Birds protect their nests against predators in various ways. In addition to active defence, they can hide their nests or use the protection of other species breeding nearby that actively defend the nests. Studies evaluating these strategies simultaneously are rare, especially from areas unaltered by humans. Nest predation risks were studied in a wetland bird community at Lake Baikal, Russia. The community contained several species actively defending their nests, although most were “passive defenders”. Such tactics as active defence, concealed nesting, neighbourhood nesting and coloniality were tested for their effects on predation risk. The main predators
were birds, particularly carrion crows (Corvus corone). Analysis of 193 nests using multimodel inference based on Akaike’s information criterion
suggests the most successful tactic was active nest defence, although most birds applying this tactic build open (uncovered) nests. Passive defenders effectively reduced this risk by nest concealment and/or breeding near active defenders. Opposing patterns were found for active versus passive defenders near the most successful breeder but also a potential nest predator, the Mongolian gull (Larus mongolicus). Conservation implications emphasize support for large aggregations of active nest defenders, vegetation cover providing good nest shelter, and sufficient area of interior habitat reducing edge effects.
Martin Heidegger (1889 –1976) svým poukázáním na mathématický charakter novověké vědy vyostřil rozbor její bytnosti prostřednictvím výkladu klíčové části její metody, jež podle něj spočívá v "souvislosti hypo-téza-experiment“. V Heideggerově výkladu experimentální charakter novověké vědy znamená předchůdný metafyzický akt logického stanovení obecného porozumění významu "jsoucna“. Heidegger tedy analyzuje čtyři stupně konceptu "zakoušení“, jenž rozlišuje moderní vědu ode všech starších pojetí "vědy“. Ovšem vše, čeho chce Heidegger dosáhnout, je jasné nahlédnutí do podstaty časového charakteru "existence“., While showing the mathéma-character of modern science, Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) sharpens his analysis of its essence by interpreting the key part of its method, which he claims to consist of the “hypothesis-experiment complex”. In Heidegger’s interpretation, the experimental feature of modern science means the former metaphysical act of logical prescription for the general understanding of the meaning of “being”. Thus, Heidegger analyses the fourfold concept of “experience”, which distinguishes the modern science from all the older conceptions of “science”. Nevertheless, all what Heidegger ultimately tries to achieve, is to gain a clear insight into the essence of the temporal character of “being”., and Aleš Novák.
This article will introduce Isaac Newton’s fundamental methodological concepts applied for a solution concerning a question of gravity in his Principia Mathematica. The method of deduction of propositions from phenomena can be described as demonstrative induction. The main aim is to show that this method proposed by Newton explicitly contains a criticism of hypothetico-deductive methodology as an inadequate approach to the study of nature. As opposed to hypothetico-deductive method, demonstrative induction is capable of producing theories with much richer empirical and epistemological value. Delimitation against hypothetically deduced theories is closely connected with criticism of mechanical materialism, most notably in a form proposed by René Descartes. Consequently, it has led Newton to not only reject the universality of mechanical premise but also to certain level of immunization against all competitive hypothetically based theories. and V tomto článku budou představeny základní aspekty metodologie Isaaca Newtona aplikované v Principia Mathematica na řešení otázky povahy gravitační síly. Metoda vyvozování propozic přírodních jevů může být označena jako demonstrativní indukce. Cílem článku je ukázat, že tato metoda, jak ji zastával Newton, v sobě explicitně obsahovala kritiku hypoteticko-deduktivní metody jako zcela neadekvátního přístupu ke zkoumání přírody. Oproti hypoteticko-deduktivní metodě je demonstrativní indukce schopna produkovat teorie empiricky i epistemologicky mnohem bohatší. Vymezení se vůči hypoteticky založeným teoriím je úzce spjato s kritikou mechanického materialismu především v podobě, v jaké ji zastával René Descartes. Ve svých důsledcích to Newtona dovedlo nejen k odmítnutí univerzálnosti mechanické premisy, ale také k určité imunizaci vůči veškerým konkurenčním hypoteticky založeným teoriím.