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2. Anaximandrova geometrie
- Creator:
- Radim Kočandrle
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Filozofie, filozofie, philosophy, Anaximandros, geometrie, kosmologie, nebeská tělesa, Thalés, Anaximander, geometry, cosmology, heavenly bodies, Thales, 5, and 101
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Podle tradice přenesl geometrii do Řecka Thalés z Mílétu. Ačkoli v diskusích o povaze Thalétovy geometrie nepanuje konsensus, zdá se, že zformulované teorémy byly až dodatečně uplatněny na jeho konkrétní měření. Již o Thalétově „žákovi a nástupci“, Anaximandrovi z Mílétu, však nemáme žádné zprávy, které by se týkaly geometrie. Výjimku představuje lexikon Súda, který uvádí, že Anaximandros „vůbec ukázal základy geometrie“. Lexikon zároveň vyjmenovává momenty, v nichž může být užití geometrie spatřeno. V prvé řadě se jedná o gnómón, s jehož pomocí mohla být realizována řada měření. Zřejmé znaky uplatnění geometrie vykazuje též celá Anaximandrova koncepce kosmologie: tvar Země a její umístění ve středu univerza, i samotný popis nebeských těles. Podobně lze uplatnění geometrie spatřovat za mapou světa a sférou. Ačkoli tedy Anaximandros není explicitně s geometrií spojován, dochované texty ukazují, že její poznatky významně využil, když propojil konkrétní pozorování s geometrickým uspořádáním celého univerza., According to tradition Thales brought geometry to Greece from Miletus. Although discussion of the nature of Thales’ geometry has not arrived at a consensus, it seems that the theorems formulated were retrospectively applied in his concrete measurements. So far, however, we have no information about the geometry of Thales’ pupil and successor, Anaximander of Miletus. An exception is presented in the lexicon Suda which claims that Anaximander “in general showed the basics of geometry”. This lexicon at the same time states the points at which the employment of the geometry can be discerned. Most importantly, we have the question of the gnomon, with the help of which an order of measurement is realisable. Clear signs of the application of geometry are likewise shown by Anaximander’s whole conception of cosmology: the shape of the earth and its position at the centre of the universe, and the very description of the heavenly bodies. In addition one can discern geometry involved in the map of the world and the sphere. Thus, although Anaximander is not explicitly connected with geometry, extant texts demonstrate that he significantly exploited geometrical knowledge when he connected concrete observation with the geometrical organisation of the universe as a whole., and Radim Kočandrle.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
3. Anaximenova koncepce oběhu nebeských těles
- Creator:
- Kočandrle, Radim
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Anaximenés, kosmologie, nebeská osa, nebeská telesa, Země, Anaximenes, celestial axis, celestail bodies, cosmology, earth, and Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Studie předkládá novou interpretaci zpráv o oběhu nebeských těles podle Anaximena z Mílétu. Nebeská tělesa se v jeho pojetí nemají pohybovat pod Zemí, ale naopak kolem Země. Anaximenés měl danou koncepci přiblížit motivem plstěného klobouku, který se otáčí kolem naší hlavy. Případné vysvětlení oběhu nebeských těles pomocí nakloněné Země podél její horizontální osy však patrně mylně vychází až z koncepce kulové Země a sklonu ekliptiky. Je možné, že dochované texty ve skutečnosti navazují na problém sklonu nebeské osy a popisují původní situaci oběhu nebeských těles předtím, než se "nebe naklonilo". and This study presents a new interpretation of reports about the paths of heavenly bodies according to Anaximenes of Miletus. In his view, they do not move under the Earth but rather around it. Anaximenes is said to have likened this idea to a felt hat moving around our head. The alleged explanation of orbits of heavenly bodies that is based on Earth being tilted around its horizontal axis is, probably erroneously, derived from a later conception of spherical Earth and the tilt of the ecliptic plane. It is possible that extant texts in fact elaborate on the issue of the incline of the heavenly axis, describing the original situation of orbits of heavenly bodies before "the heaven became tilted".
- Rights:
- unknown
4. Cosmology, theory and observations
- Creator:
- Lukash, V. N. and Novikov, I. D.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- cosmology and very early universe
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- (Introduction) For the last few years both theoretical and observational cosmology have been undergoing an especially rapid developmenre. The goal of this review is to single out of this impetuous torrent some important new points which, as to our opinion, are the most essential and characteristic for the new trends.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
5. Dva príspevky k štúdiu gravitačných instantónov
- Creator:
- Balek, V. and Demetrian, M.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave., Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, teoretická fyzika, kosmologie, theoretical physics, cosmology, Slovensko, Slovakia, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- V. Balek, M. Demetrian.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
6. Fyzik a meteorolog ve vírech dějin: Alexandr Alexandrovič Friedmann 1888-1925
- Creator:
- Novotný, Jan
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fridman, Aleksandr Aleksandrovič, 1888-1925, kosmologie, meteorologie, biografie, cosmology, meteorology, biography, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Jan Novotný.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
7. Gravitační atlas Antarktidy pokřtěn... aneb fotoreportáž ze slavnostního setkání autorů monografie Atlas of Antarctica J. Klokočníka, J. Kosteleckého a A. Bezděka
- Creator:
- Žďářská, Jana
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- kosmologie, cosmology, Antarktida, Antarctica, 6, and 53
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Květnová schůzka členů Kosmologické sekce České astronomické společnosti se nesla ve slavnostním duchu. Důvodem byl avizovaný křest Gravitačního atlasu Antarktidy, významné vědecké monografie nakladatelství Springer Verlag autorů J. Klokočníka, J. Kosteleckého a A. Bezděka. Modrá posluchárna Matematického ústavu AV se tak stala svědkem znamenité akce, kde dobré šampaňské pocelovalo jednu z vynikajících současných vědeckých publikací. Okuste tedy, milí čtenáři, prostřednictvím Československého časopisu pro fyziku trošku z té slávy a milé nálady, která z fotografií našeho kolegy Františka Lomoze doslova dýchá. and Jana Žďárská.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
8. Heaven and man in the Zhuangzi: reading a heterogeneous text
- Creator:
- Vávra, Dušan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Zhuangzi, early Chinese thought, cosmology, reading strategy, textuality, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- This paper proposes a reading strategy for the Zhuangzi based on the distinction between "conceptual framework" and "argument". It is argued that one conceptual framework can accommodate various arguments; conceptual frameworks are not the focus of the text – they consist of literary devices (shared vocabulary and terminology, literary topoi, narrative structures and topics) that are used in the text to form specific arguments. The paper opposes those approaches to the Zhuangzi which present the text (or a part of it) as a unified philosophical vision. The paper argues that every attempt to read the Zhuangzi as one philosophy (to translate the multi-faceted text into a philosophical treatise) is reductionist; it achieves philosophical coherence at the cost of sacrificing the richness of meaning we find in the text. One specific "conceptual framework" is analysed in this paper – the dichotomy of "heaven" and "man". "Heaven" represents a cosmic power that can be adopted by human beings so that the human can fulfil his natural potential and live better (or more effectively) than within the confines of human society ("man"). The paper analyses a number of instances of the dichotomy in the Zhuangzi and shows that the dichotomy (a conceptual framework) is used differently in various contexts in the Zhuangzi and accommodates diverse arguments.
