In this paper, we propose an algebraic approach to investigate the diagnosis of partially observable labeled Petri nets based on state estimation on a sliding window of a predefined length h. Given an observation, the resulting diagnosis state can be computed while solving integer linear programming problems with a reduced subset of basis markings. \blue{The proposed approach consists in exploiting} a subset of h observations at each estimation step, which provides a partial diagnosis relevant to the current observation window. This technique allows a status update with a "forgetfulness" of past observations and enables distinguishing repetitive and punctual faults. The complete diagnosis state can be defined as a function of the partial diagnosis states interpreted on the sliding window. As \blue{the} analysis shows that some basis markings can present an inconsistency with a future evolution, which possibly implies unnecessary computations of basis markings, a withdrawal procedure of these \blue{irrelevant} basis markings based on linear programming is proposed.
Congenital toxoplasmosis is reportable disease in Europe. To prevent it antibody serological tests were introduced in several European countries as a part of screening programmes. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) avidity index testing is one of these tests for diagnosing acute infection with Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) in pregnant women. However, a low or moderate IgG avidity index can give inconclusive results for predicting woman's status. From June 2012 until the end of 2014, 17,990 women were included in the national screening program to prevent congenital toxoplasmosis. One hundred and twenty-six women were consecutively included in the study because they had low or moderate IgG avidity. Every woman with possible acute toxoplasmosis was followed up every month till delivery. Fifty-eight of 126 (46%) women got infected in months before current pregnancy, 39 women (31%) were infected early in pregnancy. Twenty-nine pregnant women of 126 (23%) got infected in the second/third trimester of pregnancy. New cut off for IgG avidity index was 0.11. With this cut off, we were able to exclude T. gondii acute infection in the first trimester with very good diagnostic accuracy (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.95, 95% confidence Interval (CI) 0.91-0.99, sensitivity 0.95, specificity 0.86). If an IgG avidity index above 0.11 is measured in a woman's serum and she is in the first trimester of pregnancy, then a odds ratio (OR) for acute infection with T. gondii is below 1 (OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.05-0.25, P < 0.0001). If we measure IgG avidity index that is ≥ 0.11 in the first trimester of pregnancy, we can exclude infection with T. gondii with good diagnostic accuracy in our cohort of women. With a new cut off we could reduce number of invasive procedures such as amniocentesis and put less pregnant women in distress.
Characteristics of 46 setae of the second stage larvae of four Hoplothrips species (Thysanoptera) are discussed with respect to their diagnostic value. Two different approaches, of which one is mathematical, for identification of the larvae are given.
The articles gives a summary of measurement units that are used for diagnostic measurements of fluid boilers combustion channels. During the verification process VŠB-TU Ostrava designed and tested various types of probes for temperature and velocity measurements, off-take of both gaseous samples of waste gases and solid particles samples. Taken results gives more detailed information about fluid lyer behaviour for various fluid bed boiler types. Moreover they can be of use in case of boiler modifications or boiler operation improvements. This article is based on the project GA 617 50 11 solving - "Combine combustion of coal and biomass in fluid bed boilers"., Bohumír Čech, Zdeněk Kadlec and Jan Matoušek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
To re-evaluate the taxonomic status of Cheilosia canicularis (Panzer, 1801), C. himantopus (Panzer, 1798) and C. orthotricha Vujić & Claussen, 1994, variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and 18 nuclear allozyme genes were surveyed in allopatric and sympatric populations from Serbia and Montenegro. Genetic relationships among five populations of these species from the Fruška Gora (Serbia), Kopaonik (Serbia) and Durmitor (Montenegro) mountains were analyzed. Seven allozyme loci (Aat, Aco, Fum, Idh-1, Idh-2, Mdh-2 and Sdh) were diagnostic for delineating C. orthotricha from the other two species, while only a low, but consistent, genetic differentiation was observed between C. canicularis and C. himantopus. Differentiating all three species was possible based solely on the species-specific alleles at the Est-? locus. Sequence comparisons of 738 bp of the COI gene from eleven specimens was consistent with the variability in nuclear allozymes. Sequence data revealed variation in 5% of the nucleotide sites among C. orthotricha and the C. canicularis/C. himantopus pair, while less variation (0.68%) was observed within the pair C. canicularis/C. himantopus. However, the presence of one diagnostic allozyme locus and five consistently variable nucleotide sites in sympatric populations of C. canicularis and C. himantopus (Durmitor, Montenegro) suggest that these two species have separate gene pools.
