The normal retinal development is interrupted by preterm birth and a retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) may develop as its consequence. ROP is characterised by aberrant vessel formation in the retina as a response to multiple risk factors influencing the process of retinal angiogenesis. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF -1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) play an important role in the process of normal retinal vascularisation. Insufficient nutrition during the first 4 postnatal weeks results in low serum levels of IGF-1, which is essential for correct retinal vessels formation, ensuring survival of the newly formed endothelial cells. Low IGF-1 level results in stop of angiogenesis in the retina, leaving it avascular and prompting the onset of ROP. Keeping the newborns in a positive energetic balance by providing enough nutrients and energy has a beneficial impact on their growth, neurodevelopment and decreased incidence of ROP. The best way to achieve this is the early parenteral nutrition with the high content of nutrients combined with early enteral feeding by the own mother's breast milk. Multiple studies confirmed the safety and efficacy of early aggressive nutrition but information about its long-term effects on the metabolism, growth and development is stil needed., N. Lenhartova, K. Matasova, Z. Lasabova, K. Javorka, A. Calkovska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Animals, including human beings, tend to respond more strongly to stimuli that are associated with the highest relative rewards. This applies not only to food rewards but also to reproductive success. In the present review article this issue is discussed for insects in connection with intersexual communication and flower-visiting behaviour. Implications of the preference for supernormal visual releasing stimuli are examined from a sensory and evolutionary perspective, including a consideration of the choice of potential mates and recognition of the most rewarding flowers., Karl Kral., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Moderné individualistické ideológie na čele s neoliberalizmom považujú za zdroj väčšiny problémov štát, spoločnosť a komunitárne hodnoty. Aj totalitné a autoritárne režimy sú podľa klasikov liberalizmu výsledkom kolektivistických ideológií, ktoré si údajne nevážia človeka ako indivíduum. Vo svojom príspevku sa snažím ukázať, že presný opak je pravdou. Po prvé, pokúšam sa dokázať, že totalitné a autoritatívne prejavy sú vo svojej podstate vedľajším produktom individualistických, nie kolektivistických projektov. Atomizovaná masová spoločnosť, v ktorej prevládajú hodnoty individualizmu, inštrumentalizmu a konzumerizmu, vytvára predpoklady pre totalitné myslenie väčšmi než ktorákoľvek totalitná ideológia. Politický systém straníckej demokracie takisto prispieva k negatívnym prejavom autoritativizmu, ako aj ku vzniku rasistických predsudkov a totalitných ideológií, napr. fašizmu. V tejto súvislosti rozvíjam myšlienky vybraných predstaviteľov tzv. frankfurtskej školy (Herbert Marcuse), ale aj analýzy niektorých teoretikov totalitarizmu (Hannah Arendtová) či teoretikov sionizmu (Max Nordau, Nachman Syrkin). Po druhé, pokúšam sa ukázať, že kolektivistické ideológie zďaleka nemožno obviniť z toho, že by si nevážili jednotlivca, slobodu či individuálne ľudské práva. Na filozofickej problematike sociálnej spravodlivosti sa v rámci rawlsiánskeho a neomarxistického diskurzu snažím ukázať, že aj z individualistických východísk možno dospieť k veľmi egalitárskym teóriam a princípom spravodlivosti a dajú sa na nich postaviť aj koncepcie, ktoré by klasici liberalizmu označili za kolektivistické (napr. demokratický socializmus). V tejto časti svojej argumentácie vychádzam zo svojej monografie Späť k Marxovi? a v stručnosti predstavujem svoju antiakcidentálnu teóriu spravodlivosti, aby som preukázal, nakoľko je možné z metodologického individualizmu dospieť k normatívnym záverom, ktoré možno považovať za kolektivistické., Modern individualist ideologies, including neo-Liberalism, consider the state, society and communitarian values to be the source of the majority of political and social problems. According to the classics of Liberalism even totalitarian and authoritarian regimes are the consequence of the collectivist ideologies that do not respect the individual. In my contribution, I attempt to prove the opposite thesis. Firstly, I would like to prove that totalitarian and authoritarian phenomena are, substantially, the by-products of individualist (not collectivist) projects. The atomized mass society, dominated by the values of individualism, instrumentalism and consumerism creates the substratum for totalitarian thinking more than any totalitarian ideology. Even the political system of the partocratic democracy contributes to the negative phenomena of authoritarianism including racial prejudices and totalitarian ideologies, e.g. fascism. In this connection I analyse the ideas of chosen representatives of the Frankfurt School (Herbert Marcuse), the theoreticians of totalitarianism (Hannah Arendt) and the theoreticians of Zionism (Max Nordau, Nachman Syrkin). Secondly, I would like to prove that collectivist ideologies cannot be blamed for lack of respect towards individuals, liberties or human rights. I attempt to present philosophical discourse about social justice and its Rawlsian and neo-Marxist connotations to prove that it is possible to use the methodological individualist presuppositions to establish egalitarian theories and principles of justice, i.e. it is possible to use individualism to establish conceptions that would be labelled “collectivist” by the classics of Liberalism (e.g. democratic socialism). I briefly introduce my anti-accidental theory of justice to demonstrate how we might defend collectivist normative conclusions on the basis of methodological individualism., and Ľuboš Blaha.
