To understand the factors governing the diversity, abundance and host associations of parasitoids attacking frugivorous drosophilid flies on Iriomote-jima, a subtropical island of Japan, we monitored parasitism on several occasions over the period 2003–2009. Fifteen drosophilid and 12 parasitoid species were recorded. Three species of Drosophila, D. bipectinata, D. albomicans and D. takahashii, bred abundantly in banana baits, though their abundance varied between years and seasons. Frequent parasitoid species were Asobara japonica, A. pleuralis (Braconidae), Leptopilina ryukyuensis and L. pacifica (Figitidae). L. victoriae was recorded only in December 2003. In addition, host acceptance and host suitability of the four most frequently recorded parasitoid species were studied in the laboratory. Most parasitoid and drosophilid species showed species-specific associations with more than one antagonist species, suggesting that they have been subjected to complex coevolutionary interactions. In addition, host range of most of the parasitoid species included one of the three major Drosophila species, suggesting that the abundance of potential hosts is one of the factors determining the evolution of parasitoid host use., Biljan Novkovic ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Every autumn, monolithic narratives of November 1989 emerge in the media in Slovakia. On the one hand, these narratives tend to reproduce the image of the revolution as a man-made historical event; on the other hand, they raise questions about agency, the space of politics, and the way historical memory has been constructed. The article provides a dialogue between the media narratives of the Velvet Revolution and the narratives of 16 women who were interviewed in a study. The narrative analysis is embedded in research on the feminist social movement and the theory of everyday resistance. The article challenges the idea of the public square as the primary space of the revolution and the ‘tribunes’ as the main actors of November 1989. The title is a reference to Deborah Cohen and Lessie Jo Frazier’s study Talking Back to ´68. Gendered Narratives, Participatory Spaces, and Political Cultures analysing narratives of 1968 in Mexico. Their research provides a broader context for an interpretation of the narratives of November 1989, revealing the similarities and specific features of the two different events.
Mobbing (šikanovanie na pracovisku) označuje dlhodobé hostilné správanie na pracovisku, ktoré vedie k negatívnym dôsledkom pre mobbovaných zamestnancov, pracovný kolektív i organizáciu. Výskum v tejto oblasti bol doposiaľ orientovaný primárne na zisťovanie prevalencie a foriem mobbingu, avšak iba málo pozornosti bolo venovanej otázke, ako sa napadnutí zamestnanci voči mobbingu bránia. Cieľom tejto štúdie je zaplniť túto medzeru a prezentovať prehľad výskumných zistení týkajúcich sa reakcií zamestnancov zasiahnutých mobbingom, a to ako vo forme úsilia mobbing zvládnuť (copingové stratégie) a/lebo mu vzdorovať (stratégie rezistencie). Zároveň autorky v nadväznosti na paradigmatický prístup k mobbingu (Samnani, 2013) ukazujú, že coping a rezistencia sú skúmané v rámci troch odlišných paradigiem: funkcionalistickej, interpretatívnej a postmodernej. Diskutujú teoretické a praktické implikácie koexistencie týchto paradigiem a formulujú odporúčania pre budúci výskum., Workplace bullying refers to long-term hostile behavior at work, with highly negative impact on targeted employees, work collectives, and organizations. To date, workplace bullying research has predominantly examined prevalence and forms of bullying. In contrast, considerably less attention has been paid to the ways in which targeted employees defy bullying at work. The aim of this paper is to address this gap by presenting an overview of research findings regarding strategies used by targeted employees to cope with and/or resist bullying at work. Following the paradigmatic approach in workplace bullying research (Samnani, 2013), the authors also show that coping and resistance have been explored within three different paradigms: functionalist, interpretative, and postmodern. They discuss theoretical and practical implications of the coexistence of these diverse paradigms and offer recommendations for future research., Mária Vitková, Kateřina Zábrodská., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The representative full-text digitalized HetWiK corpus is composed of 140 manually annotated texts of the German Resistance between 1933 and 1945. This includes both well-known and relatively unknown documents, public writings, like pamphlets or memoranda, as well as private texts, e.g. letters, journal or prison entries and biographies. Thus the corpus represents the diverse groups as well as the heterogeneity of verbal resistance and allows the study of resistance in relation to the language usage.
The HetWiK corpus can be used free of charge. A detailed register of the individual texts and further information about the tagset can be found on the project-homepage (german). In addition to the CATMA5 XML-format we provide a standoff-JSON format and CEC6-Files (CorpusExplorer) - so you can export the HetWiK corpus in different formats.
