The author reported clinical characteristic features and risk factors for acute intestinal infections in 225 children (140 boys and 85 girls, mean age 1.5 years old). 90 (40%) patients aged up to 12 months, 101 (44.9%) were from 1 to 2 years old, and 34 (15.1%) were more than 2 years old. Most children were hospitalized in the first week of illness and had moderate severe course of disease. Severe forms of illness reliably more often were noted in children being on artificial feeding. Toxicdystrophic condition, severe forms and perinatal encephalopathy were prevailed in boys. Factorial analysis revealed 20 most significant factors with factorization fullness 70.8%. The most significant factors were F1( factor of hyperthermia duration) with 8.5% effect, F2 (factor of pain syndrome) 5.8%, F3 (factor of normal enzymatic activity of colon bacillus) 4.9%, F4 (etiological factor) 4.6%, as well as F5( factor of opportunistic flora of the intestine) 4.4%, respectively., Mukarram Shadjalilova, and Literatura
Background: In evidence-based education, experts are supposed to possess skills and content knowledge. Scientific skills provide the tools and ways of thinking that enable researches to build the robust conceptual frameworks needed to gain expertise. Science education should not only provide broad content knowledge base but also develop analytical thinking, understanding of scientific research processes, and inspire curiosity of researchers. Objectives: is paper discusses the key results of subjective evaluation of attained outcomes of a 2,5-year project focused on enhancing research competences in a faculty of health sciences. Methods: e data was gathered from project members by four consequent semi-structured online questionnaires. Total number of respondents was 78 (N = 78) with 75% response rate. e data was analysed by a summative content analysis combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. Results: e findings present evident progress in personal achievements, team working, and scientific practice in the faculty. Based on identified needs the concrete measures supported learning and lead to enhancement in the target group’s research competences. Conclusions: Capacity building approach was successful in laying a robust foundation for consistent development in research-based practice both in academic and professional levels. Further research should be conducted on the long-term impacts of the project in the faculty. and Andrew Sirkka, Juraj Čáp
Užití mezenchymálních kmenových buněk (MSC) je jedním z experimentálních terapeutických přístupů k léčbě poranění míchy. MSC lze získat z kostní dřeně, tukové tkáně i z jiných periferních tkání dospělých jedinců. Výhodou je, v porovnání s jinými kmenovými buňkami, jejich dobrá dostupnost, snadná expanze a možnost autologního použití. MSC byly v posledních 15 letech studovány v experimentálním míšním poranění zejména u hlodavců se slibnými výsledky. Existuje několik mechanizmů, jakými působí MSC na míšní lézi. Především to je remyelinizace demyelinizovaných vláken, podpora pučení axonů (sprouting), angiogeneze, imunosupresivní efekt či sekrece neurotrofních faktorů, které mohou vést k funkčnímu zlepšení. Tyto slibné výsledky urychlily zahájení klinických studií u pacientů s poraněním míchy. Klinické studie fáze I/II ukázaly, že se jedná o bezpečnou metodu, avšak funkční průkaz vyžaduje další klinické studie. Ukazuje se, že MSC bude třeba kombinovat s jinými metodami, jako je přemostění léze, enzymatické štěpení jizvy a blokátory inhibičních faktorů. Tato práce přináší přehledný souhrn o aplikaci MSC u míšního poranění v experimentu i klinice., The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represents an experimental therapeutic modality in the treatment of spinal cord injury. MSC can be harvested from the bone marrow, fat tissue and other peripheral tissues from adult individuals. Compared to other types of stem cells, MSC are easy to access and expand and they can be used in autologous settings. Over the last 15 years, MSC have been widely studied in experimental spinal cord injury, especially in rodents, with promising results. MSC support remyelination of demyelinated axons, axonal sprouting, angiogenesis, have immunosuppressive effect and secrete neurotrophic factors that may led to functional improvement. These promising results led to launching of clinical studies in patients with spinal cord injury. Phase I/II clinical studies showed that the use of MSC represent a safe method. However, functional effect needs to be proved in further clinical studies. Data suggest that MSC will need to be combined with other methods, such as lesion bridging, scar tissue breakdown and blocking of inhibitory molecules. This paper provides an overview of the use of MSC in experimental and clinical SCI., and A. Hejčl, P. Jendelová, M. Sameš, E. Syková
Background: There are several environmental factors which influence the preschoolers psychomotor development and the most considerable ones are socioeconomic status and day cares learning&care environment. Aim of this study is to assess how the change of socioeconomic gradient and the quality of care environment influence the average and the differences in psychometric domains of ASQ3 in preschoolers. Method: We assessed the psychometric parameters of all preschoolers enrolled in some of day cares in Vlora city, Albania using the ASQ3. We also assessed the quality of care environment according to ECERSR and the socioeconomic status upon the fathers occupation. Results: In the end of this research we found that not only a considerable percentage of preschoolers included in this study have psychomotor delays, but also that these delays and the average of psychomotor development have a significant relationship with the environment factors, as socioeconomic status and care environment. Conclusions: Children development depends more on instructing capacities of kindergartens staff than mothers. So the public health workers should work more with mothers in this direction, focusing in the lowest socioeconomic classes., Aurela Saliaj, Ermira Kola, Lorena Lazaj, Majlinda Rakipaj, Emiljana Çorraj, and Literatura
