Štúdia sa kriticky zaoberá diskurzívnymi aktivitami politikov a novinárov, ktorí slúžia ako modely pre imitáciu potvrdzovania, alebo naopak oponovania negatívnym stereotypom voči Rómom. Empiricky overuje tézu, že mediálny marketing politických strán zneužíva diskriminované a marginalizované skupiny na dosahovanie straníckych cieľov. Prostredníctvom kritickej systemickej lingvistiky analyzuje významové štruktúry predvolebného bilbordu, čím odhaľuje intencie komunikácie politickej strany s verejnosťou. Postupmi kritickej diskurzívnej analýzy mediálnych textov o anti-rómskom bilborde autorky identifikujú diskurzívne pozície rozmanitých aktérov, prípadne ich argumentačné stratégie, pričom kriticky reflektujú najmä asymetriu ich mediálnej prezentácie. Popisujú Diskuze / 401 sa spôsoby, akými parlamentná strana SNS implicitne (prostredníctvom bilbordu) a explicitne (vo svojich vyjadreniach) znevažuje celú etnickú skupinu. Z analýzy vyplýva, že hoci médiá uvádzajú názory rôznych diskurzívnych aktérov, v textoch chýba prezentácia argumentov, ktoré by pomohli širokej verejnosti pochopiť, prečo dehonestácia tejto stigmatizovanej skupiny je neprijateľná. Politické zneužívanie „rómskeho problému“ novinári demaskovali, avšak nevysvetlili negatívne dôsledky falošnej etnizácie nezamestnanosti, chudoby a verejnej dehonestácie Rómov., The study deals critically with discursive activities of politics and newspapermen which serve as models for imitation of confirmation or on the contrary of opposing the negative stereotypes against Roma. The thesis that the media marketing of political parties misuses the discriminated and marginalized groups for achieving the party goals is empirically verified. The meaning structures of pre-election billboard are analyzed by the means of critical systemic linguistics and thus reveals the intentions of communication of political party with the public. The authors identify the discursive positions of diverse participants, alternatively their argumentation strategies, and critically reflect especially the asymmetry of their media presentation by procedures of critical discursive analysis of media texts about the anti-Roma billboard. The ways how the parliament party SNS implicitly (through the billboard) and explicitly (in its statements) discredit the whole ethnic group are described. From the analysis follows that although media present the opinions of different discourse participants, the texts are lacking the presentation of arguments that could help the wide public to understand why the dehonestation of this stigmatized group is unacceptable. The political misuse of „Roma problem“ was unmasked by newspapermen but the negative consequences of false ethnic attribution of unemployment, poverty, and public dehonestation of Roma were not explained., Jana Plichtová, Vlasta Paholíková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The half-popular compositions traditionally referred to as broadside ballads are a specific type of source. Some of them reflect Biblical, legendary and historical events in Egypt and the Near East. Although the factual importance of such ballads in not great, they have some informative value, because their texts mirror the attitudes and opinions of the lower social classes, in this case clearly influenced by the antithesis of Christianity and Islam, or also Judaism. They show that the authors of broadside ballads kept alive deep-rooted stereotypes, mainly the stereotype of Turks as pagans and tyrants.
The half-popular compositions traditionally referred to as broadside ballads are a specific type of source. Some of them reflect Biblical, legendary and historical events in Egypt and the Near East. Although the factual importance of such ballads in not great, they have some informative value, because their texts mirror the attitudes and opinions of the lower social classes, in this case clearly influenced by the antithesis of Christianity and Islam, or also Judaism. They show that the authors of broadside ballads kept alive deep-rooted stereotypes, mainly the stereotype of Turks as pagans and tyrants. and Michal Klacek.
