This paper deals with the problem of mobilization of the society in favor of governmental foreign policy actions in Austria within 1808–1809. The Austrian government during the period of 1805–1809 had the aim to restore its influence in Germany and Austria. Under the leadership of foreign affairs minister Philipp von Stadion the discussion on state and social reforms, and on the new war against France becomes active. To get a positive reply from the public opinion, the mass media become an instrument of Stadion's administration and his supporters within the court in turning the public in favor of actions against France. One of the examples of such media was the newspaper Vaterländische Blätter für Österreichischen Staat. Historiography of the topic is limited and mostly presented in German language and published in Austria.
During the state socialist era in the GDR, the People's Republic of Poland and Czechoslovakia, care for the elderly and people in need of help was often provided at home. Volunteers from the national Red Cross societies, the East German organization People's Solidarity or neighborhood helpers from the residential area cared for needy people in the place that determined their reality of life – their own home. The way in which the home shaped social voluntary care for helpers and those in need before and after 1989 will be the subject of this paper. Keywords: care, elderly, home, volunteering, state socialism, German Democratic Republic, People's Republic of Poland, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
This article examines the Catholic reception of works published in journals in the first half of the 20th century by Orthodox philosophers, theologians and writers, and explains their importance in Czech culture during this period.
The aim of presented paper is to outline the concept of the issuing of the seventh volume of the source edition "Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae" and its digital version. As a reaction to the changes in the diplomatic material at the end of the 13th century (in connection with the changes of stylization e.g. because of the permeation of the principles of Canon and Roman law into the charters or an influence of professional notaries educated in the domestic notary school in Vyšehrad, or with regard to the emergence of the official books, especially formularies), the editors decided to change a concept of issuing of CDB. In the first phase there will be processed and finished the second part of "Katalog listin a listů k VII. dílu Českého diplomatáře" and its on-line publishing in a form of database on website. The second phase will be connected with the preparation of the critical edition in a traditional printed as well as a digital form.
The twelfth–century forgeries for monasteries Kladruby and Opatovice in West– and East Bohemia are fascinating texts. These documents were written at the end of the eleventh century and in twelfth century. They recorded the beginnings of these monasteries in series of the deeds, and not in one single act, but all these deeds were in the second half of the twelfth century reshaped in one single document. As such, they are important sources for the establishment of the bonds between the central power and "periphery".
The NAKI project "The Benedictine Monastery in Rajhrad as a Cultural Phenomenon", whose main aim is cataloguing books from the historic monastery library hall and compiling the history and cultural influence of this prominent Moravian monastic institution, involves digitization of title pages of catalogued books, collections of graphic art and photographs, maps and atlases, as well as archival documents from the property of the Benedictine Abbey in Rajhrad. Digital copies of all documents, along with detailed catalogue records, have been made available online through the catalogues Aleph and VuFind, web storage Imageserver and the digital library Kramerius of the Moravian Library in Brno.
This study focuses on the door-to-door agitation based on the ideology of the communist system. As the everyday practice of propaganda and mass mobilization, the agitators were appearing in the homes of families in Budapest regularly between 1948 and 1953. The documents of agitation uncover how the Hungarian communist party intended to mobilize the society to support the party-state and what was the social perceptions of this attempt. Since the home was considered female territory, the work of the local party organizations also offers insights into the role of women in the agitation campaigns.
Comics feature many topics – Homes or their absence are among those. No famous comic focuses on home only, many bring stories or subplots revealing the artists' view. In this contribution, those views are being analysed and compared, focussing on master narratives within and interpretations of the works. A selection of comics from Belgium and France has been made limiting the research field to two of the most active/innovative markets for comics. Three of the most important comic series are being analysed, covering a time between 1929 and the 1990es: Chlorophylle, Tintin and Sibylline.
This article deals with the issue of the Lithuanian conversion to Christianity in the 14th century by focusing on the art of politics of the Lithuanian rulers Gediminas (1316–1341), Algirdas (1345–1377) and Kęstutis (1381–1382) with regard to their Christian neighbours. The topic of intentional deception has been contextualised and given special attention in an attempt to highlight that the accession to Christendom was not a self-evident priority for Lithuanian rulers as long as they were beholden to a pagan-warrior lifestyle and were content with the inherited political situation vis-à-vis their Christian and Tatar neighbours.