Many insect species attracted to fermenting sap often fight for access to this resource, which results in the establishment of interspecific dominance hierarchies. In one such system, the hornet Vespa mandarinia (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) behaviourally dominates during the daytime and several subordinate species avoid aggressive interactions in various ways. In order to elucidate the interspecific variation in competitor-avoidance behaviour and its subsequent effect on foraging success, the behaviour of species of hornets, beetles and butterflies at patches (exudation spots) in Japan was recorded. The percentage of individuals that succeeded in visiting a patch following departure from one, or an attempted visit, or after waiting near a patch for >= 10 s, did not differ greatly among species, despite the distinctive differences in dominance between V. mandarinia and the other species. These results suggest that subordinate species may be equally effective at foraging for sap as the dominant species. The competitor-avoidance behaviour differed among the species. Vespa crabro and satyrine butterflies mainly avoided competition by actively moving away from competitors. The beetle Rhomborrhina japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) often remained close to an occupied patch and waited for the occupant to leave, whereas V. ducalis and nymphaline butterflies used both tactics. The different costs associated with fighting or flight may have determined the differences in the foraging tactics of the species studied and behavioural switching in those species utilising both tactics.
a1_Ciele. Cieľom tejto kvalitatívne zameranej výskumnej štúdie bolo porozumenie subjektívneho prežívania budovania komunity a jeho popisu vo výpovediach účastníkov Community Building Workshop a Community Building Event (CBW/E) od východiskovej situácie rozhodnutia o účasti na workshope a životnej situácii v tom čase, cez najdôležitejšie momenty workshopu, až po prípadné zmeny u účastníkov v dôsledku tejto skúsenosti. Súbor a metódy. Účastníci z Veľkej Británie, Nemecka, USA a niekoľkí, ktorí neuviedli svoju národnosť, sa zúčastnili workshopov zorganizovaných vo Veľkej Británii a Nemecku a vyplnili sadu troch dotazníkov v anglickom jazyku tesne pred workshopom, tesne po workshope a tri mesiace po workshope. Analyzované boli údaje od 18 účastníkov. Hypotézy. Vzhľadom na to, že išlo o exploračne zameranú štúdiu, neboli vopred stanovené žiadne hypotézy. Analýza. Dáta boli analyzované prostredníctvom Konsenzuálneho kvalitatívneho výskumu (CQR), metódy komplexnej a dôkladnej kvalitatívnej analýzy, ktorá využíva konsenzuálny prístup. Výsledky. Participanti typicky prichádzali na workshop CBW/E s túžbou po osobnom raste, so záujmom o komunitu a jej úlohu v každodennom živote a tiež s nejakou aktuálne prežívanou osobnou záležitosťou. Jadro psychologického zážitku komunity tvorilo zdieľanie, ocenenie a autentickosť. U všetkých analyzovaných prípadoch (18) sa nachádzal pocit posilnenia (empowerment) ako dôsledok účasti na workshope CBW/E. Medzi ďalšie najčastejšie respondentmi výskumu uvádzané zmeny v dôsledku workshopu patrili väčšia schopnosť byť sám sebou, zvýšená sebaúčinnosť a sebaistota, dôvera a akceptácia, práca s vlastnými hranicami a aplikácia získaných poznatkov a zručností v živote., a2_Toto učenie sa u väčšiny participantov výskumu spájalo s prežívaním emocionálneho distresu. Obmedzenia výzkumu. Hlavným obmedzením výskumu bolo použitie písomných, a nie verbálnych výpovedí účastníkov, čo znižuje bohatstvo dát, ktoré môžu byť potenciálne získané od participantov., b1_Objectives. The goal of this qualitatively oriented research study was to understand subjective experience of building community as found in the accounts of Community Building Workshop and Community Building Event (CBW/E) attendants. Subjects and setting. Attendants (n=18) from United Kingdom, Germany, United States and a few with not stated nationality, took part in workshops organized in United Kingdom and Germany. The data were collected by questionnaires prior, at the end, and three months after the workshop. The questionnaire captured participant’s experiences of the enrolment to the workshop, the most important events in the workshop, and the changes perceived as a result of their experience of community building. Hypotheses. Because of the explorative character of the research study, there was no hypothesis stated beforehand. Analysis.T he data were analysed using the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) a method of comprehensive and rigorous qualitative analysis that uses consensual approach to analysis. Results. Participants typically came to the workshop CBW/E with the desire for personal growth, with the interest in community and its role in their everyday life. Sharing, appreciation and being authentic were the core elements of psychological sense of community for the participants. In all analysed cases (18), there was a feeling of empowerment mentioned as a consequence of attendance of the workshop. The most frequently cited changes in attendants lives were greater ability to be authentic, increased self-efficiency, enhanced confidence, trust and acceptance, work with own boundaries and application of an acquired learning and skills in one’s life. The learning was in the majority of our research cases connected with experiencing of some emotional distress. Study limitations., b2_The main limitation was the use of written rather than verbal accounts, which limits the richness of the data that can be gathered., Júlia Halamová, Ladislav Timuľák, Lucia Adamovová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Příspěvkové organizace jsou svým způsobem reliktem minulé doby. Jedná se o zcela specifickou formu organizace, kterou v této podobě nalezneme pouze v České republice a na Slovensku.Má jejich existence v dnešní době opodstatnění? Autorka rozebírá vybrané problémy příspěvkových organizací zřizovaných územní samosprávou a státní správou v České republice (ČR) a zvažuje výhody a nevýhody poskytování jejich veřejných služeb.Upozorňuje na komplikace způsobené platným zákonem o veřejných zakázkách ve vztahu k obchodním společnostem zakládaným veřejnou správou. Dotýká se problematických vlivů volených zástupců na chod příspěvkových organizací, specifického přístupu k motivaci zaměstnanců,
