance of GIS detailed data for geomorphostructural study is discussed. This paper is a case study in the area of Inowrocław (central Poland). This small area is a place being a concentration of geological processes and its relief depicted by a number of height points (with determined elevations of satisfying accuracy required in the analysis) demonstrates their effects. The invented approach is based on a numerical analysis of actual and theoretical relief surfaces. Considering the area type this study involves a high resolution model of the relief. There are specified examples of correlation between morphological features and tectonic structures. The presented results prove a role of structural elements (faults) in development of geomorphostructural features and a tectonic mobility as a significant factor forming the area relief., Zbigniew Szczerbowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii