The present paper deals with the Brno Social Study, a rather extraordinary questionnaire survey given its extent and time (1947). Data analysis was forestalled by the political transformation after 1948, but the questionnaires were preserved. We have inherited a unique set of data for a historical-sociological analysis focusing both on the population of industry workers and on the social structure of Czech society in the advent of the communist coup. The Brno Social Study is contextualized in the state of post-war sociology, and the avenues toward its inception and implementation are mapped. The central part of the paper analyses the survey data from a contemporary analytical perspective, discussing the dataset’s representativeness. The primary objective of the paper is to propose, and initiate scholarly debate about, a feasible methodology for analysing the archived data today. The methodology serves to construct a representative sample through a combination of purposive, quota and random sampling; to determine the respondents’ socio-economic status using both ISCO and an original conceptualization of working class status; and to present certain data on respondents’ lifestyles that might be of interest for future analyses., Dušan Janák, Martin Stanoev a Petr Hušek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The focus of this paper is to provide a draft methodology for municipalities in environmental-noise-affected areas, which can be used to quickly and easily determine the satisfaction of the inhabitants with the quality of life and the noise burden in the given municipality. The paper describes a process of conducting a quality of life survey focused on wind turbine noise issues. A part of the present paper is also dedicated to examples of questions used for a questionnaire survey. Another part of this article is devoted to introducing of a ''Noise Diary'', which is related to wind turbine noise. and Tento příspěvek je zaměřen na předkládání návrhu metodiky pro obce v oblastech postižených hlukem ze životního prostředí, kterou lze využít k rychlému a snadnému určení spokojenosti obyvatel s kvalitou života a hlukovou zátěží v dané obci. Článek popisuje proces provedení průzkumu kvality života zaměřeného na problematiku hluku větrných turbín. Část tohoto příspěvku je věnována také příkladům otázek používaných pro dotazníkové šetření. Další část tohoto článku je věnována představení noise diary, který se vztahuje k hluku větrných elektráren.
Drawing on the views of three selected Czech philosophers – Rádl, Fischer and Rieger – on questions of physics and their possible philosophical reflection, the author conjectures how these thinkers, consistent with their original views, might respond to currently discussed contemporary questions. Specifically, at the time of the conference, it was the then current problem of neutrinos and of their speed, which apparently had been measured at more than the speed of light. At issue are primarily methodological postures, views concerning the proper range of philosophy on the basis of which we can, given appropriate speculation, derive a highly probable stance which the selected philosophers represented and, more generally, their probable approach to contemporary issues.
Základem sebeuvědomění Slovanů byl jejich jazyk. Dějiny Slovanů jsou proto do velké míry dějinami jejich jazyka. Studie sleduje etnogenezi Slovanů do 6. století. Jejich expanze západním a jižním směrem trvala čtyři staletí a Slované v jejím průběhu projevili velkou asimilační schopnost. Je proto možné, že jejich výchozí domovinou bylo malé území. Právní formou asimilace byl tzv. vrv (šňůra) jako symbolicko-sociální fenomén. Příklad vsi Police ve Slovinsku ukazuje, že pro pochopení slovanské etnogeneze je třeba propojit tři interpretační modely: autochtonní, alochtonní a kulturně asimilační. and A foundation of self-understanding of the Slavs was their language. Therefore, the history of the Slavs is to a large extent the history of their language. The article describes their ethnogenezis up to the 6th century. Their expansion to the west and south lasted 400 years, they had a lot of assimilative power. Therefore, it is possible that their homeland was originally a small territory. Juridical form of the assimilation of foreigners was a so-called vrv (rope) as a symbolic-social phenomenon. An example of village Police (Slovenia) suggests that to understand the ethnogenesis of the Slavs a synthesis of three interpretative models – autochthonous, allochthonous, cultural assimilation – is needed.
This contribution, which in a brief, succint and almost aphoristic way, critically brings forward to the reader a number of problems of today’s corpus and computational linguistics as well as their unsatisfactory solutions, is trying, at the same time, to do away with a number of myths and simplified opinions in the field. and Příspěvek ve stručné a téměř aforizované podobě připomíná řadu kritizovaných problémů a jejich neuspokojivých řešení v dnešní korpusové a komputační lingvistice a snaží se tak odstranit řadu mýtů a zjednodušujících představ.
