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32. [Žižek, Slavoj. Less than nothing: Hegel and the shadow of dialectical materialism]
- Creator:
- Pushpakumara, Saman
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Reviews
- Subject:
- Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown
33. A non-ethical argument against parental licensing
- Creator:
- Pušić, Bruno
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- parental licensing, licensing program, child abuse, child neglect, child protection, and Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- LaFollette proposed that the best way to protect children from abuse and neglect caused by their parents would be to implement parental licenses to prospective parents. In this paper, I re-evaluate his proposal by looking at various facts and data related to child abuse and neglect. It will be suggested that (a) parenting as a profession does not satisfy the third of LaFollette's criteria for the introduction of licenses, which is "The benefits of the licensing program outweigh any theoretical reasons against it" (LaFollette 2010, 328), (b) it would subject too many people to unnecessary tests and (c) parenting cannot be compared to other professions licenses are usually issued for.
- Rights:
- unknown
34. A philosophy of first contact : Stanisław Lem and the myth of cognitive universality
- Creator:
- Simons, Massimiliano
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Stanisław Lem, first contact, scientific discovery, and Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Within science fiction the topic of 'first contact' is a popular theme. How will an encounter with aliens unfold? Will we succeed in communicating with them? Although such questions are present in the background of many science fiction novels, they are not always explicitly dealt with and even if so, often in a poor way. In this article, I will introduce a typology of five dominant types of solutions to the problem of first contact in science fiction works. The first four solutions are the more dominant, but also the least interesting ones. There is a fifth category that addresses the question of first contact in a more interesting way, exemplified by the work of Stanisław Lem. This fifth option defines itself as a critique of the four previous categories, or of their shared assumption of what Lem (1967) has called 'the myth of cognitive universality'. Lem is sceptical of the common optimism that first contact will always be successful. In books such as Solaris (1961), His Master's Voice (1967) and Fiasco (1986), humanity makes first contact with an alien phenomenon, but fails to comprehend the phenomenon. Fundamentally, it will be argued that Lem's work shows that in such an encounter we will typically not only lack the right answers to our questions, but that we also often lack the correct questions: we simply do not have the right categories or instruments to even recognize, let alone meaningfully interrogate, the alien phenomenon. The article ends with an exploration of the implications of Lem's pessimism and whether it is the most plausible option for first contact. Moreover, the article will draw some lessons for philosophy of science, by exploring the parallel with the confrontation of novel or deviant phenomena in science. Lem's work is helpful here because it succeeds in articulating what has not always been appreciated in the philosophy of science, namely that the right questions by which to interrogate scientific phenomena are not given, but that their articulation always requires work.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
35. Ad honorem Stanisław Lem (12.9.1921–27.3.2006)
- Creator:
- Brázda, Radim
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown
36. Ad honorem Stanisław Lem (12.9.1921–27.3.2006)
- Creator:
- Brázda, Radim
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Editorial
- Subject:
- Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
37. Adamův obraz v anglických encyklopedických pracích raného novověku
- Creator:
- Klímová, Petra
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- raný novověk, encyklopedie, Ephraim Chambers, John Harris, the early modern period, encyclopaedias, and Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Obsah této studie se zaměřuje na mýtus o prvotním hříchu a jeho dopadu na encyklopedické práce v raném novověku. Jejím hlavním cílem je zde zodpovězení otázky do jaké míry byly encyklopedie tímto příběhem ovlivněny a následně popsat konkrétní změny, které byly tímto mýtem zapříčeněny. Hlavní pozornost je věnována zejména nejvýznamnějším anglickým encyklopedickým pracím v raném novověku a to Cyclopaedii (1728) od Ephraim Chamberse a Lexiconu Technicumu (1704) od Johna Harrise. and The content of this study is focused on the myth of original sin and its impact on the encyclopedic works in the early modern period in the Europe. The main goal here is to answer questions to what extent encyclopedia affected by this story and then describe the changes that caused it. The main attention is devoted to most important English encyclopedic works in early modern times: Cyclopaedia (1728) by Ephraim Chambers and Lexicon Technicum (1704) by John Harris.