problémů s jejich věkovou strukturou, efektivitou atd. U konkrétních typů služeb srovnává výhody a nevýhody zabezpečení služeb prostřednictvím příspěvkových organizací, outsourcingu a nákupu služeb. Autorka upozorňuje na skutečnost, že v ČR existuje více jak 10 tisíc těchto organizací, které jsou nepominutelným zaměstnavatelem a podstatným ekonomickým faktorem, který ovlivňuje hospodaření země. and It coud be argued that semi budgetary organizations are a relic of the past era. It is a very specific form of organization. Similar forms of organization can only be found in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Is their existence nowadays justified? The authoress discusses selected issues of semi
budgetary organizations established by local and national authorities in the Czech Republic and considers the advantages and disadvantages of providing public services in this way. She highlights the difficulties caused by the applicable law on public procurement in relation to commercial companies
that are founded by public administration. It concerns the problematic effects of elected representatives to run semi budgetary organizations, specific approach to employee motivation, problems with the age structure of employees, efficiency etc. The article, for specific types of services, compares the advantages and disadvantages of facilitating them by semi budgetary organizations, outsourcing and purchase of services. The authoress draws attention to the fact that in the Czech Republic, there are
more than 10,000 of these organizations that are significant employer and an important economic factor, which affects the economy of the country.
The theme of this article is the concept of community in the writings of Charles Taylor. It treats as its starting point both the significance attributed by him to this concept as well as his reluctance to being labelled a communitarian. The reconstruction of the concept is based on two of Taylor’s major works, Sources of the Self. The Making of the Modern Identity and A Secular Age. In the former the focus is on the notion of moral space which is deployed in a critique of individualist ontology, but which does not lead him to claim that the community has some special status. The reconstruction of the latter book focuses on the description of developments leading to modern forms of sociality that have superseded previous forms of social organization that were based, to a large degree, on local communities. In conclusion, I describe Taylor’s normative concept of community which is an integral part of his vision of “fullness”, which transcends both individualism and the traditional, exclusive communities., Ondřej Štěch., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
The study strives to complexly understand the tools the mining community used to represent itself within the society of Kutná Hora. The miners were not among the wealthy nor those that were exposed in society, although their corporation was well respected and its representations were visible in various contexts of municipal life. The esteem in which the mining community was held balanced the insignificant position of the miners themselves within the entire community. This also created a demand for power that the miners did not hesitate to use beginning at the end of the 15th century. Thanks to its skilful communication and reasoning of its importance, the mining community was able to force its will and influence political decisions.
A phytosociological synthesis of the segetal vegetation in the Czech Republic was performed using methods of the Zürich-Montpellier school. In total, 712 relevés made by the author in this country in 1955–2000 were classified, and 22 associations and one unranked community were distinguished. Each syntaxon is characterized by diagnostic species, documented by a synoptic table, and the syntaxonomy, structure, species composition, ecology, dynamics, distribution and variability of each syntaxon are commented on. Names are revised according to the rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. All syntaxa belong to the class Stellarietea mediae and associations are assigned to the orders Centaureetalia cyani (alliances Caucalidion lappulae, Fumario-Euphorbion, and Sherardion), Atriplici-Chenopodietalia (alliances Scleranthion annui, Polygono-Chenopodion polyspermi, Arnoseridion minimae, and Panico-Setarion), and Eragrostietalia (alliance Eragrostion).
The main influences on the specificity of hoverfly larvae (Diptera: Syrphidae) to particular aphids are outlined. There are four main ones: aphid species, host plant, parasitoid impact and the presence of ants. Studies in the literature are used to illustrate the effect of these factors on larval performance. The use of single components of fitness as measures of performance can be misleading: only "individual fitness" includes all the appropriate components of survival, development time and reproduction. Even generalists appear to choose among aphids on the basis of expected fitness. A new level of complexity is therefore required in studies of food specificity in predatory syrphids.