Last changes in Poland have made that in the hi-tech industry the main role started to play the small-specialized enterprises, leaded by the people who has a good contacts in Universities. They are interested in the sophisticated technology and want to cooperate with the University. The mechatronic product - the family of computer controlled infusion pumps are the important part of the intensive care room equipment in every hospital. The designed family of pumps gives the possibility to program infusion rate in most frequently used units, allows to record in memory own dosing procedures, could automatically load and recognize the syringe etc. They are nearly the top product similar to the ones offered by the best manufactures as B. Brown, or Fresenius.
These two aspects: characteristic of the pumps family and the technology transfer are the main foals of the paper. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article describes automation of 2-dimensional surface analysis in the aparature for laser spectroscopy (LIBS). Such analysis give us 2D map of presented chemical elements. The main part is dedicated to algorithm choosing suitable for evaluation of the image sharpness. Digital camera and ablation laser share the same focusing optics, so knowing the exact image sharpness it is possible to set sample object to focal plane. There are theoretically described and experimentaly tested different kinds of methods how to obtain a relative sharpness number: gradient based method and methods working in frequency domain. Digital noise phenomenon is also discussed. As an output a selection of suitable method has been made with respect to its speed, accuracy and durability against digital noise. and Článek popisuje řešení automatizace dvourozměrné povrchové analýzy v zařízení pro laserovou spektroskopii (LIBS), jejímž výsledkem je 2D mapa přítomnosti chemických prvků. Hlavní část je věnována výběru algoritmu pro opětovné nastavení mapovaného vzorku do ohniskové roviny objektivu, který zároveň slouží k fokusaci laserového svazku. Děje se tak pomocí analýzy ostrosti snímku vzorku. Teoreticky jsou rozebrány a experimentálně otestovány různé metody vyhodno cení ostrosti snímku, a to metoda gradientní a metody pracující s frekvenčním spektrem obrazu. Článek se zabývá také problematikou filtrace digitálního šumu. Výstupem je volba vhodného algoritmu s ohledem na rychlost, přesnost a odolnost vůči digitálnímu šumu.
Seedlings of Bidens cernua L. emerged when mean air temperature was 17.0±1.3 °C. The highest net photosynthetic rate (PN), 13.8±0.8 µmol(CO2) m-2 s-1, was monitored during the vegetative period (May-August), decreasing on an average by 50 % during flowering (August-September) and during fruiting (September-November) phases. The senescence phase (October-November) was characterised by 79, 58, and 18 % decrease of PN, chlorophyll content, and leaf area (LA), respectively, from the maximum values. The time span from seedling emergence to the end of fruiting phase was 202 d. The total plant biomass was 1.58±0.05 g of which 81 % was aboveground plant portion. The total dry mass relative growth rate averaged over the assimilation period was 0.0804±0.0002 kg kg-1 d-1, and it was correlated to both the net assimilation rate (NAR) and the leaf area ratio (LAR). and L. Gratani ... [et al.].
The paper deals with physical mechanisms of disintegration of solid particles in new device called WJM-“Water Jet Mill” and a global description of the said system includes internal milling cycles and particle size separators of a liquid suspension. A disintegration agent here is a high energy liquid jet influence with outlet velocity about 660 m∙s-1 and high level of cavitation in disintegration zones. Dominate disintegration mechanism affected by cavitation bubble implosions direct on a particle surface inside a liquid suspension brings about a particle refinement to the level under 100 nm followed with a small mechanical damage of ar impact target. in the paper, results of aggregates morphology of silicon nanoparticles prepared using disintegrator WJM have been presented via separated chapter of Atomic Force Microscopy AFM, Scanning Electronic Microscopy SEM, confocal optical microscopy, and laser diffraction. and Práce prezentuje fyzikální mechanismy desintegrace pevných částic v novém zařízení, pracovně nazývaném WJM (Water Jet Mill) a globální popis uvedeného systému včetně interních mlecích cyklů a rozměrových separátorů partikulární kapalinové suspenze. Desintegračním činitelem je zde působení vysokoenergetického kapalinového paprsku s výtokovou rychlostí cca 660 m∙s-1 a vysokou mírou kavitace v desintegračních zónách. Z dosahované míry zdrobnění až do oblasti pod 100 nm a z malého mechanického poškození impaktního terče vyplývá dominantní mechanismus dezintegrace implozí kavitačních bublin přímo na povrchu částic uvnitř kapalinové suspenze. V samostatných oddílech mikroskopie atomárních sil AFM, skenující elektronové mikroskopie SEM, konfokální optické mikroskopie a laserové difrakce jsou následně prezentovány výsledky analýzy morfologie agregátů nanočástic křemíku připravených v desintegrátoru WJM.
The present study is focusing on the transmission of the monogenean ectoparasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957, a major pathogen on natural populations of Norwegian Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. In laboratory experiments the transmission rate of G. salaris after direct host to host contact was positively correlated with water temperature (1.2, 4,7 and 12.2°C). The transmission of detached G. salaris in the planktonie drift was studied in field experiments where salmon parr were individually isolated for 24 hours in small wire mesh cages suspended in the water column. Ten out of 157 salmon parr (prevalence 6.4%, mean intensity 1.0) contracted G. salaris infections after this exposure. Furthermore, 200 uninfected marked salmon parr were released into the same area of the river. After 24 and 48 hours, respectively 18 and 19 marked parr were caught by electro-fishing. The prevalence of G. salaris was 44.4% (mean intensity 1.9) after 24 hours, rising to 57.9% (mean intensity 2.3) after 48 hours. Gyrodactylids have no specific transmission stage or swimming ability, but detached G. salaris drifting in the water column were found to infect salmon parr. However, the transmission rate was markedly higher to free-living fish, suggesting that transmission routes such as indirect transmission from the substrate or direct contact transmission from infected live and/or dead fish, are relatively more important than transmission by drifting detached parasites.