In the internal French Alps, subalpine grasslands become dominated by the tussock grass, Festuca paniculata, when mowing ceases. Does litter or living plants affect seedling recruitment in these subalpine communities, and does this vary between mown and unmown grasslands? Can the vegetation patterns observed in the field be related to the effects of F. paniculata? These hypotheses were tested using both a field and pot experiment. Seedlings of Bromus erectus, a subordinate species in these grasslands, were used as phytometers in both experiments. At both mown and unmown subalpine grassland sites in the French Alps, a removal experiment was established. This field experiment included removal of litter and living vegetation in order to differentiate their respective effect on seedling establishment. Vegetation and litter had contrasting effects. Vegetation affected the recruitment success of B. erectus by limiting seedling growth at the mown site and survival at the unmown site. Litter modified recruitment only at the unmown site, where it increased survival but limited growth. Survival and growth of seedlings responded to different environmental factors. Survival was determinedmore by soilmoisture, while growth probably dependedmore on light availability.Where there is a thick litter layer, as is the case in unmown subalpine grasslands, the competitive effect of vegetation can be counterbalanced by an increase in soil moisture due to the litter reducing rate of evaporation of water. The effect on seedlings of the presence of Festuca paniculata, the dominant species at these sites, was also quantified using a pot experiment, including a cutting treatment. This experiment showed that the competitive effect of the vegetation could be largely explained by the inhibitory effect on growth of the dominant species, F. paniculata. This study provides a better understanding of the processes that result in conservative plants, such as F. paniculata, becoming dominant in these subalpine environments upon cessation of traditional management practices.
Coccinella septempunctata was approximately 20% more reluctant to eat the eggs of Adalia bipunctata than the reverse. In addition, fourth instar larvae of C. septempunctata failed to complete their development on a diet of A. bipunctata eggs and only 30% of those of A. bipunctata completed their development on a diet of C. septempunctata eggs, and the survivors took nearly 2 times as long as those fed aphids. This is an indication that the costs of intraguild predation might outweigh the benefits.
Great progress has recently been made in cryobiology. One field, however, has been neglected: the temporal sequence of the effects of photoperiod and temperature, and their relative importance in cold hardening. This is relevant to the question of importance of diapause in cold-hardiness. Denlinger (1991) outlined the categories of such relations and stressed a great need for further detailed research. A survey of studies done over the past decade revealed many gaps in the evidence and the ambiguous nature of the data on the photoperiodic regulation of cold-hardiness. We hope that this review will stimulate further research in this field. Among several directions where research is most needed we have stressed (1) simultaneous recording of changes in survival and dynamics of suspected cryoprotectants (stressed also by Danks, 1996), (2) checking the regulation of different phases of cold hardening, and (3) discrimination between direct and indirect (mediated via neuroendocrine system) effects of environmental cues on cold hardening.
Sepsis is a life threatening condition that arises when the body's response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. Sepsis can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and death especially if not recognized early and treated promptly. Molecular mechanisms underlying the systemic inflammatory response syndrome associated with sepsis are still not completely defined and most therapies developed to target the acute inflammatory component of the disease are insufficient. In this s tudy we investigated a possibility of combating sepsis in a mouse model by intravenous treatment with recombinant human tissue non - specific alkaline phosphatase (rhTNAP) derived from transgenic rabbit milk. We induced sepsis in mice by intraperitoneal inje ction of LPS and three hours later treated experimental group of mice by intravenous injection with rhTNAP derived from transgenic rabbits. Such treatment was proved to be physiologically effective in this model, as administration of recombinant rhTNAP suc cessfully combated the decrease in body temperature and resulted in increased survival of mice (80 % vs. 30 % in a control group). In a control experiment, also the administration of bovine intestinal alkaline phosphatase by intravenous injection proved to be effective in increasing survival of mice treated with LPS. Altogether, present work demonstrates the redeeming effect of the recombinant tissue non -specific AP derived from milk of genetically modified rabbits in combating sepsis induced by LPS., B. Bender, M. Baranyi, A. Kerekes, L. Bodrogi, R. Brands, P. Uhrin, Z. Bösze., and Obsahuje bibliografii
