Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a prevalent and potentially life threatening disease. Many animal models have been developed to simulate the natural history of the disease or test preclinical endovascular devices and surgical procedures. The aim of this review is to describe different methods of AAA induction in animal models and report on the effectiveness of the methods described in inducing an analogue of a human AAA. The PubMed database was searched for publications with titles containing the following terms “animal” or ‘‘animal model(s)’’ and keywords “research”, “aneurysm(s)’’, “aorta”, “pancreatic elastase’’, “Angiotensin”, “AngII” “calcium chloride” or “CaCl2”. Starting date for this search was set to 2004, since previously bibliography was already covered by the review of Daugherty and Cassis (2004). We focused on animal studies that reported a model of aneurysm development and progression. A number of different approaches of AAA induction in animal models has been developed, used and combined since the first report in the 1960’s. Although specific methods are successful in AAA induction in animal models, it is necessary that these methods and their respective results are in line with the pathophysiology and the mechanisms involved in human AAA development. A researcher should know the advantages/disadvantages of each animal model and choose the appropriate model.
I explain how Karl Popper resolved the problem of induction but not the pragmatic problem of induction. I show that Popper's proposed solution to the pragmatic problem of induction is inconsistent with his solution to the problem of induction. I explain how Popper’s falsificationist epistemology can solve the pragmatic problem of induction in the same negative way that it solves the problem of induction.
According to the positivists, all our knowledge is based on experience which is the foundation not only of every empirical science, but also of those disciplines that are usually considered to be a priori. The paper consists of two main parts. Firstly, a positivist concept of number defended by J. S. Mill is presented; secondly, it is shown how this conception can settle some objections coming from apriori-oriented philosophers. Mill’s theory of number is interesting for at least two historical reasons. It is developed in connection with a relatively rich scholastic logic which is why its methodology is similar to the contemporary philosophy of language; it is indispensable for an appropriate comprehension of the concept of number that was proposed by Mill’s most famous opponent G. Frege., Podle pozitivistů jsou všechny naše znalosti založeny na zkušenostech, které jsou základem nejen každé empirické vědy, ale také těch oborů, které jsou obvykle považovány za a priori . Příspěvek se skládá ze dvou hlavních částí. Nejprve je prezentován pozitivistický koncept počtu obhajovaných JS Millem; Za druhé, je ukázáno, jak tato koncepce může vyřešit některé námitky z apriori-orientovaných filozofů. Millova teorie čísel je zajímavá alespoň ze dvou historických důvodů. Je rozvíjena v souvislosti s relativně bohatou akademickou logikou, proto je její metodika podobná současné filosofii jazyka; je nepostradatelné pro vhodné pochopení pojmu čísla, který navrhl nejslavnější oponent ml. G. Frege., and Prokop Sousedík, David Svoboda
This article will introduce Isaac Newton’s fundamental methodological concepts applied for a solution concerning a question of gravity in his Principia Mathematica. The method of deduction of propositions from phenomena can be described as demonstrative induction. The main aim is to show that this method proposed by Newton explicitly contains a criticism of hypothetico-deductive methodology as an inadequate approach to the study of nature. As opposed to hypothetico-deductive method, demonstrative induction is capable of producing theories with much richer empirical and epistemological value. Delimitation against hypothetically deduced theories is closely connected with criticism of mechanical materialism, most notably in a form proposed by René Descartes. Consequently, it has led Newton to not only reject the universality of mechanical premise but also to certain level of immunization against all competitive hypothetically based theories. and V tomto článku budou představeny základní aspekty metodologie Isaaca Newtona aplikované v Principia Mathematica na řešení otázky povahy gravitační síly. Metoda vyvozování propozic přírodních jevů může být označena jako demonstrativní indukce. Cílem článku je ukázat, že tato metoda, jak ji zastával Newton, v sobě explicitně obsahovala kritiku hypoteticko-deduktivní metody jako zcela neadekvátního přístupu ke zkoumání přírody. Oproti hypoteticko-deduktivní metodě je demonstrativní indukce schopna produkovat teorie empiricky i epistemologicky mnohem bohatší. Vymezení se vůči hypoteticky založeným teoriím je úzce spjato s kritikou mechanického materialismu především v podobě, v jaké ji zastával René Descartes. Ve svých důsledcích to Newtona dovedlo nejen k odmítnutí univerzálnosti mechanické premisy, ale také k určité imunizaci vůči veškerým konkurenčním hypoteticky založeným teoriím.
Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm, RFd) of nine bryophyte and one lichen species were investigated after prolonged exposure to elevated UV-B radiation. The majority of the investigated bryophytes showed a prompt or inducible tolerance to increase UV-B irradiation. Among the investigated species high degree of UV-tolerance coincides with strong desiccation tolerance. and Z. Csintalan ... [et al.].
The influence of increased solar UV-B radiation on the photosynthetic characteristics in cowpea seedlings (Vigna unguiculata) grown at optimal (Mgs) and low (Mgd) Mg levels were studied. Both higher UV-B and Mgd treatments caused significant drops of photochemical activities and net CO2 uptake rates (PN). Yet the UV-B-induced decrease in the photosynthetic efficiency was lesser in Mgd seedlings. The leaf Chl a fluorescence measurements proved that after receiving an enhanced UV-B radiation these seedlings showed a significant enhancement in their variable parts. The PSM oscillation of slow fluorescence kinetics was remarkably altered by both treatments. The PN also followed a typical inhibitory pattern as seen in photochemical activities. Concentrations of several chloroplast proteins in trifoliate leaves were significantly reduced by Mgd treatment and unaffected by the other two treatments. Whereas the contents of 43-47 kDa polypeptides in primary leaves were markedly reduced with a maximal effect in Mgd seedlings, no major difference was noted for combined stress. and A. Premkumar, G. Kulandaivelu.