The paper considers a fuzzification of the notion of quantaloid of K. I. Rosenthal, which replaces enrichment in the category of ⋁-semilattices with that in the category of modules over a given unital commutative quantale. The resulting structures are called quantale algebroids. We show that their constitute a monadic category and prove a representation theorem for them using the notion of nucleus adjusted for our needs. We also characterize the lattice of nuclei on a free quantale algebroid. At the end of the paper, we prove that the category of quantale algebroids has a monoidal structure given by tensor product.
The present nuclear and cell body diameter measurements demonstrated size differences of the approximate cell space estimate occupied by the cell nucleus during the cell differentiation in lymphocytic, granulocytic and erythroid cell lineages. These lineages were used as convenient models because all differentiation steps were easily identified and accessible in diagnostic peripheral blood or bone marrow smears of blood donors (BDs), patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and refractory anemia (RA) of the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The cell space occupied by the nucleus was constant and did not change during the cell differentiation in the lymphocytic cell lineages of BDs and CLL patients despite the decreased cell size. In contrary, the cell space occupied by the nucleus markedly decreased in differentiating cells of granulocytic and erythroid lineages of patients suffering from CML. In the erythroid cell lineage in patients with RA of MDS the small reduction of the cell space occupied by the nucleus during the differentiation was not significant. The measurements also indicated that in progenitor cells of all studied cell lineages nuclei occupied more than 70 % of the cell space. Thus, the nucleus-cytoplasmic morphological and functional equilibrium appeared to be characteristic for each differentiation step and each specific cell lineage., Karel Smetana, Hana Klamová, Dana Mikulenková, Jaroslav Čermák, Petra Otevřelová, Josef Karban, Marek Trněný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The transformed C6 glial cells in cultures were treated with sodium mercaptoborate (Na2B12H11SH, BSH), a carrier of atomic targets (10B) of thermal neutrons for the neutron capture therapy of brain tumors. As shown by light microscopy, the therapeutic dose of BSH (100 µg/ml) did not alter the gross morphology and growth of the population of cells within a 72 h treatment interval. Electron microscopic analysis of these cells revealed activation of nucleoli and, occasionally, enlarged and bifurcated mitochondria. After 200 µg BSH/ml and 72 h treatment, growth of the cell population was inhibited and ultrastructural changes became more profound. They included condensation of chromatin and its allocation to the nuclear envelope which formed deeper invaginations. Mitochondria further increased in size and were characterized by slim or angular cristae. Moreover, in circumscribed segments of some of the slightly swollen mitochondria their cristae disappeared or were reduced to fine pouch-like structures localized near the continuous outer membrane, suggestive for a non-destructive restructuring of the inner mitochondrial membrane. The smooth pinocytotic vesicles near the plasma membrane, lysosomes and heterogeneous dense bodies were more frequent. The revealed subcellular targets of BSH may initiate the development of pharmacological protocols aimed to further improve the tolerance to BSH by the healthy tissues of patients undergoing BNCT of brain tumors, e.g. by intervention into the oxidative stress triggered likely by the altered mitochondria., V. Mareš, D. Krajčí, V. Lisá., and Obsahuje bibliografii