Resistance to vitamin D has been known for decades as vitamin D resistant rickets, caused by mutations of the gene encoding for vitamin D receptor (VDR). Findings of extra-skeletal effects of vitamin D and learning of the molecular mechanisms used by its biologically active metabolite calcitriol revealed other ways leading to its impaired sensitivity. Calcitriol takes advantage of both genomic and non-genomic mechanisms through its binding to vitamin D receptor, located not only in the cell nuclei but also in a perinuclear space. On the genomic level the complex of calcitriol bound to VDR binds to the DNA responsive elements of the controlled gene in concert with another nuclear receptor, retinoid X receptor, and expression of the VDR itself is controlled by its own ligand. These elements were found not only in the promotor region, but are scattered over the gene DNA. The gene expression includes a number of nuclear transcription factors which interact with the responsive elements and with each other and learning how they operate would further contribute to revealing causes of the impaired vitamin D sensitivity. Finally, the examples of major disorders are provided, associated with impairment of the vitamin D function and its receptor., L. Máčová, M. Bičíková, R. Hampl., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cieľom tohto textu je poukázať na „odpornosť“ knihy O gramatológii, ktorú tu stotožňujeme s odporom voči kritike (v texte ale implicitne pracujeme s obomi významami slova „odpor“). Prvý z týchto významov slova „odpor“ spájame s Derridovým neografizmom „restance“, a tým vlastne navrhujeme preklad tohto neografizmu do slovenčiny (odporovanie). Toto odporovanie súvisí s odolávaním voči pojmovosti, voči transparentnému prenosu významu. V závere hovoríme o istej radikálnosti takto poňatého odporu, ktorým sa kniha O gramatológii vyznačuje., This paper aims to highlight “ugliness”, of which the book Of Grammatology is certainly not devoid. This ugliness is identified here with a resistance to critique (in the Slovak language the words meaning “ugliness” and “resistance” share a common root – “odpor” and “odpornosť”). It is resistance referring to a “rester”, to something that rests in its place without being penetrated by conceptuality, a transparent transport of the meaning. We propose a translation of Derrida’s term “restance” to Slovak. Contrary to what is often believed, we claim that Of Gramatology is more radically resistant – more silent., and Nous entendons de montrer dans notre texte que la « résistance » par laquelle se signale le livre De la grammatologie, identifiée ici avec la résistance envers la critique (tout en travaillant dans notre texte avec les deux significations de mot la « résistance »). Nous joignons la première signification du mot la « résistance » avec le néographisme derridien « restance » et par là nous proposons de traduire ce néographisme en slovaque comme « odporovanie ». Le mot slovaque « odporovanie » se relie à la résistance contre la conceptualité, contre la transposition transparente de la signification. Nous parlons à la fin de notre texte de la radicalité certaine de cette résistance, si caractéristique pour le livre De la grammatologie.
Resistance to steroid hormones presents a serious problem with respect to their mass use in therapy. It may be caused genetically by mutation of genes involved in hormonal signaling, not only steroid receptors, but also other players in the signaling cascade as co-regulators and other nuclear factors, mediating the hormone-born signal. Another possibility is acquired resistance which may develop under long-term steroid treatment, of which a particular case is down regulation of the receptors. In the review recent knowledge is summarized on the mechanism of main steroid hormone action, pointing to already proven or potential sites causing steroid resistance. We have attempted to address following questions: 1) What does stay behind differences among patients as to their response to the (anti)steroid treatment? 2) Why do various tissues/cells respond differently to the same steroid hormone though they contain the same receptors? 3) Are such differences genetically dependent? The main attention was devoted to glucocorticoids as the most frequently used steroid therapeutics. Further, androgen insensitivity is discussed with a particular attention to acquired resistance to androgen deprivation therapy of prostate cancer. Finally the potential causes are outlined of breast and related cancer(s) resistance to antiestrogen therapy., R. Hampl, K. Vondra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
After SO2 fumigation, Quercus acutissima and Pinus densiflora maintained high net photosynthetic rate (PN) and did not show visible symptoms of damage. In contrast, Populus alba×glandulosa and Acanthopanax sessiliflorus had significantly reduced PN and showed visible necrosis. and S. Y. Woo ... [et al.].
One of the effective ways to address the effects of abnormal climate change on plant is to find germplasms that have better resistance to adverse environments. In this paper, we studied the responses of 5 pepper species Capsicum annuum L. (CA), C. baccatum L. (CB), C. chinense Jacquin. (CC), C. frutescens L. (CF) and C. pubescens Ruiz & Pavon (CP) as well as a wild pepper C. baccatum var. baccatum (CBY) to waterlogging stress. The results showed that warterlogging treatment greatly decreases photosynthetic pigment content, net photosynthetic rate (PN) and stomatal conductance (gs), and dramatically increases proline content and water-use efficiency (WUE) in all tested pepper, suggesting that pepper has weak resistance to waterlogging stress. The results also showed that changes of the above parameters vary in different species. CP had the smallest decreases in photosynthetic pigment content, PN, and gs and greatest increases in proline content and WUE. By contrast, CC had the greatest decreases in photosynthetic pigment content, P N, and gs and smallest increases in proline content and WUE, indicating that different species had different resistance to adverse environment and species CP and CC had the strongest and the weakest resistances, respectively. In addition, the study also demonstrated that wild pepper CBY had better resistance to adverse environment than all the tested species, indicating loss of the stress resistance genes during the process of domestication. Taking together, our study strongly suggests that pepper species should crossbreed with other species and wild pepper to expand genetic diversity, enlarge genetic distance, promote production, and improve the resistance to adverse environments. and L. J. Ou ... [et al.].
Many species of chironomids undergo their immature development in habitats that rapidly change in suitability, such as rain pools, phytotelmata, freshly filled ponds or soil layers that seasonally dry out. Strategies for the utilization of these habitats can be divided into two groups: i) physiological or behavioral adaptations of larvae, which enable them to survive unsuitable conditions (in situ resistance) or ii) repeated recolonization of temporarily suitable habitats. In situ resistance, includes desiccation or frost resistance, often in combination with cocoon building and migration of larvae into the sediment. Generally, the species that use the recolonization strategy tend to be better at migration and have a higher fertility and shorter development. Recolonization may include only temporary habitats or temporary habitats and some more stable habitats as well.