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32. "Lodní šroub je Rakušanem...
- Creator:
- Habrnálová, Lenka
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Balkan Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
33. "Maranatha" a "erchomenos" - předchristologická imprese Ježíšových přívrženců
- Creator:
- Funda, Otakar A.
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Der bestehende Stand der Forschung bietet eine ausführliche Analyse der Entstehung von Vorstellungen und Titel, mit derer Hilfe der urchristliche Glaube zum Ausdruck gebracht wurde. Es handelt sich vor allem um die Auferstehungs- und Erhöhungsvorstellung. Beides hat das Urchristentum nicht neu geschaffen, sondern übernommen, und zwar von seiner hellenistischen und jüdischen Umwelt. Später kam es zu einer Vergegenstädlichung von diesen Vorstellungen, die eine Form der Legende vom leeren Grab und der Legende von der Himmelfahrt aufgenommen haben. Die andere Linie der Selbstdeutung des christlichen Glaubens folgte die christologischen Titel. Auch diese wurden übergenommen und auf Jesus transformiert. ...
- Rights:
- unknown
34. "Mein Schüler Hrubý" : drobnost k odborným počátkům pozdějšího brněnského profesora
- Creator:
- Pátková, Hana
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Gustav Friedrich, Václav Hrubý, Emil Ottenthal, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The article focuses on the letter of Gustav Friedrich, the professor of auxiliary historical sciences at the Prague University, addressed in 1906 to Emil Ottenthal, the director of the Institute for the Austrian history (Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung). In this letter Friedrich intervened in favour of Václav Hrubý, who later become the first professor of auxiliary historical sciences at the Masaryk University in Brno. This unique document further illustrates the relationship of Fridrich and his students and the interrelationships of the younger generation of historians, otherwise known mostly from inconsistent personal testimonies.
- Rights:
- unknown
35. "Měřítko vytváří jev" : k pojetí obsahů a funkcí náboženství ve výzkumech religiozity v současné české společnosti
- Creator:
- Havlíček, Jakub
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Czech Republic, religion, conceptualization, spirituality, belief, identity, functional characteristics, substantial characteristics, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The paper focuses on the topic of conceptualizing religion in Czech society today from the perspective of the Study of Religions. The paper further develops and assesses in theoretical terms the findings of descriptive content analysis published by Veronika Hásová and Jan Váně (2014), who identified and quantified the frequency of variables of religiosity applied by researchers in the Czech Republic. The characteristics applied most frequently are categorized as functional characteristics (religious affiliation, church attendance) and substantive characteristics (belief in diverse religious phenomena) of religiosity. Results and conclusions of the analysis of religiosity in the Czech Republic depend heavily on how the functional and substantive characteristics of religiosity are conceived and formulated. The functional characteristic of religious affiliation conceived in terms of church membership results in a low measure of religiosity and supports the conclusion concerning the purported irrelevance of religions and religious identities in the Czech society today. Other surveys based on different conceptualizations of religious identities reveal the relevance of religion as far as the attitudes and values of respondents are concerned. Topics connected to religions and religious identities continue to be discussed within the public sphere of Czech society, e.g. through the media. As far as the substantive characteristics of belief in religious phenomena are concerned, the specification of the subject of such belief is of vital importance. As surveys of religiosity reveal, respondents relatively often declare their belief in or reliance on phenomena connected with alternative religiosity or spirituality. The ways of conceptualizing religion in Czech society today often ignore the dynamics of religious change in modern societies and do not take into account changes in the perceived content and functions of religious phenomena. Critical examination of the variables of religiosity leads towards a re-examination of conclusions concerning the purported irreligious or secular nature of Czech society today
- Rights:
- unknown
36. "Mit syns selbes hand (…) auch vil andere erbar lude ermordet" : die Verwertung der Absetzungsurkunde Wenzels IV. in der reichsstädtischen Chronistik des 15. Jahrhunderts
- Creator:
- Hübner, Klara
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- late middle ages, Wenceslas IV, defamation, political narratives, Roman Empire, Czech lands, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The bad fame of bohemian king Wenceslas IV, which was deposed by the roman electors in 1400, derives also from their well composed deposition letter, since it became the most important explanatory reference to the contemporary historiographers in the Roman Empire. The article enlightens its different influence phases as well as the slow transformation of its legal arguments into a spectrum of defaming narratives.
