Some studies have suggested that there could be an association between the duration of sleep in humans and development of the obesity. We have analyzed the group of the probands (n = 3970, 2038 males and 1932 females, aged 18-65 years), with permanent address in the Central or South Bohemia. We ascertained the relationship between the duration of their sleep (obtained per questionnaire) and body mass index, weight, height, the value of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, waist and hip circumference, the values of total-, high density- and low density- cholesterol, thyroid hormone and body exercise performed. The optimal values of the body mass index (and optimal body weight) were associated with the duration of sleep 7 hours per night (P < 0.001). This association was found both in males and females and in both districts. Other anthropometrical and biochemical parameters were not associated with the sleep duration., V. Adámková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Novorozenecké období trvá 4–12 týdnů po porodu. Je charakterizováno převahou spánku. Přesto je časný kontakt s matkou významný jak pro ni, tak pro dítě. Je potřebný pro rozvoj mateřského chování. Vedle vrozených reflexů rozvíjí novorozenec smyslové vjemy a využívá vrozenou schopnost učení. Teorie „attachmentu“ o připoutání dítěte k matce a navázání specifického pouta k ní předpokládá, že tento vztah tvoří základ pro všechny další sociální vztahy a jeho narušení tedy vede k závažným důsledkům ve vývoji jedince., Neonatal period takes 4–12 weeks after delivery. It is characterized by dominance of sleep. Nevertheless the early contact with mother is important for mother and child. It is useful for development of the maternal behavior. Besides inborn reflexes newborns develop sense perception and use inborn ability for learning. Theory of the attachment about specific binding of child and mother anticipate it as the base of all other social interactions. Its disturbance have serious consequences for personal development., and Lenka Šulová, Tomáš Fait
Kofein podaný večer snižuje ospalost a zvyšuje pozornost a schopnost poznávat. Zpožďuje však též časový cirkadiánní systém, neboť následující den po podání je zpožděn rytmus v tvorbě melatoninu, ukazatele fáze cirkadiánních hodin. Vynucená desynchronizace mezi spánkem a dobou vysoké noční hladiny melatoninu, která signalizuje subjektivní noc jedince, vede k narušení celého cirkadiánního systému., Evening caffeine consumption attenuates sleepiness and increases attention and cognitive abilities. In addition, it delays the circadian timekeeping system, as the next day after caffeine consumption the human melatonin rhythm, a circadian clock phase marker, is delayed. Forced desynchrony of sleep and the interval of high melatonin levels, which indicates a subjective night for an individual, leads to a disruption of the circadian system., and Helena Illnerová.
Reduced physical activity and abundant energy intake are two most common factors leading to uncontrolled body weight gain. But these factors are not under entire internal consciousness control; they are also partially genetically determined and are affected by for example food marketing practices. In addition to these two widely accepted factors, there are some other factors, whose could also contribute to the recent increase of obesity prevalence. For example, non-exercise activity thermogenesis, sleeping habits, more stable inside room temperatures (using of heating and air conditioning), high prescription of medications with weight gain as side effect, psychosocial factors, unfavourable socioeconomic status and unpleasant urban environment are the background factors which should not be omitted if obesity/BMI determination should be fully understood and kept under control. In conclusion, unhealthy life style is necessary, but not sufficient for obesity development., J. A. Hubáček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Sleep is regulated by complex biological systems and environmental influences, neither of which is fully clarified. This study demonstrates differential effects of partial sleep deprivation (SD) on sleep architecture and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) performance using two different protocols (sequentially) that each restricted daily sleep to 3 hours in healthy adult men. The protocols differed only in the period of sleep restriction; in one, sleep was restricted to a 3-hour block from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM, and in the other, sleep was restricted to a block from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM. Subjects in the earlier sleep restriction period showed a significantly lower percentage of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep after 4 days (17.0 vs. 25.7 %) and a longer latency to the onset of REM sleep (L-REM) after 1 day (78.8 vs. 45.5 min) than they did in the later sleep restriction period. Reaction times on PVT performance were also better (i.e. shorter) in the earlier SR period on day 4 (249.8 vs. 272 ms). These data support the view that earlier-night sleep may be more beneficial for daytime vigilance than later-night sleep. The study also showed that cumulative declines in daytime vigilance resulted from loss of total sleep time, rather than from specific stages, and underscored the reversibility of SR effects with greater amounts of sleep., H. Wu ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Hypoglykemie provází pravidelně léčbu diabetika 2. typu, pokud jsou v léčbě použity inzulin nebo deriváty sulfonylurey. Kromě toho, že hypoglykemie jsou nejdůležitější překážkou, která znemožňuje dosáhnout žádoucí kompenzace cukrovky, má hypoglykemie řadu závažných klinických důsledků. Dlouhotrvající těžká hypoglykemie může vést k náhlému úmrtí, kardiovaskulární příhodě či nevratnému poškození mozku. Klinicky významné jsou však i lehké či asymptomatické hypoglykemie, které významně negativně ovlivňují kvalitu života nemocného. Využití moderních technologií pro kontinuální monitoraci glykemií ukázalo, že výskyt asymptomatických hypoglykemií je o mnoho vyšší, než jsme se domnívali a že se jedná zejména o hypoglykemie noční. Hypoglykemie jsou spojeny se zvýšenou mírou deprese, úzkosti, nespokojenosti s léčbou a počtu návštěv lékaře. Noční hypoglykemie mají negativní dopad na spánek, mohou snížit kognitivní funkce a pracovní výkonnost nemocného další den. Prevence hypoglykemií je proto jedním ze základních cílů léčby diabetu a nízké riziko hypoglykemií patří mezi hlavní požadavky, které klademe na nově vyvíjená antidiabetika. Zanedbatelné riziko hypoglykemií, které je srovnatelné s placebem jak v monoterapii, tak i ve většině kombinací s dnes dostupnými antidiabetiky, dokládají data ze studií provedených s empagliflozinem. Ukazují, že nízké riziko hypoglykemií je jednou z výhod gliflozinů, které jsou novou lékovou skupinou s unikátním mechanizmem účinku a které se relativně nedávno objevily na našem trhu., The treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes is typically accompanied by hypoglycemia, if insulin or derivatives of sulfonylurea are used within the treatment. Apart from the fact that hypoglycemias are the major obstacle to achieving the desirable compensation of diabetes, hypoglycemia also has a number of serious clinical consequences. A long term serious hypoglycemia may lead to a sudden death, heart attack or irreversible brain damage. Clinically significant are also the light or asymptomatic hypoglycemias which in a considerably negative way affect the patient's quality of life. The use of modern technologies in continuous monitoring of glycemias has shown that the occurrence of asymptomatic hypoglycemias is much higher than we anticipated and that they largely involve nocturnal hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is associated with an increased level of depression, anxiety, dissatisfaction with the treatment and with a greater number of physician office visits. Nocturnal hypoglycemia has a negative impact on the quality of sleep, it may impair cognitive functions and performance efficiency next day. The prevention of hypoglycemia is therefore one of the basic goals of diabetes treatment and the low risk of hypoglycemia is among the main requirements that we place on the newly developed antidiabetic drugs. The negligible risk of hypoglycemia, which is comparable to placebo both in monotherapy and in most combinations with the antidiabetic drugs available today, is evidenced by the data from the studies undertaken with empagliflozin. It shows that the low risk of hypoglycemia is one of the benefits of gliflozins, the new group of medications with a unique mechanism of effect which has quite recently appeared on our market., and Terezie Pelikánová