Přehledová studie představuje klíčová témata psychologie meziskupinových vztahů. Věnuje se rozdílům mezi skupinovým a individuálním chováním stejně jako podmínkám jejich aktivace v různých situačních kontextech. Charakterizuje proces sociální kategorizace, v průběhu kterého jsou osoby na základě své skupinové příslušnosti přiřazovány do vlastních a nečlenských skupin. Text se dále zabývá povahou vztahu k vlastní členské skupině a meziskupinovým zkreslením vyplývajícím z náležení do odlišných sociálních skupin. Vztah k nečlenským skupinám vyjadřují meziskupinové postoje. Triarchické pojetí postojů rozlišuje jejich kognitivní, afektivní a behaviorální část. V meziskupinovém kontextu reprezentují kognitivní část postojů stereotypy, afektivní část předsudky a behaviorální část diskriminace členů jiných společenských skupin. Poslední dvě části studie se soustředí na sociálně psychologické pojetí předsudků a stereotypů. and The individual in intergroup relations: From social categorization to prejudice The review introduces key topics within psychology of intergroup relations. It focuses on the differences between (inter)group and (inter) individual behaviour as well as on conditions for their activation in various social contexts. It defines the process of social categorization that differentiates people into ingroups and outgroups. Moreover, the review deals with relation to the ingroup and intergroup bias both resulting from activation of intergroup perception. The relation towards outgroups is represented by the concept of intergroup attitudes. The triarchic theory of attitudes distinguishes among a cognitive, affective and behavioral part of attitudes. In the intergroup context, cognitive part corresponds to stereotypes, affective part to prejudices and behavioral part to discrimination towards outgroup members. Lastly, the review addresses prejudice and stereotypes from social- psychological perspective.
Gendered practices in social work have never before been the subject of research in the Czech Republic. This article looks at gender perceptions and stereotypes in social work practices. It contains a discussion of some findings from a recent qualitative study of a social work organization. The research set out to explore the gendered constructions of women and men as clients. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with social workers. The conclusion of research is that women are constructed as responsible for protection, as cooperative, as subordinate and as hysterical, whereas men are constructed as outspoken, as uncooperative and as aggressive. The findings show the importance of raising the awareness of social workers about their gender strategies and the possible impact of these strategies on their professional work, Radka Janebová, Lucie Černá., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Post-war Czechoslovakia needed foreign labour and the ineffective system of planned economy even increased the demand. Polish labour was preferred in a significant way by Czechoslovak companies during the whole period of the communist regime. Therefore, some companies from certain industrial sectors, such as glass and textiles, became almost dependent on Polish labour. Overwhelming majority of the workers were women. At the same time, governments and central planning bodies of both countries tried to control and sometimes even limit the foreign workforce both from economic and political reasons. After the arrival of Polish guest workers, rumours about their immoral behaviour, perceived as hunting for husbands in Czechoslovakia in order to stay in an economically better developed country, spread among their Czech neighbours. This stereotype is based on facts in some cases but do not necessarily evince a relationship between cause and effect. It is likely that negative opinion on the Polish workwomen was infl uenced by a stereotypical view of their country of origin (and of foreigners in general) and their gender. Other reasons for taking a job in the CSR, like a wish to escape from social control at home as well as to obtain scarce commodities, played an important role.
Stať přináší přehled nových poznatků souvisejících s problematikou stárnutí a stáří. Popisuje negativní stereotypy spojené se stárnutím a upozorňuje na nejnovější poznatky diferenciální gerontologie. Zabývá se tzv. úspěšným stárnutím a jeho sebehodnocením. Popisuje očekávání spojená se stárnutím i to, jak se v procesu stárnutí a ve stáří mění některé funkce a procesy. and Psychosocial aspects of aging
The paper offers an overview of new findings related to aging and old age. The author describes negative stereotypes about aging and old age and draws attention to the latest findings of differential gerontology. The author focuses on so-called successful aging and its self-assessment. She describes the expectations related to aging as well as the changes in some functions and processes during aging and old age.