- Rights:
- unknown
37. "Nature's Bastards" z Royal Society: obhajoba přírodní filosofie v díle Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673)
- Creator:
- Bečvářová, Monika
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Margaret Cavendishová (Lucasová), Robert Hooke, Royal Society, přírodní filosofie, vitalismus, mechanicismus, experimentální věda, Margaret Cavendish (Lucas), philosophy of nature, vitalism, mechanism, experimental philosophy, and Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- V této studii se pokouším předložit postoj Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673) ke zkoumání přírody ve druhé polovině 17. století. Pro tento účel jsem analyzovala především dílo Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666), které představuje nejucelenější filosofický výklad přírody této autorky. Prostřednictvím něho postihuji ontologické i epistemologické námitky Cavendishové k charakteru zkoumání přírody členy nově založeného vědeckého společenství – Royal Society. Z tohoto důvodu se zaměřuji rovněž na dílo Micrographia (1665) Roberta Hooka, který pro autorku tuto společnost reprezentuje. Cílem studie není rehabilitovat osobu a dílo Margaret Cavendishové, nýbrž charakterizovat způsob, jímž se pokusila zhodnotit myšlenky nové experimentální, tj. zkušenostní vědy. and The object of this study is to present the attitude of Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) to the research of nature in the second half of the 17th century. For this purpose I analysed primarily work Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666), which represents the most comprehensive philosophical interpretation of nature of this woman author. Through this work I introduce Cavendish's ontological and epistemological objections to the research of nature, which practised members of the newly established scientific community – Royal Society. In connection with this research I also concentrate on work Micrographia (1665) of Robert Hooke, who represents this company for Cavendish. The aim of my work is not to rehabilitate the status of Margaret Cavendish, but to characterize the way she tried to evaluate ideas of new experimental, i.e. empirical science.
- Rights:
- unknown
38. "Návrat domů" : rozdílné průběhy repatriačního procesu v Bosně a Hercegovině (vybrané případové studie)
- Creator:
- Žíla, Ondřej
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Bosnia–Herzegovina, minority return, the success of return, international community, ethnic configuration of the country, statistics, Bosna a Hercegovina, menšinový návrat, repatriační úspěšnost, mezinárodní společenství, etnické složení země, statistika, and Balkan Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This paper analyzes the course taken by the repatriation process in post-Dayton Bosnia and Hercegovina. Based on results obtained from field research in selected localities, it presents a typology of the success of the repatriation process. It aims primarily to shed new light on the situation at the local level as seen by the repatriates, the organizers of the repatriation, representatives of the state administration (mainly employees of district offices) and employees of international organizations. he overall goals of these explorations of local situations are to attempt to portray the ethno-demographic situation in particular regions and show the differences between what the international community presented as its success in handling the repatriation process (the "macro-view") and how this process was actually evaluated by the "subjects" of the aid – i.e. the repatriates themselves (the "micro-view"). and Studie analyzuje průběh repatriačního procesu v daytonské Bosně a Hercegovině a na základě zjištění v průběhu terénních šetření ve vybraných lokalitách typologizuje jeho rozdílnou úspěšnost. Záměrem stati je především přiblížit situaci na lokální úrovni z pohledu samotných navrátilců, organizátorů repatriace, představitelů státní správy (zaměstnanců okresních úřadů) a pracovníků mezinárodních organizací. Dílčí sondy mají současně sloužit nejen k pokusu o vykreslení reálné etno-demograické situace v jednotlivých regionech, ale i k prokázání rozdílnosti prezentovaných úspěchů mezinárodního společenství v řízení repatriačního procesu ("makropohled") a odlišného hodnocení ze strany "objektů" směřované pomoci – tedy samotných repatriantů ("mikropohled").
- Rights:
- unknown
39. "Něco z odolnosti pravěkých tvorů" : Hans Blumenberg a badatelská skupina poetika a hermeneutika
- Creator:
- Amslinger, Julia
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Blumenberg, poetik und hermeneutik, Jauss, and Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Hans Blumenberg is often considered an intellectual solitaire, an "invisible philosopher" and a modern hieronym in the hermitage. But for Blumenberg's scientific work of the 1960s, the picture is very different. Julia Amslinger introduces Hans Blumenberg's interdisciplinary engagement within the research group Poetics and Hermeneutics that was founded in 1963.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
40. "Neuľahneš k mužskému ležaniami ženy!" : mužská homoerotika a análny styk medzi mužmi v Levitiku
- Creator:
- Javornický, Samuel
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Holiness Code, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, male homoeroticism, anal intercourse, cross-gendering, anthropological interpretation, ancient Israel, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- This article deals with the problem of male homoeroticism and anal intercourse in two verses of the Book of Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13) belonging to the textual set called the Holiness Code (H). The article comprises two parts. The first represents a philological analysis and interpretation of these two texts, while the second is an attempt to understand the anthropological framework and behavioural patterns lying behind the texts. In the first part, the standard interpretative and translation tradition considering the active (insertive) partner as the primary addressee of the proscription is critically examined. The article inquires into the crucial Hebrew idiom, miškǝvê 'iššāh, "the lying down of a woman", which represents the central clue to a proper understanding of the two texts. The article rejects the mainstream interpretative and translation tradition. Based on a new lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis, it proposes an alternative translation and interpretation which sees the passive (receptive) partner as the addressee of the proscription. The second part of the article discusses the two main interpretative frameworks for the anthropological interpretation of the two texts. The first is "shame and honor dialectics" and the second is the prohibition of the mixing of kinds, in this case the mixing of gender roles. The latter is regarded as principal. It means that the Holiness Code condemns miškǝvê 'iššāh, "the lying down of a woman", with another male, i.e. the acceptance of the receptive sexual role within inter-male anal intercourse, as a culturally relevant expression of "cross-gendering".
- Rights:
- unknown