Two new species of Polydictya Guérin-Méneville, 1844 from Vietnam, P. grootaerti sp. n. from Central Vietnam and P. drumonti sp. n. from North Vietnam, are described and compared with the closest species, P. chantrainei Nagai & Porion, 2004 and P. kuntzi Nagai & Porion, 2004. The male genitalia are described and illustrated for the two new species as well as for P. vietnamica Constant & Pham, 2008 for the first time. Habitus details and photographs, a distribution map and photographs of specimens in nature when available, are provided. The occurrence of P. vietnamica from Thailand and Northeast India, noted here for the first time based on photographs taken in nature, requires confirmation based on the examination of specimens. An identification key to the species of Polydictya from the Indochinese region is provided., Jérôme Constant, Hong-Thai Pham., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Chyliza vittata is known to utilize leaves, stems and underground parts of several leafy and leafless orchids. Compared to the well-recorded feeding habits of C. vittata in Europe, its feeding habits in Japan are poorly studied. Thus, further records of its host plants and the habits of its larvae in Japan are likely to reveal the similarities and differences in its feeding habits in Europe and Japan. The current study reports C. vittata feeding on the stems of the mycoheterotrophic orchid Yoania japonica in central Japan. This study also showed that in spite of the small size of Yoania its reproductive success is not severely reduced when infested with C. vittata, whereas the robust stems of Gastrodia elata, which is its main host plant in Japan, are thought to be a defence against infestation by C. vittata., Kenji SUETSUGU., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Spalangia cameroni Perkins (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) is sold commercially as a biocontrol agent of filth flies, including the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). For this reason, S. cameroni is mass-reared for inundative releases to control harmful flies. However, the mass-rearing protocols include very little information on the influence of natal host on subsequent host selection by parasitoids with more than one potential host as in the genus Spalangia. Here, we report on the use of S. cameroni against M. domestica. The S. cameroni were reared using Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) (natal host) pupae for several generations. Freeze-killed fly pupae were used in assays to determine the fecundity, number of adult progeny and sex-ratio of this parasitoid. Realized fecundity and number of adult progeny were greater when provided with house fly pupae than Mediterranean fruit fly pupae. Thus S. cameroni parasitized more house fly pupae than C. capitata pupae, even though the parasitoid was reared on Mediterranean fruit fly for many generations. These results indicate that S. cameroni reared on C. capitata can be successfully used in inundative releases against both fruit flies (agriculture) and house flies (livestock farming)., Francisco Beitia, Erik Valencia, Bernat Peris, Luis De Pedro, Josep D. Asís, José Tormos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Academy Assembly, the Academy of Science´s highest body responsible for the highest priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XXXIX meeting on December 16, 2011. Among invited guests were Petr Fiala, the Prime Minister´s Chief Science Advisor; Karel Pospíšil, Head of Board of Public Applied Research Institutions; Václav Pačes, President of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic; Rudolf Zahradník, Honorary President of the ASCR; Helena Illnerová, former President of the ASCR; Václav Hampl, Rector of Charles University of Prague; Přemysl Sobotka, First Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and Vladimír Haasz, Vice-Chairperson of the R&D Council of the Czech Republic, and others. The main agenda item of this meeting was discussion the results of the Evaluation of Academy Instituties.
Our previous study showed that a diet enriched with 400 g of carp per week improved plasma lipids in subjects after aortocoronary bypass (CABG). The aim of the present study is to determine whether the differe nt carp farming systems have an impact on the effects of carp meat in secondary cardiovascula r prevention. We examined 3 groups of patients after CABG over a 4-week period of spa treatment (108 persons, 73 males, 35 females, age over 60 years). We found no differences in baseline values of blood pressure or plasma lipids. The patients were given a standard spa diet (controls; N=36) or a diet enriched of 400 g of car p meat per week, enriched omega-3 (N=37) or cereal carp (N=35). Plasma lipid parameters were examined at start and after 4 weeks in a routine laboratory setting. Group consuming omega-3 carp showed the largest decline in total cholesterol, LDL ch olesterol, triglycerides and an increase in HDL cholesterol (all p<0.01). We found that carp meat from the two production systems showed significantly different effects on plasma lipids. Further t rials should be performed to clarify the exact causes of the differences., J. Mraz, T. Zajic, P. Kozak, J. Pickova, P. Kacer, V. Adamek, I. Kralova Lesna, V. Lanska, V. Adamkova., and Obsahuje bibliografii