Background: There are several environmental factors which influence the preschoolers psychomotor development and the most considerable ones are socioeconomic status and day cares learning&care environment. Aim of this study is to assess how the change of socioeconomic gradient and the quality of care environment influence the average and the differences in psychometric domains of ASQ3 in preschoolers. Method: We assessed the psychometric parameters of all preschoolers enrolled in some of day cares in Vlora city, Albania using the ASQ3. We also assessed the quality of care environment according to ECERSR and the socioeconomic status upon the fathers occupation. Results: In the end of this research we found that not only a considerable percentage of preschoolers included in this study have psychomotor delays, but also that these delays and the average of psychomotor development have a significant relationship with the environment factors, as socioeconomic status and care environment. Conclusions: Children development depends more on instructing capacities of kindergartens staff than mothers. So the public health workers should work more with mothers in this direction, focusing in the lowest socioeconomic classes., Aurela Saliaj, Ermira Kola, Lorena Lazaj, Majlinda Rakipaj, Emiljana Çorraj, and Literatura
Posouzení možných vlivů rušivého světla na obyvatelstvo v obytné zástavbě. Zobjektivizování reálné situace, odezvy obyvatelstva, možnosti nápravných opatření včetně doporučení., Evaluation of possible impact of interfering light induced by eye catchers on population in near house building. Objectification of actual situation, responses of inhabitants, possibility of remedial measure including recommendation., Petr Vrbík, and Literatura
Sdělení představuje souhrn aktuálních znalostí o fotokatalytickém jevu na povrchu nanočástic TiO2, přehled publikovaných sdělení o jejich známých a potenciálních zdravotních účincích, o biocidním působení i o možném využití v oblastí zlepšení kvality životního prostředí. Součástí je i přehledná diskuze reklamních tvrzení producentů nátěrů obsahujících nanočástice TiO2., Presented is a summary of current knowledge about the photocatalytic effect on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles, review of published information and documents about the potential health effects, about their biocidal activity and about possible use of photocatalysis in improving the quality of the environment. It also includes a transparent discussion on advertising claims of producers of paints containing nanoforms TiO2., Bohumil Kotlík, Lenka Škrabalová, Lenka Šubčíková, and Literatura
Competencies develop and changes throughout a persons life, they can gain or lose, going through various age stages. Their development does not end in youth, but continue on through the adult life. The ability to thing and reflect those thoughts specifically come forward in the center of structure of competency, which grows at the same time as the individual matures. One of the competency types is health competency. Health competency is a relatively new concept; it is not sufficiently researched. Aim of the study was to determine the factors of an adult individual health competency. 827 respondents participated in the study, in the processing of data was used SPSS. Was used factor analysis, analysis of variance with ANOVA and KruskalWallis test and Pearsons correlation. It was found that health competency is affected by several factors. These are: health education, health behavior, and the value of the environment. Each of the sets was distributed to key factors. It is the main factors affecting the health competence, but additional factors are: gender, education and income., Inara Upmale, Andrejs Geske, and Literatura
V roce 2014 šetřili pracovníci Krajské hygienické stanice Moravskoslezského kraje se sídlem v Ostravě dva případy výskytu patogenních mikroorganismů kmene Salmonella spp. v cukrářských výrobcích. V obou nesouvisejících případech došlo ke konzumaci kontaminované potraviny a následným zdravotním komplikacím spotřebitelů. Ani v jednom z případů se nepodařilo zjistit zdroj nákazy, avšak ve druhém případě byla objasněna souvislost mezi konzumací cukrářských výrobků a onemocněním tří osob, které tyto výrobky konzumovaly., In 2014, public health inspectors of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Public Health Authority in Ostrava investigated 2 separate cases of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella spp.) in sweet desserts which caused health complications in consumers after ingestion. No source of the infection has been identified in either case, howewer, in the second case a direct link was found between 3 affected persons and consumption of the desserts., Lucie Hlaváčková, and Literatura