Decreased baroreflex sensitivity is an early sign of autonomic dysfunction in patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus. We evaluated the repeatability of a mild baroreflex sensitivity decrease in diabetics with respect to their heart rate. Finger blood pressure was continuously recorded in 14 young diabetics without clinical signs of autonomic dysfunction and in 14 age-matched controls for 42 min. The recordings were divided into 3-min segments, and the mean inter-beat interval (IBI), baroreflex sensitivity in ms/mm Hg (BRS) and mHz/mm Hg (BRSf) were determined in each segment. These values fluctuated in each subject within 42 min and therefore coefficients of repeatability were calculated for all subjects. Diabetics compared with controls had a decreased mean BRS (p=0.05), a tendency to a shortened IBI (p=0.08), and a decreased BRSf (p=0.17). IBI correlated with BRS in diabetics (p=0.03); th is correlation was at p=0.12 in the controls. BRSf was IBI independent (controls: p=0.81, diabetics: p=0.29). We conclude that BRS is partially dependent on mean IBI. Thus, BRS reflects not only an impairment of the quick baroreflex responses of IBI to blood pressure changes, but also a change of the tonic sy mpathetic and pa rasympathetic heart rate control. This is of significance during mild changes of BRS. Therefore, an examination of the BRSf index is highly recommended, because this examin ation improves the diagnostic value of the measurement, particul arly in cases of early signs of autonomic dysfunction., J. Svačinová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
We have found that the determination of thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) in urine may help to characterize metabolic imbalance of substances participating in methionine synthesis, which leads to hyperhomocystinuria. From the metabolic scheme, based on a proper combination of known facts, we attempted to theoretically explain and to demonstrate the possibilities of TDGA formation via different ways of homocysteine transformation. This scheme was used in evaluating the results obtained by testing urine of a woman suffering from impaired function of methionine synthase reductase (CblE type of homocystinuria). The amount of TDGA excreted in her morning urine was very sensitive to the changes in her treatment based upon a combination of N5-formyl tetrahydrofolate, betaine and vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 given in the evening either alone or together with betaine increased the TDGA excretion in the morning urine up to ten times. On the other hand, in the absence of vitamin B12, betaine in combination with N5-formyl tetrahydrofolate hindered the appearance of TDGA in the morning urine. Generally, the determination of TDGA in urine of an appropriately pretreated patient may indicate the degree of success of the treatment., T. Navrátil, M. Petr, Z. Šenholdová, K. Přistoupilová, T. I. Přistoupil, M. Heyrovský, D. Pelclová, E. Kohlíková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Tinitus není choroba, ale symptom nepříjemné poruchy sluchového orgánu. Pnčiny jeho vzniku jsou nejčastější komplexní a spočívají v poruše funkce důležitých ústrojí a orgánů. Tak se tinitus stává jakýmsi jejich epifenoménem. Pri diagnostice tinim je nezbytné postupovat interdisciplinárne, vedie podrobného vyšetření sluchu je nutné znát celkový stav pacienta. Účinná léčba je multimodální a pro chronický tinitus zpravidla kombinujeme více léíebných pristupů. Klíčovým momentem je spolupráce s ošetřujícím lékařem a vzájemná důvěra, porozumění a pochopení mezi oběma partnery., Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom of the troublesome disturbance of the auditory organ. In most cases causes of its origin are of complex nature and consist in the disturbance of the function of important tracts and organs. Thus tinnitus becomes a kind of their epiphenomenon. In the diagnostics of tinnitus it is necessary to act in the inter-disciplinary manner; in addition to detailed examination of hearing it is essential to know patient's general health status. The effective treatment is multimodal and we generally combine more treatment approaches for chronic tinnitus. The key moment is co-operation with an attending physician and mutual confidence, appreciation and understanding between both sides., Aleš Hahn, and Lit. 12
Feochromocytom je relativně vzácná příčina arteriální hypertenze. Neléčený feochromocytom může však vést až k fatální hypertenzní krizi v průběhu anestezie či jiných forem stresu. Je proto důležitá náležitá diagnostika tohoto onemocnění. Již 24hodinové monitorování krevního tlaku (TK) může přispět k diagnostice feochromocytomu s ohledem na často se vyskytující zvýšenou variabilitu TK a absenci nočního poklesu TK. Dosud byly identifikovány mutace 5 genů, zodpovědných za vznik familiárních forem feochromocytomu: mutace genu von Hippel-Lindau (VHL), vedoucí ke vzniku VHL syndromu, mutace RET-protoonkogenu u mnohočetné endokrinní adenomatózy 2. typu, mutace typu 1 genu pro neurofibromatózu, který je asociován s von Recklinghausenovým onemocněním a konečně mutace genů kódujících B- a D-subjednotky mitochondriální sukcinát-dehydrogenázy (SDHB, SDHD), které se vyskytují u familiární paragangliomatózy a feochromocytomu. Genetická analýza by se proto měla provádět u všech potvrzených případů feochromocytomu, zejména u mladších osob do 50 let věku. Biochemická diagnostika se opírá zejména o stanovení plazmatických volných metanefrinů nebo močových frakcionovaných metanefrinů, které mají obvykle vyšší diagnostickou výtěžnost ve srovnání s plazmatickými, popřípadě močovými katecholaminy. V diagnostice extraadrenálních či mnohočetných forem se kromě CT/MRI uplatňuje zobrazení pomocí radiofarmaka 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidinu (MIBG) nebo pomocí 18F-fluorodopaminu PET (dostupné jen v USA). Farmakologická léčba pomocí blokátorů alfa-, popřípadě i beta-receptorů s následnou laparoskopickou exstirpací tumoru bývá u benigních forem feochromocytomu obvykle úspěšná. Bohužel u maligních forem nejsou stále k dispozici přesvědčivě účinné léčebné přístupy., Jiří Widimský, T. Zelinka, O. Petrák, and Lit. 25