We have found that the determination of thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) in urine may help to characterize metabolic imbalance of substances participating in methionine synthesis, which leads to hyperhomocystinuria. From the metabolic scheme, based on a proper combination of known facts, we attempted to theoretically explain and to demonstrate the possibilities of TDGA formation via different ways of homocysteine transformation. This scheme was used in evaluating the results obtained by testing urine of a woman suffering from impaired function of methionine synthase reductase (CblE type of homocystinuria). The amount of TDGA excreted in her morning urine was very sensitive to the changes in her treatment based upon a combination of N5-formyl tetrahydrofolate, betaine and vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 given in the evening either alone or together with betaine increased the TDGA excretion in the morning urine up to ten times. On the other hand, in the absence of vitamin B12, betaine in combination with N5-formyl tetrahydrofolate hindered the appearance of TDGA in the morning urine. Generally, the determination of TDGA in urine of an appropriately pretreated patient may indicate the degree of success of the treatment., T. Navrátil, M. Petr, Z. Šenholdová, K. Přistoupilová, T. I. Přistoupil, M. Heyrovský, D. Pelclová, E. Kohlíková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Tissue betaine is an intracellular osmolyte that also provides a store of labile methyl groups. Despite these important biological roles, there are few data regarding tissue betaine content. We measured the betaine concentration of plasma and various tissues (brain, heart, lungs, liv er, kidney, spleen, intestine, reproductive tissues, skeletal muscle and skin) in male and female rats and assessed whether there were any gender-specific differences in betaine content or distribution and whether there was any relationship between tissue accumulation and plasma levels. Betaine was highest in the liver and kidney with values ranging from 1.6 to 9.5 mmol/l and 2.0 to 5.4 mmol/l, respectively. Plasma betaine concentrations were significantly lower than tissue levels except in the brain ( ≈ 25 % of plasma) and skeletal muscle (similar to pl asma). Regression analysis of the combined male and female data revealed a significant plasma-related accumulation of betaine in the heart, skin and skeletal muscle, while the lung, liver, kidney, spleen, and intestine showed significant plasma-related and plasma- independent accumulations of be taine. The betaine content of the skin, liver and kidney was no t significantly different between males and females, but in plasma and all tissues analyzed it was significantly higher in males (P<0.01)., S. Slow, M. Lever, S. T. Chambers, P. M. George., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Regulation mechanism of excitation energy transfer between phycobilisomes (PBS) and the photosynthetic reaction centres was studied by the state transition techniques in PBS-thylakoid membrane complexes. DCMU, betaine, and N-ethylmaleimide were applied to search for the details of energy transfer properties based on the steady fluorescence measurement and individual deconvolution spectra at state 2 or state 1. The closure of photosystem (PS) 2 did not influence on fluorescence yields of PS1, i.e., energy could not spill to PS1 from PS2. When the energy transfer pathway from PBS to PS1 was disturbed, the relative fluorescence yield of PS2 was almost the same as that of PS2 in complexes without treatment. If PBSs were fixed by betaine, the state transition process was restrained. Hence PBS may detach from PS2 and become associated to PS1 at state 2. Our results contradict the proposed "spill-over" or "PBS detachment" models and support the mobile "PBS model". and Ye Li ... [et al.].