Data on pupation and emergence dates for the nymphalid Purple Emperor butterfly Apatura iris have been collected at Basel, Switzerland, between 1982 and 2002. The butterfly has been shown to emerge on average 9 (males) to 12 (females) days earlier per decade, 19 and 24 days earlier respectively over the study period. Emergence dates relate strongly to spring temperatures, particularly with daily maximum temperatures for the months March to May. Temperatures for these months have increased significantly during this period (0.7°C to 1.8°C per decade). Three factors suggest that the strongest influence of the rise in spring temperatures has been on late larval instar growth and development: (i) May temperatures dominate emergence date models and larvae are feeding faster and for longer periods during this month, (ii) Salix caprea flowering date, a surrogate for bud burst, is excluded in stepwise regression models with temperatures and years suggesting that tree phenology may be less important than temperature effects on later development, and (iii) convergence of female and male emergence dates over time points to limits on earlier feeding in protandrous males. A negative consequence observed with earlier emergence dates is lethal extra broods.
Meaningful ecological studies on insect communities require sampling protocols that take into consideration temporal fluctuations in abundance and species composition. Bees with their specific requirements for nutrition and nesting are good indicators of landscape structure and overall biodiversity, provided the ecological and seasonal patterns they show are taken into consideration. The present two year study traced the ecological and seasonal patterns on 2 km2 of a southern slope in the Swiss Alps, ranging from 1150 to 1550 m above sea level. The study area consisted mainly of grassland under different regimes, mostly hay meadows and pastures. By direct netting at five monthly intervals in each year a total of 247 bee species were recorded. This comprehensive sampling scheme identified one of the most diverse bee faunas in Central and Northern Europe, consisting of a statistically estimated 280 species. Most species were rare with 14.6% represented by a single individual. Ecological analysis of the bee community showed that the primitively eusocial species were over represented among the abundant species and the parasitic species among the rarest.
Both abundance and species richness were subject to marked seasonal variations. A substantial turnover in species composition as well as changes in ecological patterns were observed. More than 25% of all species were recorded in only one of the two years, in particular many of the parasitic species. Singletons accounted for a higher proportion when individual years rather than the pooled data were analysed. All these findings underline the importance of season-long sampling and sampling over more than one year if bees are to be used as indicators in ecological and studies on bee communities.
The application of human rights in horizontal direction between non state actors has been debated issue. Allowing breach of human rights by non state actors only because they are not the state does not seem to be sustainable in the future. The article first presents style of application of human rights indirectly in front of European Court of Human Rights and the U.S. Supreme Court and comes to example of direct application model in Switzerland, citing also alternatives how human rights could be treated with reference to recognized authors in the field. Besides some established precedents, new wave cases are present in the legal environment of sports or entertainment sectors to be viewed as the challenge for the continuing discussion in this area of law.
The fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 meant the cardinal breaking point for states in Central Europe which affected their diaspora in the same way. The Czech exile was not an exception. Some of its representatives came back to Czechoslovakia during the Velvet revolution and the most of its members returned to the country in 1990. The memories of the first re-entry to their former motherland constituted an important part of their life-stories. Did the "first-encounter" with freed Czechoslovakia influence their decision to come back permanently? The paper is based on the archival and oral sources which were obtained during field research in the Czech communities in Austria and Switzerland. The sources often described a process called "reverse culture shock" which formed unknown yet important chapter of the Czech exile in the second half of the 20th century.
Leucorrhinia caudalis is a dragonfly species threatened throughout Europe. Despite evidence of the recent extension of its distribution range, it is unknown whether L. caudalis regularly or hardly ever migrates among ponds. The contemporary migration patterns of the species were investigated using Bayesian assignment tests and the migration rates related to landscape structural and thematic variables (distance between ponds, forest area, area of water body, area of hedgerow). Migration rates of L. caudalis are independent of any landscape element. Thus, landscape structure is not a barrier or corridor for migration in this species. The tendency of L. caudalis to disperse is largely independent of the nature of the landscape, at least at the scale of the present study. and Janine Bolliger, Daniela Keller, Rolf Holderegger.