Schweizer and Smítal introduced the distributional chaos for continuous maps of the interval in B. Schweizer, J. Smítal, Measures of chaos and a spectral decomposition of dynamical systems on the interval. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 344 (1994), 737–854. In this paper, we discuss the distributional chaos DC1–DC3 for flows on compact metric spaces. We prove that both the distributional chaos DC1 and DC2 of a flow are equivalent to the time-1 maps and so some properties of DC1 and DC2 for discrete systems also hold for flows. However, we prove that DC2 and DC3 are not invariants of equivalent flows although DC2 is a topological conjugacy invariant in discrete case.
We describe the extension of the multiplication on a not-necessarily-discrete topological monoid to its flow compactification. We offer two applications. The first is a nondiscrete version of Hindman’s Theorem, and the second is a characterization of the projective minimal and elementary flows in terms of idempotents of the flow compactification of the monoid.
Let $S$ be topological semigroup, we consider an appropriate semigroup compactification $\widehat{S}$ of $S$. In this paper we study the connection between subgroups of a maximal group in a minimal left ideal of $\widehat{S}$, which arise as equivalence classes of some closed left congruence, and the minimal flow characterized by the left congruence. A particular topology is defined on a maximal group and it is shown that a closed subgroup under this topology is precisely the intersection of an equivalence class with the maximal group for some left congruence on $\widehat{S}$.
Objectives. This study aims to better understand peak experience and their varieties (PEV), as a key concept in understanding positive human experience, in the context of a specific adventurous recreational pursuit. Sample and settings. Interviews with the 14 crew members of the historical sailing vessel Oesterscheldewere held at the end of a 38-day crossing of the Indian Ocean. A rigorous qualitative hermeneutical – narrative approach in analysing interviews was utilised. Results. The results were based on a qualitatively different cross-section of PEV that could be seen as a mixture of already thematised varieties of peak experience. The PEV were presented on three levels: the level of action, the level of feeling and the level of reflection; as such, they consisted of the interplay between specific challenges (situations) and responses (reactions). Alongside original methodology and analysis, the authors suggested the importance of studying the participant’s response to PEV. The response to PEV is seen as a crucial component in this study and to PEV itself. Finally, it was suggested that PEV could be projected into the future as a private and useful model of participation in life. Limitations. The study has a number of limitations commonly connected to the qualitative approach: a small number of participants, language bias (all interviews were held in English), the bias of question structure (“what did you feel?”), the participation of a researcher on the voyage, and the professionalism of the main crew that could bias the interviews. and Cílem této studie bylo lépe porozumět vrchol-ným zážitkům a jejich variacím (PEV), jakožto klíčovému konceptu pro pochopení pozitivních lidských prožitků, v kontextu specifického dob-rodružného rekreačního vyžití. Rozhovory se 14 členy posádky historické plachetnice Oester-schelde se uskutečnily na konci 38denní plav-by přes Indický oceán a k jejich analýze autoři využili kvalitativní hermeneuticko-narativní přístup. Výsledky vycházely z kvalitativně odlišného průřezu PEV, který lze považovat za směs již te-matizovaných variací vrcholného zážitku. PEV byly prezentovány ve třech rovinách: v rovině jednání, v rovině pocitů a v rovině reflexe; jako takové se skládaly ze souhry konkrétních výzev (situací) a reakcí (odpovědí). Kromě originální metodiky a analýzy autoři zdůrazňují význam studování odpovědí účastníků na PEV. Reakci na PEV považují za klíčovou složku této studie i PEV samotné.Studie má řadu omezení běžně spojených s kvalitativním přístupem: malý počet účastníků, jazykové zkreslení (všechny rozhovory probíha-ly v angličtině), zkreslení dané strukturou otá-zek rozhovoru a také faktem, že tazatel se také účastnil plavby.
This work describes Large Eddy Simulation of backward-facing step flow laden with particles. The concentration of the particles in the flow is high enough for consideration of two-way coupling. This means that the particles are influenced by fluid and vice versa. The inter-particle collisions are neglected. The Euler-Lagrange method is adopted which means that the fluid is considered to be continuum (Euler approach) and for each individual particle is solved Lagrangian equation of motion. Particles are considered to be spherical. The simulations are performed for different volume fractions. The results are compared to the single-phase flow in order to investigate the effect of the particles on the turbulence statistics of the carrier phase. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper describes results of investigation of the stream-aquifer interaction on the south part of Hron basin area near sites Turá and Šárovce. The main goal of the study was to designe hydraulic model of the area and with help of modelling tools to find out interaction of stream flow and groundwater flow, and also influence of riverbed dropdown on groundwater and Článok obsahuje výsledky výskumu interakcie povrchových a podzemných vôd v južnej časti čiastkového povodia Hrona v blízkosti obcí Turá a Šárovce. Hlavným cieľom štúdie bolo vytvoriť hydraulický model územia a následne pomocou modelovacích nástrojov určiť veľkosť interakcie pri rôznych prietokoch, určiť dosah vplyvu prechodu povodňovej vlny na úroveň hladiny podzemnej vody v čase a priestore a stanoviť vplyv poklesu kóty dna rieky na hladinu podzemnej vody.