V době, kdy snad všechny oblasti lidské činnosti i zájmů mají své ilustrované encyklopedie, si zaslouží připomenout, že dochovaným pravzorem pro ně je Komenského Orbis sensualium pictus, nevelká knížka obsahující všech hlavních věcí na světě, všech výkonů života vymalování a jmenování., Ivo Kraus., and Ilustrace
This article assesses efforts to develop "open innovation". First, open innovation is put in the framework of knowledge society. It is shown that the term open innovation refers tu such different cases that it is better to assess them separately. Chesbrough´s "open innovation", the "lead user" conception, the idea of "commons-based-peer-production" and "interactive value production" is shortly explored. "Incertitude" is overviewed as basic background that urges societal praxis to turn to open innovation. At the end the article, referring to an expert material worked out for the EC DG Research, called with abbreviation TEKSS, turns interest to extending open innovation by integrating concerned groups as innovation partners as engagement, i.e. as partners though the whole innovation process., Imre Hronzsky, Ágnes Fésüs., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Studie je věnována roz- manitým sociologizujícím, a později přímo i sociologickým způsobům, kterými v minulosti byla a dodnes je věda uchopována. Do sociologie se věda jako výzkumný předmět dostává spolu s osvícenskou ideou pokroku, na kterou v první polovině 19. století navazuje Auguste Comte. Teprve sociologie 20. století se však zbavila „historicismu", kterým byla sociologie nejen Comtova, ale samozřejmě i Marxova určována. Od 30. let minulého století (Merton) se pak věda stává zvláštním sociologickým tématem, které bude s postupujícím časem nabývat na síle (až po nedávný bloorovský a latourovský obrat). V samostatné části se pak prof. Petrusek věnuje fenoménem zpochybňování vědy, který spojuje s proměnami samotných našich společností. Svoji studii uzavírá zamyšlením se nad sociologickou metateorií., This study focuses on various forms of sociological accounts and understandings of science. It demonstrates that as an explanatory topic science enters the field of sociology together with the Enlightenment's idea of progress, which is then followed up by Auguste Comte in the early 19th century. However, it had taken many decades before sociologists were able to free themselves of " historicist" ways of thinking, which can easily be traced in Comte's and Marx's writings. Since the 1930s, science has become a distinct research topic within sociology (with Robert K. Merton as a leading figure) that is nowadays more and more in the centre of systematic disciplinary interest (with David Bloor or Bruno Latour as leading figures). In the final parts, the author inquires into the arguments against science and associates these arguments with the transformations of societies. Also the role of sociological metatheory is aligned with the prospects of socio- logical accounts of science., and Miloslav Petrusek.
In her article, Barbara M. Stafford argues for the conception of literacy that would encompass visual skills besides the traditional emphasis on verbal competence. Image itself is important, not merely the information it may convey. Moreover, a more extensive notion of education is necessitated by the process of radical perceptual and conceptual changes that have been occurring since the Enlightenment and are all-pervasive in Postmodernism. The new-found power and ubiquity of images needs to be recognized in order to surpass the limitative, yet enduring Platonic distrust in visual culture. Medical,environmental, physical, legal, and other practices have nonetheless profoundly benefited from the technologies of visualization.Examples from the 18th century visual endeavors such as preserving fragmented cultures, exhibition of diversity, and the externalization of somatic experience show, how images challenge the restrictions of human comprehension. With the advent of visual and electronically generated culture, the time is ripe to edify images from their low status.Visual cognition as the crucial element of knowledge should be reflected in a hybrid art-science, public policy, as well as pedagogy., Barbara Maria Staffordová., and Obsahuje bibliografii