a1_Cíle. Cílem práce je zjištění determinant etnických stereotypů. Pozornost je věnována zejména stereotypům Romů a Vietnamců v českém prostředí. Soubor a podmínky. Prvního výzkumu se zúčastnil soubor 198 studentů a studentek ze tří různých pražských humanitně orientovaných vysokých škol. Druhého výzkumu se zúčastnil soubor 46 studentů a studentek ze dvou humanitně orientovaných pražských vysokých škol. K měření explicitních etnických stereotypů a postojů autoři použili otevřený dotazník, k měření implicitních postojů afektivní priming. Kromě toho použili ve druhém šetření škály tradičního a moderního rasismu a protestantských a humanisticko-rovnostářských hodnot. Hypotézy. V prvním šetření byly testovány dvě hlavní hypotézy. Podle první z nich je jednou z klíčových dimenzí atributů etnických stereotypů dimenze reflektující hodnoty protestantské pracovní etiky (pracovitost, šetrnost, askeze atp.). V souladu s tím (2. hypotéza) bude hodnocení jednotlivých etnických kategorií (včetně vlastní) závislé na umístění na této dimenzi. Ve druhém šetření autoři testovali dvě další hypotézy. Podle první z nich budou konzervativní jedinci připisovat Romům tím negativnější atributy, čím negativnější k nim budou mít implicitní postoje. Podle druhé hypotézy budou liberální jedinci připisovat Romům atributy, jejichž valence bude inkongruentní s jejich implicitními postoji. Statistické analýzy. V prvním šetření byla obdržená data analyzována především pomocí korespondenční a faktorové analýzy. Ve druhém šetření byla data nejprve podrobena psychometrickým analýzám a poté analyzována v sérii korelačních a regresních analýz. Výsledky. Výsledky statistických analýz jsou s hypotézami v poměrně dobré shodě., a2_Omezení. Protože se šetření zúčastnili studenti a studentky humanitních oborů, kteří mohou být více výkonově orientovaní a kteří rovněž mohou mít zčásti odlišné stereotypy a postoje k Romům a Vietnamcům než jiné subpopulace, je otevřenou otázkou, na jaké subpopulace lze naše zjištění extrapolovat., b1_Goal. The goal of the study is to find the determinants of ethnic stereotypes. The attention is paid namely to the stereotypes of Roma and Vietnamese in the Czech environment. Sample and conditions. 198 students of humanities from three Prague universities took part in the first study. 46 students of humanities from two Prague universities took part in the second study. For measuring the explicit ethnic stereotypes and attitudes the open questionnaire was used, for measuring the implicit attitudes the affective priming was used. Except of that in the second study the scale of traditional and modern racism and the scale of protestant and humanistic egalitarian values were used. Hypotheses. Two main hypotheses were tested in the first study. According to the first one the key dimension of attributes of ethnic stereotypes is the dimension reflecting values of protestant work ethics (diligence, frugality, austerity). In accordance with it (the second hypothesis) the evaluation of particular ethnic categories (including the one´s own) depends on the position on this dimension. In the second study, next two hypotheses were tested. According to the first one the conservative people attribute to Roma the more negative attributes the more negative implicit attitudes to them they have. According to the second hypothesis the liberal people attribute to Roma the attributes with valence that is incongruent with their implicit attitudes., b2_Statistical analysis. In the first study, the data were analyzed by the means of correspondence and factor analyses. In the second study, the data were first psychometrically analyzed and then analyzed in the series of correlation and regression analyses. Results. The results of statistical analyses are relatively well fitting the hypotheses. Limits. The students of humanities who can be more achievement oriented and can have partly different stereotypes and attitudes to Roma and vietnamese than other subpopulations were taking part in the studies. The question to which subpopulations the findings can be generalized remains thus open., Karel Hnilica, Lia Radová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In the submitted study we tried to point out the generally shared stereotypes and prejudices associated with the perception of the life of housing estate inhabitants in the Czech Republic; we focused on the Lesná housing estate in Brno. The research was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews with informants and own
observations of the life of local inhabitants. We have come to the conclusion that a housing estate is not necessarily a place of anonymity; on the contrary - where conditions are suitable (for example inhabitants ́life period, length of staying, architectural form of a concrete panel building), neighbour relations are often entered
in. We also found out that housing estates do not have to serve just as a place to stay overnight, but they can become adequate residential city districts. The aim of the study also was to explain the above-mentioned topic and to clear the way for subsequent comparing research.