n this study we addressed a question of whether experimental manipulations that increase life span also reduce physical activity and molecular oxidative damage. We used three phenotypes of male and female Pyrrhocoris apterus that survive for different lengths of time, diapausing insects, reproductive insects and insects from which the corpus allatum, the source of juvenile hormone, was surgically removed. Protein carbonyl content of the thoracic muscles was used as an index of molecular oxidative modification. Diapause or ablation of the corpus allatum (allatectomy) was associated with an extended life span of both sexes, but only those individuals that were in diapause were less active. The carbonyl content, both relative (per protein unit) and absolute (per thorax) increased with age in reproductive insects of both sexes. However, the associations between the carbonyl content and diapause and allatectomy differed in males and females. In males, the carbonyl content was not associated with either diapause or allatectomy. There was no age-related increase in the relative and absolute carbonyl levels in diapausing females, while only the increase in the relative carbonyl level was absent in allectomized females. Overall, the results indicate that both allatectomy and diapause prolonged life span, but had different and sex-specific effects on locomotor activity and carbonyl content. Only the extension of the life span of diapausing females was correlated with both reduced locomotor activity and reduced carbonyl content., Marcela Buricova, Magdalena Hodkova., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Conventional radiotherapy with X- and γ-rays is one of the common and effective treatments of cancer. High energy hadrons, i.e., charged particles like protons and 12C ions, due to their specific physics and radiobiological advantages are increasingly used. In this study, effectiveness of different radiation types is evaluated on the radio-resistant human HTB140 melanoma cells. The cells were irradiated with γ-rays, the 62 MeV protons at the Bragg peak and in the middle of the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP), as well as with the 62 MeV/u 12 C ions. The doses ranged from 2 to 24 Gy. Cell survival and proliferation were assessed 7 days after irradiation, whereas apoptosis was evaluated after 48 h. The acquired results confirmed the high radio-resistance of cells, showing better effectiveness of protons than γ-rays. The best efficiency was obtained with 12C ions due to higher linear energy transfer. All analyzed radiation qualities reduced cell proliferation. The highest proliferation was detected for 12C ions because of their large killing capacity followed by small induction of reparable lesions. This enabled unharmed cells to preserve proliferative activity. Irradiations with protons and 12C ions revealed similar moderate pro-apoptotic ability that is in agreement with the level of cellular radio-resistance., A. Ristić-Fira ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The coexistence of discrete morphs within a species, with one morph more conspicuous than the other(s) is often thought to result from both sexual selection and predation. In many damselflies, sexual dimorphism occurs jointly with multiple female colour morphs. Typically, one morph is coloured like the male (andromorph), while the other(s) is not (gynomorph(s)). The mechanisms contributing to the maintenance of such female polymorphism in damselflies remain poorly understood, especially the role of predation. We tested the detectability of two different female colour morphs of the damselfly, Enallagma cyathigerum, using human observers as model predators; andromorphs were detected more frequently than gynomorphs. Field data on mortality of males and the two different female morphs due to predation or drowning were also collected, and these observations support morph-specific mortality. In natural populations predation risk was higher in males than females; gynomorphs, however, were more prone to predation than andromorphs. Differences in behaviour between morphs, rather than colour, may explain this result.
Several culture media as well as some factors that may affect the in vitro development of the nematode Anisakis simplex Rudolphi, 1809 have been studied. After testing six media and four temperatures, the conditions for the in vitro culture selected were as follows: RPML1640 + 20% (v/v) heat-inactived fetal bovine serum or Meyer’s М3 (without agar) media, at 37"C, under 5% C02 in air atmosphere, and renewal of the medium twice a week. The average survival rates of the larvae were significantly increased when the pH of the culture medium was increased (from 4.0 to 7.2) or decreased (from 7.2 to 4,0) after L, to L4 moulting. The length of the larvae at the onset of culture affected the survival and moulting of themselves, but these were culture medium-dependent. On the other hand, we have observed that several L, and L, were attached, by means of a brown unknown substance apparently secreted by themselves, to the bottom of the substratum. Frequently, when a larva was spontaneously detached, a “cap” of the brown substance blocked, apparently, its mouth. The possible absorption of nutrients through the L, larvae cuticle of A. simplex is discussed.
The effects of submergence on chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence were compared in seven Oryza sativa (L.) cultivars, namely FR 13A, Khoda, Khadara, Kalaputia (tolerant), Sabita, and Hatipanjari (avoiding type), and IR 42 (susceptible). Seedlings were submerged for 4 d under complete darkness. Oxygen concentration of flood water decreased with the period of submergence with concomitant increase in concentration of carbon dioxide. Submergence caused diminution in the amount of total Chl. Genotypic differences were observed for Chl content and survival percentage. Quantification of the Chl a fluorescence transients (JIP-test) revealed large cultivar differences in the response of photosystem 2 (PS2) to submergence. The kinetics of Chl a fluorescence rise showed complex changes in the magnitudes and rise of O-J, J-I, and I-P phases caused by submergence. The selective suppression of the J-I phase of fluorescence especially after 2 d of submergence provided evidence for weakened electron donation from the oxygen evolving complex whereas under severe submergence stress (4 d) both O-J and J-I steps were suppressed greatly with highly suppressed P-step, which resulted in lowering of variable fluorescence. Grouping probability or energetic connectivity between PS2 obtained through JIP-test from the data after 2 d of submergence showed a direct relation with survival percentage, i.e. fluorescence measurements contained the information of the survival chance of a plant under submerged conditions. The information could be used in identifying the submergence tolerant cultivars when the damage is not very severe. and D. Panda ... [et al.].