The excerption base originated from Miroslav´s Gospel (total excerption) and according to it other apracoses and tetras which supplemented the apracos text were excerpted as well. Vulkan´s Gospel, as the most important next to Miroslav´s Gospel, was excerpted right after. They don´t belong to the same text version. The material contains thirty five Serbian gospels (together with fragments the number is forty two) and they are being compared with five classical Old Church Slavonic manuscripts. Excerpted data count just about 100.000 cards.
Techniky využívající vizuálních stimulů jsou v sociálněvědním výzkumu přítomny od konce 19. století. Jejich metodologické ukotvení, zejména pak v kvantitativně orientovaných studiích, však není příliš pevné. V této přehledové stati se proto zaměřuji na metodologické aspekty jednotlivých skupin vizuálních technik a následně formuluji doporučení pro design studií, které se takový typ výzkumu rozhodnou použít. V textu se po stručném historickém úvodu postupně věnuji psychologickým projektivním metodám, využití vizuálních materiálů v hloubkových rozhovorech a kvantitativních dotazníkových šetřeních. V diskusi pak shrnuji metodologická specifika tohoto typu technik, doporučení pro design instrumentu a problémy validity., Techniques using visual stimuli have existed in social research since the late 19th century. However, the methodological framework in which they are embedded remains limited in scope, especially with respect to quantitative research. In this article, the author focuses on the methodological aspects of various types of visual techniques. Subsequently, he proposes some recommendations for methodological design. After a brief historical review, the main part of the article discusses psychological projective methods, photo-elicitation techniques and the application of visual stimuli in in-depth interviewing and quantitative questionnaire surveys. Final discussion focuses on the methodological specifics of visual methods, design recommendations and the problem of validity., Martin Buchtík., and Seznam literatury
The goal of this article is to inform social scientists, especially those of a quantitative orientation, about the basic characteristics of Big Data and to present the opportunities and limitations of using such data in social research. The paper informs about three basic types of Big Data as they are distinguished in contemporary methodological literature, namely administrative data, transaction data and social network data, and exemplifies how they can be utilized by quantitative social research. According to many, questionnaire-based sample survey as the dominant method of quantitative social research has found itself in a crisis, especially as response rates have decreased in most developed countries and public confidence in opinion polling has declined. The author presents the characteristics and specifics of Big Data compared to survey research - a method whose primary distinguishing characteristic is the capacity to quantify individual behaviour, social action and attitudes at the level of populations. In this context, the article draws attention to the differences between Big Data and survey data typically presented in scholarly literature, namely that datasets are not representative of known populations, the values of observed variables are systematically biased, there is a limited number of variables in Big Data sets, there is uncertainty about the meaning of observed values, and social environment has direct influence on the behaviours captured by Big Data. Attention is also paid to such characteristics of Big Data that pose an obstacle to smooth integration of this type of data in the social scientific mainstream. First, the collection, processing and analysis of Big Data is extremely demanding in terms of programming skills, something social scientists typically do not have. Second, the availability of Big Data is limited as they are normally possessed by private corporations, some of which (Facebook, Google) have undoubtedly come to form data oligopolies - and their management is mostly unwilling to share their data with traditional academics. Based on the above-mentioned specifics, differences and limitations, it is argued that Big Data currently do not have the potential of becoming a full-fledged source of social science data and replacing sample surveys as the dominant research method. Finally, the article draws attention to the specifics of different types of Big Data as they are primarily generated for purposes other than social research and result from specific situations framed by existing social relations - and it is from this perspective that Big Data should be viewed by social researchers., Johana Chylíková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a survey method used to create samples of populations that are hidden and hard to reach. Even though the method has been used since the 1990s in studies internationally, it has not yet been used in Czech research. The RDS methodology tends to be described presented as a statistical tool that makes it possible to produce unbiased estimates of hidden or hard-to-reach populations, and at the same as a tool with which to effectively recruit respondents from the given populations. The goal of the article is to introduce RDS methodology and its uses and to present and assess its application in a homeless survey conducted in two Czech cities – Prague (N=322) and Pilsen (N=146). We show that as long as certain preconditions are met the method proves to be fact and effective, especially with respect to the speed at which it is possible to sample the homeless population. We compare the outcome of the RDS survey with that of a survey of the homeless population in Prague (2010) and assess whether and how the outcomes of the two samples differ in certain population characteristics. Finally, we offer practical suggestions and observations on using the RDS method for sampling homeless populations.