Užití mezenchymálních kmenových buněk (MSC) je jedním z experimentálních terapeutických přístupů k léčbě poranění míchy. MSC lze získat z kostní dřeně, tukové tkáně i z jiných periferních tkání dospělých jedinců. Výhodou je, v porovnání s jinými kmenovými buňkami, jejich dobrá dostupnost, snadná expanze a možnost autologního použití. MSC byly v posledních 15 letech studovány v experimentálním míšním poranění zejména u hlodavců se slibnými výsledky. Existuje několik mechanizmů, jakými působí MSC na míšní lézi. Především to je remyelinizace demyelinizovaných vláken, podpora pučení axonů (sprouting), angiogeneze, imunosupresivní efekt či sekrece neurotrofních faktorů, které mohou vést k funkčnímu zlepšení. Tyto slibné výsledky urychlily zahájení klinických studií u pacientů s poraněním míchy. Klinické studie fáze I/II ukázaly, že se jedná o bezpečnou metodu, avšak funkční průkaz vyžaduje další klinické studie. Ukazuje se, že MSC bude třeba kombinovat s jinými metodami, jako je přemostění léze, enzymatické štěpení jizvy a blokátory inhibičních faktorů. Tato práce přináší přehledný souhrn o aplikaci MSC u míšního poranění v experimentu i klinice., The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represents an experimental therapeutic modality in the treatment of spinal cord injury. MSC can be harvested from the bone marrow, fat tissue and other peripheral tissues from adult individuals. Compared to other types of stem cells, MSC are easy to access and expand and they can be used in autologous settings. Over the last 15 years, MSC have been widely studied in experimental spinal cord injury, especially in rodents, with promising results. MSC support remyelination of demyelinated axons, axonal sprouting, angiogenesis, have immunosuppressive effect and secrete neurotrophic factors that may led to functional improvement. These promising results led to launching of clinical studies in patients with spinal cord injury. Phase I/II clinical studies showed that the use of MSC represent a safe method. However, functional effect needs to be proved in further clinical studies. Data suggest that MSC will need to be combined with other methods, such as lesion bridging, scar tissue breakdown and blocking of inhibitory molecules. This paper provides an overview of the use of MSC in experimental and clinical SCI., and A. Hejčl, P. Jendelová, M. Sameš, E. Syková
AIMS: Our aims were to isolate and cultivate mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) in various media enriched with human blood components, and subsequently to investigate their basic biological properties. METHODS: DPSC were cultivated in five different media based on α MEM containing different concentrations of human plasma (HP), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or fetal calf serum (FCS). The DPSC biological properties were examined periodically. RESULTS: We cultivated DPSC in the various cultivation media over 15 population doublings except for the medium supplemented with 10% HP. Our results showed that DPSC cultivated in medium supplemented with 10% PRP showed the shortest average population doubling time (DT) (28.6 ± 4.6 hours), in contrast to DPSC cultivated in 10% HP which indicated the longest DT (156.2 ± 17.8 hours); hence this part of the experiment had been cancelled in the 6th passage. DPSC cultivated in media with 2% FCS+ITS (DT 47.3 ± 10.4 hours), 2% PRP (DT 40.1 ± 5.7 hours) and 2% HP (DT 49.0 ± 15.2 hours) showed almost the same proliferative activity. DPSC's viability in the 9th passage was over 90% except for the DPSC cultivated in the 10% HP media. CONCLUSIONS: We proved that human blood components are suitable substitution for FCS in cultivation media for long-term DPSC cultivation. and T. Suchánková Kleplová, T. Soukup, V. Řeháček, J. Suchánek
AIMS: Authors studied potential side effects of fetal calf serum (FCS) in cultivation media on human dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) during long-term cultivation. METHODS: Two lines of DPSC obtained healthy donors (male 22 years, female 23 years) were used. Both lines were cultivated under standard cultivation conditions in four different media containing 10% or 2% FCS and substituted with growth factors. During long-term cultivation proliferation ability, karyotype and phenotype of DPSC were measured. RESULTS: Both lines of DPSC cultivated in a media containing 2% FCS and ITS supplement showed the highest number of population doublings. On the other hand the proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in a media with 2% FCS without ITS supplement was slowest. Proliferation rate of DPSC cultivated in 10% FCS media with or without FGF-2 was comparable. DPSC cultivated in a media with 10% FCS showed a significantly higher amount of chromosomal aberrations. These chromosomal aberrations do not seem to be clonal but surprisingly we found large amounts of tetraploid cells in the 9th passage in both media containing 10% FCS. CONCLUSIONS: Our study proved that cultivation of DPSC in media containing higher concentration of FCS has critical side effects on cell chromosomal stability. and J. Suchánek, TS. Kleplová, M. Kapitán, T. Soukup