Viral hepatitis B and C is a relevant issue because of high prevalence and degree of chronicity, late diagnosis and poor prognosis. Today, protein products of numerous genes are involved in the pathogenesis of viral pathology of the liver. In this review, the authors analysed 42 literature sources on genetic basis of susceptibility to various infectious diseases. Study of the role of immunogenetic factors is of great practical importance to develop methods for predicting outcomes of viral hepatitis., Khamid Karimov, Sevara Azimova, Bakhtiyor Iriskulov, and Literatura
Zpráva ze čtvrtého ročníku středoevropské konference Efektivní nemocnice 2009. Tématem letošní konference byla Strategie a Vize ve zdravotnictví, aneb Jak budou a jak by měly vypadat naše nemocnice a zdravotní pojišťovny za 3 až 5 let. and Jana Venclíková
In rats with leukemia activity of liver mitochondrial enzymes are decreased at 6 months. Later, we noted compensatory activation of complexes II and III of the respiratory chain and transition to decompensation stage by final deadline. The activity of complex IV of the respiratory chain remains high. These changes result from increased lipid peroxidation and decreased activity of antioxidant protection enzymes., Gulmira Kasymova, Ulugbek Zaribbaev, and Literatura
Alkohol patří mezi nejvýznamnější determinanty zdraví, a současně jeho konzumace v ČR je jedna z nejvyšších na světě. Měření konzumace alkoholu v epidemiologických studiích rizikových faktorů neinfekčních onemocnění je proto velmi žádoucí. V Brně aktuálně běží velký kardiovaskulární projekt organizovaný Mezinárodním centrem klinického výzkumu ICRC ve spolupráci s Masarykovou univerzitou. Jeho součástí je rovněž hodnocení konzumace alkoholu a jejího efektu, ve vztahu ke všem podstatným kardiovaskulárním klinickým parametrům, ale i ostatním faktorů životního stylu, jako je výživa, pohybová aktivita a kouření. Pro tyto účely byl vytvořen nový dotazníkový nástroj a v článku popisujeme příslušná východiska ve formě přehledu existujících přístupů k měření konzumace alkoholu, velmi detailně otázku obsahu alkoholu v různých nápojích, a podrobně vlastní alkoholový dotazník. Ten má pouze 7 položek, a je tedy velmi kompaktní, přitom pokrývá celkově poměrně dlouhou časovou periodu, rozdělenou na sekce dotazníku zabývající se posledním rokem, měsícem a týdnem. Týdenní recall je specifický nápojově i dle jednotlivých dnů v týdnu, kvantifikace množství je řešena převodem na alkoholové jednotky. Sekce zaměřené na delší periody by měly identifikovat nepravidelné nárazové pití, a určit celkový vzorec – charakter konzumace. V době vzniku článku již bylo tímto dotazníkem (a celým komplexem klinických i anamnestických vyšetření) otestováno více než 1000 osob náhodně vybraného vzorku brněnských obyvatel, kdy cílem je vyšetřit minimálně 2000 osob. Diskutovány jsou silné a slabé stránky různých přístupů. Náš dotazník se pro plánovaný účel osvědčil, a můžeme je doporučit i pro jiné epidemiologické studie., Alcohol is one of the most important determinants of health, while its consumption in the Czech Republic is one of the highest in the world. Measuring alcohol consumption in epidemiological studies of risk factors of non-communicable diseases is therefore highly desirable. In Brno, an extensive cardiovascular project, organized by the International Centre for Clinical Research (ICRC) in cooperation with Masaryk University, is currently in progress. It includes an assessment of alcohol consumption and its effects in relation to all significant cardiovascular clinical parameters, but also in relation to other lifestyle factors such as nutrition, physical activity and smoking. A new questionnaire tool was created for this purpose; the article describes the appropriate starting point in the form of an overview of existing approaches to measuring alcohol consumption and detailed breakdown of issues regarding the content of alcohol in different beverages and alcohol units, and the alcohol questionnaire as such. The questionnaire contains 7 items only and is very compact despite its coverage of a relatively long time-period, divided into sections covering the preceding year, month and weekly timespans. Weekly recall is beverage specific and even specific by weekdays; quantification of ingested volume is described by means of alcohol units. The section focusing on longer time-periods should identify irregular binge drinking, and determine the overall pattern of consumption. At the time of writing this article, a sample of over 1,000 randomly selected inhabitants of Brno was examined with this alcohol questionnaire and by a complex of lifestyle and clinical examinations, with the objective of involving a total of at least 2,000 subjects. Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to the measurement of alcohol consumption are discussed. Our questionnaire fulfilled the intended purpose, and we can recommend it for use in other epidemiological studies., Jindřich Fiala, Ondřej Sochor, and Literatura