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32. Guter Gott! Bonus deus in lateinischen Fluchtafeln
- Creator:
- Ehmig, Ulrike
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- defixiones, curse tablets, Latin inscriptions, epithets, bonus, performative adjective, communication with the Gods, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The article takes its starting point in the observation that the epithet bonus is rarely used for Gods in Latin inscriptions. In the case of the first and largest group bonus is an integral part of the name of a God (Bona Dea, Bonus Puer, Bona Fortuna). In the second group bonus is used as an epithet for abstract concepts of divine qualities (e.g. Bonus Eventus, Bona Mens, Bona Valetudo). In the third group remain two dozen inscriptions where a personalized God was characterized as bonus. Among these inscriptions are a lot of defixiones. This is an astonishing fact insofar as the defixiones had a negative and damaging intention. In the light of the other epithets used in Latin defixiones, the performative use of bonus is discussed.
- Rights:
- unknown
33. Herodotean oracles: moral and rational responses to ambiguity
- Creator:
- Rodkey, Krista
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Herodotus, oracles, riddles, fate, character, humility, hubris, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The oracles that appear in Herodotus's Histories are usually ambiguous, yet despite this ambiguity it is clear from his narratives that Herodotus holds oracle-recipients morally responsible for their oracular interpretations, whether correct or incorrect. Though these two commitments seem to be in tension, I challenge the traditional view that Herodotus' responsibility standard is too high given the ambiguity of the oracles. Instead of examining the ambiguity of the oracular texts in isolation, I argue the texts must be considered in an interpretive situation involving four sources of uncertainty: the genuineness of the oracle, the disposition of the god consulted, the oracular text itself, and the appropriate response to it. Facing these ambiguities, I argue, Herodotus's characters can take one of two coherent attitudes toward the oracle decision-making process: the attitude of the powerful and controlling who hope to overcome the uncertainty surrounding oracles by making use of their cleverness and power, or the attitude of the pious who hope to understand the oracles from within a framework of piety, good sense, and community integrity.
- Rights:
- unknown
34. Hesychius on Καρνησσόπολις and Τρίτ[τ]α
- Creator:
- Kaczyńska, Elwira
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Cretan geography, Greek place-names, Hesychius of Alexandria, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The paper deals with two geographical glosses transmitted by Hesychius of Alexandria: Καρνησσόπολις · Λύκτος ἡ Κρητικὴ οὕτως ἐκαλεῖτο (HAL κ-840) and Τρίτ[τ]α · οὕτως ἡ Κνωσσὸς ὠνομάζετο (HAL τ-1434). It is suggested that Καρνησσόπολις and Τρίτ[τ]α cannot be identified with Lyctus and Knossos, respectively. Both of the place-names under discussion refer to separate settlements, strongly connected with the capital cities. The toponym Καρνησσόπολις should be identified with an ancient town located by the village of Κανασός (< Doric Greek *Καρνᾱσός) near Gonies, i.e. about 8 km north-east of the ancient city of Lyctus. The toponym Τρίτ[τ]α, attested as ti-ri-to in Linear B texts from Knossos, could refer to an ancient settlement with the sanctuary of Athena Tritogeneia, located near the modern village of Astritsi (Mod. Gk. Αστρίτσι), i.e. about 9 km south of Knossos.
- Rights:
- unknown
35. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze
- Creator:
- Čižmíková, Danuša
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Subject:
- Classical Studies
- Language:
- Slovak and Arabic
- Description:
- Monografie se zabývá tvorbou ženských autorek v kontextu libanonské občanské války. Rozebírá díla dvou z nejvýraznějších představitelek válečného románu v Libanonu, jejichž hlavními protagonistkami jsou ženy. První kapitola čtenáři přibližuje kulturně-společenské a literární podhoubí zkoumaného období, další dvě kapitoly se věnují představení jednotlivých románů. Vlastní analýza se poté soustředí na procesy sebeutváření. Kapitola zabývající se románem Zahrin příběh (Ḥikājat Zahra) pohlíží na proces sebeutváření z pohledu podřizování se moci. V díle Marjam příběhů (Marjam al-ḥakājā) je fenomén moci zkoumán z pohledu ženského vyprávění, které představuje tradiční nástroj rozrušování patriarchálního diskurzu. Stěžejní kapitoly jsou doplněny o překladové ukázky z děl, která do slovenštiny ani češtiny doposud přeložena nebyla. ,The monograph presents a study of women's literary response to the civil war in Lebanon. It focuses on two of the most prominent writers of (post-)civil war novel, namely Ḥanān ash-Shaykh and ʿAlawiyya Ṣubuḥ. The focus is laid on those works that feature female protagonists, while the scope is narrowed to the study of identity formation. Having situated women’s writings on the war into a broader socio-cultural and literary context in the introductory chapter, the second chapter traces the process of identity formation in the novel Ḥikāyat Zahra (The Story of Zahra), while the third one presents the reader with the analysis of Maryam al-ḥakāyā (Maryam of Stories). The chapters are complemented by the excerpts from the novels that have not yet been translated into Slovak or Czech language.