- Rights:
- unknown
38. Alexander Koyré, fifty years after his death – regarding four recent publications
- Creator:
- Stoffel, Jean-François
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Reviews
- Subject:
- Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
39. An activity whereby the mind regards itself': Spinoza on consciousness
- Creator:
- Petrufová Joppová, Michaela
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Baruch Spinoza, body-mind problem, consciousness, philosophy of mind, psychic reality, filozofie mysli, problém vztahu tělo-mysl, psychická realita, vědomí, and Philosophy
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Baruch Spinoza's philosophy of mind stirs up the disputes about the nature of body-mind relations with its rigorous and naturalistic monism. The unity of body and mind is consequential of his metaphysics of the substance, but the concept of the unity of the mind and its idea rightfully confuses Spinoza's commentators. Many have been tempted to interpret this as a possible account of consciousness, but it still has not yet been fully understood. This paper attempts to introduce an interpretation of the concept of ideas of ideas with regards to consciousness based on strict ontological monism, conceptual dualism, and self-similarity architecture, which concludes in distinguishing mental and psychic reality. While we might attribute mental reality, or mentality, to every extended thing, psychic reality is constituted by conscious ideas. And it seems to follow from Spinoza's theory that the more 'psychic' the mind is, the more it knows God. and Filozofie mysli Barucha Spinozy svým rigorózním naturalistickým monismem podněcuje mnohé diskuze o povaze vztahu mysli a těla. Jednota mysli a těla je konsekventní jeho substanční metafyzice, avšak koncepce jednoty mysli a její ideje oprávněně mate Spinozovy komentátory. Mnozí z nich jsou nakloněni interpretovat tento koncept jako Spinozovu variaci na koncept (sebe)vědomí, přesto se však zdá, že jako takový ještě nebyl zcela adekvátně a celostně uchopen. Příspěvek představuje interpretaci konceptu idejí idejí v kontextu vědomí, přičemž metodologicky vychází z ontologického monismu, konceptuálního dualismu a sebe-opakující se architektury mysli a zahrnuje logické vyvození možné diferenciace mentální a psychické reality. Zatímco mentální realitu neboli mentalitu je možné na základě Spinozova učení připisovat každé rozprostraněné věci, psychická realita neboli psychika je konstituována vědomými idejemi. Ze Spinozova učení přitom také vyplývá, že čím více psychiky jednotlivá věc "má", tím více poznává Boha.
- Rights:
- unknown
40. Anaximenova koncepce oběhu nebeských těles
- Creator:
- Kočandrle, Radim
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Anaximenés, kosmologie, nebeská osa, nebeská telesa, Země, Anaximenes, celestial axis, celestail bodies, cosmology, earth, and Philosophy
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Studie předkládá novou interpretaci zpráv o oběhu nebeských těles podle Anaximena z Mílétu. Nebeská tělesa se v jeho pojetí nemají pohybovat pod Zemí, ale naopak kolem Země. Anaximenés měl danou koncepci přiblížit motivem plstěného klobouku, který se otáčí kolem naší hlavy. Případné vysvětlení oběhu nebeských těles pomocí nakloněné Země podél její horizontální osy však patrně mylně vychází až z koncepce kulové Země a sklonu ekliptiky. Je možné, že dochované texty ve skutečnosti navazují na problém sklonu nebeské osy a popisují původní situaci oběhu nebeských těles předtím, než se "nebe naklonilo". and This study presents a new interpretation of reports about the paths of heavenly bodies according to Anaximenes of Miletus. In his view, they do not move under the Earth but rather around it. Anaximenes is said to have likened this idea to a felt hat moving around our head. The alleged explanation of orbits of heavenly bodies that is based on Earth being tilted around its horizontal axis is, probably erroneously, derived from a later conception of spherical Earth and the tilt of the ecliptic plane. It is possible that extant texts in fact elaborate on the issue of the incline of the heavenly axis, describing the original situation of orbits of heavenly bodies before "the heaven became tilted".
- Rights:
- unknown