This article is concerned with ethnic homogamy in Slovakia. The authors set out from the assumption that ethnic homogamy is an indicator of the degree of ethnic tolerance and multiculturalism in society. Greater ethnic homogamy indicates larger social distances between ethnic groups, and vice versa. The authors analyse data from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. The data include all marriages between 1992 and 2012 in Slovakia categorised by the ethnicity of the spouses. The authors test hypotheses about the trends in both absolute and relative ethnic homogamy and find that marriages in Slovakia are strongly structured by ethnic homogamy. The probability of ethnically heterogamous marriage varies among ethnic groups; however, it does not increase for any of the ethnic groups over the period of analysis. Members of different ethnic groups have not grown socially closer and interethnic distances have not decreased due to marriage.
The author explains special features of the post-conflict reconstruction process in the central Mozambican Maringué district due to the presence of the RENAMO rebels´ main base during the Mozambican armed connflict. Although the estate has gradually increased its presence in the district since the removal of the RENAMO-nominated district administrator in 1997, the situation in the district remains precarious. The state´s authority is challenged by the continuing presence of a group of RENAMO fighters at their former base. Many essential state functions (including tax collection) depend on cooperation with traditional authorities.
The paper considers mainly the issue of nationalist radicalism and Hindu extremism in India. Inthe independent India, the close connection between politics and religion became a detonating mixture thathas been one of the main reasons for the escalation of some conflicts in that country. In spite of some legislativechanges, inter alia, the 42th constitutional amendment, the Indian state didn’t create mechanisms of separationbetween politics and religion. Moreover, the process has become impossible due to the weakening of theIndian National Congress religious radicals taking the power. The authors illustrate a necessity to split politicsand religion and a danger of the religion politicization with examples of inter-communal violence in differentstates of India. There are some parallels between India and the modern Russia, and negative experiences ofIndia could be useful for Russia who also clashes with challenges of nationalism, extremism and terrorism.
Rozchod rodičů je proces, který dlouhodobě ovlivňuje životy všech zúčastněných. Cílem studie je popsat rozchod rodičů z pohledu dítěte. Vnímání rodiny dětmi jsme zkoumali pomocí metody FAST. Děti stavěly typickou, ideální a konfliktní reprezentaci rodiny. Porovnávali jsme skupinu 15 dětí v situaci rozchodu rodičů a skupinu 19 dětí ve stabilním rodinném prostředí bez vážných rodičovských konfliktů, průměrný věk dětí z obou skupin je 9,5 let (rozpětí 5-15 let). Zajímali jsme se o členství v rodině, kohezi a popis konfliktů v rodině. Děti v situaci rozchodu rodičů popisovaly nižší kohezi nejenom ve vztahu mezi rodiči, ale i mezi sebou a oběma rodiči. To je v souladu se zjištěními, která poukazují na horší kvalitu rodičovství po rozchodu rodičů. Děti, jejichž rodiče se v době sběru dat rozcházeli, zahrnovaly do rodiny příbuzné nad rámec primární rodiny. Členství těchto lidí v rodině ale nebylo trvalé. Zdá se, že tyto děti hledají oporu v dalších vztazích v širší rodině, nebo nahrazují kvalitu (zhoršení vztahů po rozchodů rodičů) kvantitou ve vztazích. Popisují také rodinné konflikty s horším výsledkem a nepopisují účinné strategie řešení konfliktů. and The divorce of parents is a situation which in the long term affects life of everyone involved. The aim of this study is to describe the parents’ divorce from the child’s point of view. The perception of the family by children was examined by the FAST method. The children presented a typical, an ideal and a conflict representation of the family. We compared the group of 15 children in a divorce situation with the group of 19 children in stable family environment without significant parental conflicts. The average age of children in both groups was 9,5 years (range 5 – 15 years). We were interested in the family members, cohesion and the description of family conflicts. Children in parents’ divorce described a lower cohesion not only in the parents’ relationship but also between themselves and both parents. This supports the spillover concept in the family and is in harmony with findings, which point out the inferior quality of parenthood after the divorce. Children, whose parents were in the process of divorce during the collecting of data, included into the family also relatives outside the primary family. However, their membership in the family was not permanent. It seems that these children are seeking for support in relationships within the extended family or they substitute the quality (the worsening of quality after the divorce) by quantity in relationships. They also describe family conflicts with worse results, and they don’t describe effective strategies of solving conflicts.
This article contributes to the discussion of everyday interactions between a settled majority population and new immigrants in an urban neighbourhood with recent experience of immigration. It analyses daily interactions between the majority population and Vietnamese immigrants in one Prague neighbourhood in an effort to identify both tensions and conflicts and conviviality in everyday life, while distinguishing between the stereotypes prevalent in popular discourse and in representations of the Vietnamese and the real practices of economic, social, and cultural interaction. The study seeks to identify the issues and places around which tensions emerge and where everyday conviviality is negotiated and the attitudes that various demographic and socio-economic groups of the local population have towards the Vietnamese presence in the area. The Vietnamese seek to avoid conflict, yet they often report feeling they are not very accepted by the majority population. There is a hidden racism that exists in the attitudes of the majority population to Vietnamese immigrants. However, the paper also documents instances of convivial everyday interactions. While the interactions are characterised by a certain lack of mutual recognition, they do not lead to serious interethnic tensions and conflicts.
Po krátkom úvode sa článok zaoberá terminologickými otázkami a potom klasifikuje rozličné formy medzinárodnej participácie na ústavodarnom procese. Táto participácia nie je totožná s jednoduchým vplyvom na ústavodarné procesy. Nasledovanie zahraničných modelov môže byť aj viac-menej dobrovoľné. Mnohé nové štáty Európy v 19. storočí napríklad nasledovali belgickú ústavu z roku 1831. Aj vplyv britských a francúzskych riešení bol intenzívny. Počas dlhého obdobia v 20. storočí bol zase typický
vplyv sovietskeho ústavného modelu. Aktívna medzinárodná alebo zahraničná právna a politická asistencia v ústavodarnom procese je úplne iná záležitosť.Vtiahnutie zahraničných a medzinárodných faktorov do tohto procesu môže byť priame alebo nepriame. Daná štúdia sa najprv zaoberá tzv. hard formami medzinárodnej právnej asistencie, potom zase jej miernejšími soft formami. Potom sa štúdia sústreďuje predovšetkým na vývoj v 20. storočí, ale krátko venuje pozornosť aj udalostiam z 19. storočia (budovanie nových štátov na Balkáne). V záverečnej časti je reč aj o podobe ústavnoprávnej asistencie v posledných rokoch Československa. and After short introduction the paper deals with terminological issues, then it classifies different forms of international participation in the constitution-making process. This participation is not identical with the simple impact of foreign models on the constitution-making. Drawing different levels of inspirations from foreign models is more or less voluntary.Many new countries in Europe in the 19th century followed the model of Belgian constitution from 1831. The impact of British and French solutions was very intensive as well. For a long period in the 20th century Soviet-Russian
constitutional model was highly influential . Active international legal and political assistance in constitution-making is a different matter. The involvement of international factors in these processes can be direct or indirect. The paper focuses first on the hard form, then on the soft form of international legal assistance.Although the paper concentrates on the development in the 20th century, it briefly covers the events of the 19th century (state-building in Balkan) as well. Final part of the paper focuses
on the process of (constitutional) legal assistance in the last years of Czechoslovakia.