This paper deals with the problem of mobilization of the society in favor of governmental foreign policy actions in Austria within 1808–1809. The Austrian government during the period of 1805–1809 had the aim to restore its influence in Germany and Austria. Under the leadership of foreign affairs minister Philipp von Stadion the discussion on state and social reforms, and on the new war against France becomes active. To get a positive reply from the public opinion, the mass media become an instrument of Stadion's administration and his supporters within the court in turning the public in favor of actions against France. One of the examples of such media was the newspaper Vaterländische Blätter für Österreichischen Staat. Historiography of the topic is limited and mostly presented in German language and published in Austria.
Parametres of the opening of the political arena to women were also dealt by the Czech Catholics, especially in 1912, when the first woman-deputy was elected into the Assembly of the Czech Kingdom. The paper asks whether the election of Božena Viková-Kunětická was considered to be "a disgrace" to the catholic vision of women's public activity. The contribution based on the content analysis of catholic political periodicals is going to prove that there was a wide range of opposing approaches from rejection to a neutral and positive attitude on active and passive women's rights.
Relying on thorough examination of relevant archival material, this paper analyzes the attitudes and behavior of the Austrian Chancellor Metternich during the second Meḥmed cAlī crisis from 1839-1841, which arose from the antagonism between Sultan Maḥmūd II and his powerful Egyptian vassal, Meḥmed cAlī. The object of this study is not simply an analysis of Austrian diplomacy. Attention is also paid to Metternich’s attitude towards the Ottoman reform movement, his “church policy” in the spring of 1841, and the false and frequently repeated accusation by then French historians that he was the instigator of Mustafa Reshīd Pasha’s fall at the end of March in 1841.
Canningia spinidentis gen. et sp. n. infects the fir bark beetle Pityokteines spinidens Rtt. in Austria. The pathogen attacks mainly the fat body, Malpighian tubules, the muscles and the connective tissue of larvae and adults, and the gonads of adults. The development is haplokaryotic, with single spores. Spores are short tubular, uninucleate, with globular anchoring disc inserted subapically, laterally, in a depression of the endospore wall. Polar filament is isofilar, with 5/6 coils. Polaroplast is composed of two lamellar parts of different density. A new genus Canningia gen. n. is proposed based on differences in ultrastmc-tures of spores from Unikaryon Canning, Barker, Hammond et Nicholas, 1974.
Opportunities and risks following current European elections and maintaining and improving the health of citizens in EU countries was a major theme of the EHFG annual conference in October in Gastein, Austria. The Ebola crisis in six African nations, with about 14,000 reported cases and 4,900 deaths, was another topic of discussion by the 600 leading experts in attendance. The World Health Organization states 4.7 million people could be infected and 1.2 million people could die from Ebola by June 2015. The crisis is not just an epidemic, it is a systemic failure of our global health care model, according to experts. Moreover, it is a failure on governance, international development assistance, but primarily on the failure to take immediate action. and Marina Hužvárová.
Chromosome numbers are given for 16 taxa (and one interspecific hybrid) of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella originating from Central Europe: H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36), H. bauhini Besser (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. brachiatum Bertol. ex DC. (2n = 45, 48, 63, 72), H. densiflorum Tausch (2n = 36), H. echioides Lumn. (2n = 18, 27, 36), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, 45), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n = 36, 45), H. guthnickianum Hegetschw. (2n = 54), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n = 18), H. onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n = 18), H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 36, 45), H. piloselloides Vill. (2n = 36), H. rothianum Wallr. (2n = 36), H. schultesii F. W. Schultz (2n = 45), and the hybrid H. floribundum × H. aurantiacum (2n = 36). New chromosome numbers are reported for H. brachiatum and H. floribundum. The octoploid cytotype (2n = 72), recorded in H. brachiatum, is the highest ploidy level ever found in plants from the subgen. Pilosella originating from the field. Aneuploidy, rare in this subgenus in Europe, occurs in this hybridogenous species as well: it was recorded in one plant (2n = 48) collected in a hybrid swarm H. pilosella × H. bauhini. The breeding system in H. bauhini, H. brachiatum, H. densiflorum, H. echioides, H. pilosella, H. piloselloides, and H. rothianum was studied. The sexual reproduction of pentaploid H. pilosella is a new observation: it means an increase of diversity in possible reproduction modes of those cytotypes having odd chromosome numbers.
The study is dedicated to an reappraisal of the sovereign's fief policy in late middle age Austria. While the older research tendencies were mostly based on the idea of a slightly declining system signed by a rigid formalism, a new analysis of the fief structures in the hereditary territories of the Habsburg dynasty shows a slightly different picture. The anatomy of fief letters and books, reverses and letters of conveyance show that the increasing literacy transformed fiefdom into one of the central playgrounds of sovereign chancelleries. Mostly in case of dominion divisions or changes in late medieval rulership that vassality became important. Despite the reification of fiefdom, territorial rule and vasality do not oppose each other. The sovereign fiefdom in the 14th and 15th century is considered as an important often monetarised instrument among others, used to enhance and consolidate the sovereign's rule.
A syntaxonomical revision of dry grasslands of the alliances Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis, Festucion valesiacae and Koelerio-Phleion phleoidis (class Festuco-Brometea) in the natural biogeographical region of the Western Carpathians and northern Pannonian Basin is presented. A geographically stratified data set of 2686 relevés from the south-eastern Czech Republic, northeastern Austria, Slovakia and northern Hungary was divided into 25 clusters using a modified TWINSPAN algorithm. The proposed classification simplifies and unifies the previous syntaxonomical systems, which differ in these four countries. Main environmental gradients responsible for variation in species composition of theses grasslands were revealed by detrended correspondence analysis and interpreted using indicator values. The major pattern of variation reflects soil nutrient availability and moisture, which are negatively correlated with soil reaction.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate whether policy reforms in Austria between 2003 and 2005 were successful in meeting redistributive objectives and in reducing poverty. The authors use the tax/benefit micro-simulation model EUROMOD for this analysis. In the period under review the 2004-2005 tax reform was introduced and contributions to health insurance were raised. On the benefit side no major changes took place, the main family benefits were not even indexed to inflation. The authors find that the measures had no significant impact on poverty and income distribution. However, in total they increased the disposable income of almost all groups of the population.