- Rights:
- unknown
9. Horizontalita a vertikalita ve staroseverských kosmologických představách
- Creator:
- Michalíková, Jana
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Old-Norse religion, Old-Norse mythology, cosmology, vertical axis, horizontal axis, world view, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The aim of this article is to determine how two logically contradictory cosmological concepts, the vertical and the horizontal, could have co-existed in the Old Nordic mythological system and what their function was. -- I first reject Eleazar Meletinskij's idea that the horizontal and vertical axes can be transformed into each other. I show that relationships expressed on each of the axes are not entirely identical, and therefore it is likely that they express different mythological information connected to different mythological contexts that have to be examined more closely. -- In the second part of the article I raise objections against Jens Peter Schjødt's denial of verticality in the original Old-Norse cosmology. Jens Peter Schjødt claims that the idea of a realm of gods located in heaven originates only in Snorri's Edda and, having arisen because of Christian influence, was never a proper part of the Old-Norse world view. I introduce several examples from both Poetic Edda and scaldic poetry in order to show that the idea of gods located in heaven was quite widespread in Nordic mythology and cannot be reduced to an inconsiderable and marginal outcome of foreign influence. -- In the last part of the article I present specific contexts and functions of each of the axes. The horizontal axis is connected with the concept of cyclic time and with the idea of sustainable cosmic balance. The horizontal axis articulates the problems of society as a whole, the necessity of maintaining a temporary cosmic order and, therefore, the necessity of maintaining a constant defence against the powers of chaos; it articulates the problem of external threat and is mainly connected with physical confrontation. -- The vertical axis, on the other hand, is connected with the concept of linear time and appears mostly in the context of death. It articulates the problems of individuals rather than those of society and is connected with subtle phenomena of an intellectual and spiritual character such as magic, art and the existential problems of individuals.
- Rights:
- unknown
10. Hráč Stanisław Lem : inspirace fiktivní recenzí na neexistující publikaci
- Creator:
- Krob, Josef
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- mlčení vesmíru, Fermiho paradox, filosofie vědy, kosmologie, kosmogonie, fyzika, the silence of the universe, Fermi's paradox, philosophy of science, cosmology, cosmogony, physics, and Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Lemovo dílo Dokonalá prázdnota je sbírkou recenzí fiktivních autorů na neexistující vědecké práce. Patří sem i přednáška Alfreda Testy proslovená u příležitosti udělení Nobelovy ceny za fyziku. Je to vlastně rekapitulace kosmologického konceptu postaveného na objevu pozapomenuté myšlenky Aristida Acheropoula, která má vysvětlit silentium universi. Proč vesmír mlčí? Proč nám nikdo neodpovídá na naše výzvy posílané do mezihvězdných dálek? Proč je naše pátrání po mimozemských civilizacích neúspěšné? Testa ve své přednášce před posluchače postupně vrství fundamentální otázky vztahu matematiky a fyziky, intertpretaci posledních objevů moderní kosmologie, vysvětlení fyzikálních zákonitostí teorie relativity a kvantové mechaniky včetně metafyzické otázky proč jsou právě takové. Protože Lem staví před čtenáře příběh vědeckého objevu, nabízí se možnost, vzít je zcela vážně nikoli jako fiction, ale jako science a podívat se na jeho jednotlivé komponenty očima soudobé vědy. and Lem's The Perfect Vacuum is a collection of reviews by fictional authors of non-existent scientific papers. This includes a lecture by Alfred Testa delivered on the occasion of the Nobel Prize in Physics. It is actually a recapitulation of a cosmological concept based on the discovery of a forgotten idea of Aristides Acheropoulos to explain the silentium universi. Why is the universe silent? Why does no one answer our calls sent to the interstellar distances? Why is our search for extraterrestrial civilizations unsuccessful? In his lecture, Testa layers before the audience the fundamental questions of the relationship between mathematics and physics, an interpretation of the latest discoveries of modern cosmology, and an explanation of the physical laws of relativity theory and quantum mechanics, including the metaphysical question of why they are just that. Because Lem sets before the reader a story of scientific discovery, the opportunity is offered to take it quite seriously, not as fiction but as science, and to look at its various components through the eyes of contemporary science.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
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