This article reports the results of a content analysis of recently published papers on the relationship(s) between socioeconomic status and health. This study explores how scholars conceptualize and measure socioeconomic status and health. Consequently, this research investigates if significant differences in measurement exist both across subfields within sociology and across disciplines. The evidence presented reveals a remarkable variation in measurement strategies. Moreover, this variation exhibits a pattern that is not entirely predictable. This article concludes by presenting in detail some of the most widely used health indicators and proposing that current measurement practice may be improved by utilizing some more advanced scaling strategies., Martin Kreidl, Lucie Hošková., 4 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
Cíl: Cílem našeho příspěvku bylo zjistit vztah mezi konstrukty kvality života související se zdravím Health Related Quality of Life, používaný ve standardní zkratce HRQoL a subjektivní pohody Subjective well-being, používaný ve standardně zavedené zkratce SWB, u pacientů s chronickým onemocněním, konkrétně bronchiálním astmatem. Zaměřujeme se na diskriminační validitu obou konstruktů. Metodika: Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 316 pacientů, kteří byli vyšetřeni na plicní ambulanci ve Fakultní nemocnici Ostrava. HRQoL byla hodnocena prostřednictvím zkrácené verze Dotazníku kvality života astmatiků (Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, Mini AQLQ), SWB prostřednictvím Indexu osobní pohody (Personal Wellbeing Index, PWI). Ke zjištění závislosti mezi vybranými proměnnými byl použit Pearsonův korelační koeficient a lineární regresní analýza. Diskriminační validitu jsme zkoumali prostřednictvím zkoumání rozdílů v HRQoL a SWB z hlediska vybraných klinických proměnných. Rozdíly v HRQoL a SWB byly zjišťovány vícefaktorovou analýzou rozptylu (ANOVA). Výsledky: Korelace mezi HRQoL (operacionalizované prostřednictvím Mini AQLQ) a SWB (operacionalizované prostřednictvím PWI) jsou pozitivní a středně silné. Percepce kontroly astmatu byla identifikovaná jako signifikantní prediktor obou konstruktů, avšak vytvářela vyšší míru variability v rámci HRQoL. Závěr: SWB a HRQoL představují související, avšak odlišné konstrukty. Výsledky podporují chápání HRQoL jako konstruktu založeném na větší míře klinických proměnných než je tomu u SWB., Aim: The goal of the study was to determine the relationship between the health-related quality of life (usually abbreviated as HRQoL) and subjective well-being (usually abbreviated as SWB) of patients with chronic disease, namely bronchial asthma. The focus was on discriminative validity of both constructs. Methods: The research sample consisted of 316 patients examined at the Pulmonary Clinic of the University Hospital Ostrava. HRQoL was assessed by a short version of the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (Mini AQLQ) and SWB was assessed by the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI). Pearson’s correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis were used for evaluation of dependencies between selected variables. Discriminative validity was explored by examination of differences between HRQoL and SWB relevant to selected clinical variables. Differences in HRQoL and SWB were detected by multi-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The correlations between HRQoL (assessed by the Mini AQLQ) and SWB (assessed by the PWI) are positive and moderate. Perception of asthma control was identified as a significant predictor of both constructs. However, it produced greater variance in the context of HRQoL. Conclusion: SWB and HRQoL are related but distinct constructs. The results support the notion of HRQoL as a construct based on a larger set of clinical variables as compared to SWB., Patricie Popelková, Elena Gurková, and Literatura
Competencies develop and changes throughout a persons life, they can gain or lose, going through various age stages. Their development does not end in youth, but continue on through the adult life. The ability to thing and reflect those thoughts specifically come forward in the center of structure of competency, which grows at the same time as the individual matures. One of the competency types is health competency. Health competency is a relatively new concept; it is not sufficiently researched. Aim of the study was to determine the factors of an adult individual health competency. 827 respondents participated in the study, in the processing of data was used SPSS. Was used factor analysis, analysis of variance with ANOVA and KruskalWallis test and Pearsons correlation. It was found that health competency is affected by several factors. These are: health education, health behavior, and the value of the environment. Each of the sets was distributed to key factors. It is the main factors affecting the health competence, but additional factors are: gender, education and income., Inara Upmale, Andrejs Geske, and Literatura