Parliamentary elections in May 2010 ended with unexpected and somewhat revolutionary results: they brought heavy losses to all traditional established parties within the Czech party system, which appeared to be relatively stable since the second half of 1990s, two lesser parliamentary parties were eliminated from the Chamber of Deputies, and two new political parties emerged among successful subjects surpassing quite easily the existing electoral clause of five percent. The text analyzes these results, as well as some attitudes of Czech public identified by exit poll and other sociological surveys and post-election development, and it tries to answer the question, whether the elections in 2010 meant any deep and lasting shift in long-term development of the party system in the Czech Republic or whether it was rather an incidental anomaly without persistent impact on the party system, which will gradually restore itself more or less in the shape that characterized it for one and half of decade before the elections in 2010., Jan Červenka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article reports the results of a content analysis of recently published papers on the relationship(s) between socioeconomic status and health. This study explores how scholars conceptualize and measure socioeconomic status and health. Consequently, this research investigates if significant differences in measurement exist both across subfields within sociology and across disciplines. The evidence presented reveals a remarkable variation in measurement strategies. Moreover, this variation exhibits a pattern that is not entirely predictable. This article concludes by presenting in detail some of the most widely used health indicators and proposing that current measurement practice may be improved by utilizing some more advanced scaling strategies., Martin Kreidl, Lucie Hošková., 4 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
The Prison Service of the Czech Republic has been collecting e-data about imprisoned persons and presenting particular descriptive statistics in its annual reports since 1996. However, essential underlying information and complex relations analyses are not worked out in depth. The Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention offers particular narrowly focused analysis, but has never prepared a comprehensive description based on Czech prison data and models derived from it. As the country is about to prepare a prison service reform, complex statistical and microeconomic models are required. One of the reasons why advanced modelling could not be conducted was the absence of an appropriately adapted dataset. This article describes the steps from a dataset provided by the Prison Service of the Czech Republic to a fi nal database which allows performing advanced analyses. The aim of this paper is also to describe the properties of the database and to report the total number and structure of cases of imprisonment in the CR between 1996 and 2012., Maria Králová, Laura Fónadová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V tomto článku se autoři věnují tématu subjektivního vnímání profesí jako kategorií, nicméně využívají k tomu poněkud odlišný koncept a metodu: subjektivní sociální distance. Na rozdíl od prestiže povolání sledují pravděpodobnost interakce mezi profesními skupinami. Použití tohoto přístupu, dobře známého ze studia etno-kulturních distancí (viz [Ryšavý 2003]), ke studiu stratifikace je u nás relativně nové, ač se jedná o metodu vyvinutou již na přelomu 50. a 60. let. Nejprve v krátkosti představí odlišná sociologická pojetí sociálních distancí, věnovat se budou zejména konceptu subjektivnímu, který zavedl E. O. Laumann. V druhé části přinášejí výsledky empirické analýzy subjektivních interakčních distancí k 22 profesím, které byly zjišťovány ve výzkumu “ Sociální distance 2007”. Vnímáme profese jako hierarchicky uspořádané? Existují shluky profesí, které bychom mohli označit za subjektivní sociální třídy ve vědomí lidí? Kudy vede v naší společnosti hranice mezi těmito třídami? Nejen o tom se v tomto článku dočtete více., Using the concept of subjective social distance we focus on perceptions of occupational categories. First, the the - oretical concept of social distance is introduced as a tool for measuring social stratification. Second, subjective hypothetical interactional distances to 22 occupational stimuli are analyzed with data from the Social Distances 2007 survey. People rate the stimuli hierarchically analogous to occupational prestige and socioeconomic status; however some minor divergences can be detected. Further we focus on differences among gender and members of self identified social classes. The main part assesses the hypothesis of the existence of subjective social class boundaries. The status-continuum is shared by the whole public, yet we can identify mental categorization patterns of professional groupings which draw an intense bounda - ry between white and blue collar professions. Further, four groupings regarded as subjective social class can be identified: higher professionals, female lower professionals, qualified and semi-qualified manual and non-manual workers, and unqua - lified manual professions with low prestige., and Jiří Šafr, Julia Häuberer.
Wedding announcements constitute a specific source for the study of social history. Their beginning can be dated, in the Czech Lands, to the first half of the 19th century. The present study focuses on the analysis of the engaged couples, their origin, social standing, nationality and religion. As a basis for the research served the collection of wedding announcements preserved in the Municipal Museum of Mnichovo Hradiště; specifically analyzed were announcements from the years 1897-1918., Lenka Procházková., and Obsahuje odkazy pod čarou
Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři, ustavování hranic – distinkcí a demarkací – je politikum, toto tvrzení je v oblasti genderových a feministických studií truismem. Rozleptávání zdánlivě stabilních diskriminačních znaků bylo ostatně jednou z klíčových feministických snah a je dodnes předmětem mnoha diskursivně -materiálních bojů. Jestliže se feministky na počátku soustřeďovaly zejména na pohlaví a gender, postupně se přidávaly hranice další, založené na sexuální orientaci, konstrukci „rasových“ a etnických hranic, socioekonomickém statusu, geografické lokaci a další., Marcela Linková, Iva Šmídová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Border theory, an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of cultures located (especially) on the U.S. -Mexican border, was to a great extent initiated by the publication of Gloria Anzaldúa’s multigenre masterpiece Borderlands/La Frontera – The New Mestiza (1987), which in terms of postcolonial studies resists the canon of American literature and puts forth an indigenous, geographically and culturally situated theoretical concept of Mestiza consciousness which aims to defy Western dualistic thinking. The article, rooted in postcolonial perspectives and literary studies, looks at historical concepts of the American border, investigates the metaphorization of the US -Mexican borderlands in Anzaldúa’s work and explains her notion of Mestiza consciousness., Tereza Jiroutová Kynčlová., and Obsahuje bibliografii