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
36. Inscriptiones Pannoniae Superioris : in Slovacia Transdanubiana asservatae
- Creator:
- Češka, Josef and Hošek, Radislav
- Publisher:
- Universitas Purkynianae Brunensis
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Classical Studies, latinské nápisy -- Slovensko, římská antická civilizace -- Slovensko, and archeologické nálezy -- Slovensko
- Language:
- Latin
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
37. Lidovost a lidové motivy u Aristofana
- Creator:
- Hošek, Radislav
- Publisher:
- Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Classical Studies, Aristofanés, ca 445-ca 386 př. Kr., řecké antické drama -- 5.-4. stol. př. Kr., řečtí antičtí autoři -- 5.-4. stol. př. Kr., náměty, témata a motivy, and literárněvědné rozbory
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
38. Lucretius and the modern interdisciplinary critique of religion
- Creator:
- Franek, Juraj
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Lucretius, religion, critique, contemporary, science, physics, biology, philosophy, Venus, Anti-Lucrèce, Patin, Dennett, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Article compares some aspects of current interdisciplinary discourse critical of religion with Lucretius' poem De rerum natura. In the first part, I try to show how a brief review of modern scientific literature can assist to resolve one of the much discussed problems in Lucretian scholarship, namely the attitude of Lucretius towards traditional Graeco-Roman religion and the question of (in)coherence of his thought. In the second part, I change the perspective in order to show that, in some key aspects, Lucretius can be viewed as the precursor of contemporary critique of religion.
- Rights:
- unknown
39. Mnema Vladimír Groh
- Publisher:
- Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Collection
- Subject:
- Classical Studies, Groh, Vladimír, 1895-1941, filologové -- Česko -- 20. stol., vysokoškolští učitelé -- Česko -- 20. stol., starověk -- dějiny, and kulturní dějiny -- starověk
- Language:
- Czech, French, English, Russian, German, and Italian
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
40. Nicolai Dresdensis Apologia : de conclusionibus doctorum in Constantia de materia sanguinis
- Creator:
- Mutlová, Petra
- Publisher:
- Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Classical Studies, Nicolaus Dresdensis, asi 1380-asi 1417, utrakvismus -- 15. století, křesťanští teologové -- Německo -- 14.-15. století, utrakvistická teologie -- 15. století, křesťanské polemiky -- Česko -- 15. století, křesťanští reformátoři -- Německo -- 14.-15. století, kodikologie, středověké rukopisy -- 15. století, latinské rukopisy -- Česko -- 15. století, latinské rukopisy -- analýza, Utraquism -- 15th century, Christian theologians -- Germany -- 14th-15th centuries, Christian reformers -- Germany -- 14th-15th centuries, Utraquist theology -- 15th century, Christian polemics -- Czechia -- 15th century, codicology, medieval manuscripts -- 15th century, Latin manuscripts -- Czechia -- 15th century, Latin manuscripts -- analysis, 15. století, and 14.-15. století
- Language:
- Czech and Latin
- Description:
- Vydání kritické edice Apologie, latinského spisu husitského nonkonformisty Mikuláše z Drážďan z roku 1415, kterým reagoval na zákaz laického kalicha, jednoho z nejvýraznějších symbolů husitského hnutí. Součástí edice s textověkritickým aparátem je dílčí studie o genetických vztazích dochovaných rukopisů, analýza struktury díla a prozkoumání jeho předloh, které zasazují vydávaný text do jeho významových souvislostí. Jakožto výsledek zpřístupnění středověkého rukopisného materiálu je kniha primárně určena pro badatele zabývající se dějinami rané české reformace; díky kritickému aparátu své uživatele najde nejen mezi historiky, ale i mezi filology, lingvisty, právníky a teology. ,This book contains a critical edition of the Apologia, a Latin treatise written by a Hussite nonconformist Nicholas of Dresden in 1415, whereby the author reacted to the prohibition of the lay chalice, one of the most outstanding symbols of the Hussite movement. The edition comprises a critical apparatus, reassessment of the textual tradition of the text based on the surviving manuscript copies as well as an analysis of the structure of the text and its models. Thus the introductory study contextualizes the treatise within the contemporary literary production. The book is primarily aimed at researchers dealing with the Early Bohemian Reformation, nevertheless due to the wider context provided by the critical edition of a medieval manuscript material it will well serve the historians, philologists, lawyers and theologians as well.
- Rights:
- unknown and embargoed access