Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) is a pro-fibrotic cytokine with a key role in wound repair and regeneration, including induction of fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition. Genistein is a naturally occurring selective estrogen receptor modulator with promising anti-fibrotic properties. In the present study we aimed to investigate whether genistein modulates TGF-β1 (canonical and non-canonical) signaling in normal dermal fibroblasts at the protein level (Western blot and immunofluorescence). We demonstrated that TGF-β1 induces the myofibroblast-like phenotype in the studied fibroblast signaling via canonical (SMAD) and non-canonical (AKT, ERK1/2, ROCK) pathways. Genistein induced only ERK1/2 expression, whereas the combination of TGF-β1 and genistein attenuated the ERK1/2 and ROCK signaling. Of note, the other studied pathways remained almost unaffected. From this point of view, genistein does not impair conversion of normal fibroblasts to myofibroblast-like cells., Miriam Kaňuchová, Lukáš Urban, Nikola Melegová, Matúš Čoma, Barbora Dvořánková, Karel Smetana Jr., Peter Gál., and Obsahuje bibliografii
RNA optical density (concentration) measurements at the single cell level indicated that differentiation of lymphocytes is accompanied by a slightly decreased nucleolar RNA concentration in contrast to the cytoplasmic rim around the nucleus. On the other hand, the nucleolar size was markedly reduced and the cytoplasmic rim surrounding the nucleus was reduced only weakly. Concerning the calculated rough estimate of the RNA content, the differentiation induced its larger decrease in the nucleoli than in the cytoplasmic rim. These observations indicated that the nucleolar RNA concentration and RNA content together with the nucleolar morphology are more sensitive markers of the differentiation process than the RNA concentration and content in the cytoplasm. Thus, the nucleolar RNA transfer to the cytoplasm in advanced differentiation steps might still be going on regardless of the decreasing or inhibited nucleolar biosynthetic activity. In addition, the presence of ring-shaped nucleoli and micronucleoli characteristic of mature and terminal lymphocytes in some lymphocytic less differentiated steps, i.e., lymphoblasts and prolymphocytes, might indicate the premature differentiation state of such cells.
The present nuclear and cell body diameter measurements demonstrated size differences of the approximate cell space estimate occupied by the cell nucleus during the cell differentiation in lymphocytic, granulocytic and erythroid cell lineages. These lineages were used as convenient models because all differentiation steps were easily identified and accessible in diagnostic peripheral blood or bone marrow smears of blood donors (BDs), patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and refractory anemia (RA) of the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The cell space occupied by the nucleus was constant and did not change during the cell differentiation in the lymphocytic cell lineages of BDs and CLL patients despite the decreased cell size. In contrary, the cell space occupied by the nucleus markedly decreased in differentiating cells of granulocytic and erythroid lineages of patients suffering from CML. In the erythroid cell lineage in patients with RA of MDS the small reduction of the cell space occupied by the nucleus during the differentiation was not significant. The measurements also indicated that in progenitor cells of all studied cell lineages nuclei occupied more than 70 % of the cell space. Thus, the nucleus-cytoplasmic morphological and functional equilibrium appeared to be characteristic for each differentiation step and each specific cell lineage., Karel Smetana, Hana Klamová, Dana Mikulenková, Jaroslav Čermák, Petra Otevřelová, Josef Karban, Marek Trněný., and Obsahuje bibliografii