Baseline UDPipe models for CoNLL 2017 Shared Task in UD Parsing, and supplementary material.
The models require UDPipe version at least 1.1 and are evaluated using the official evaluation script.
The models are trained on a slightly different split of the official UD 2.0 CoNLL 2017 training data, so called baselinemodel split, in order to allow comparison of models even during the shared task. This baselinemodel split of UD 2.0 CoNLL 2017 training data is available for download.
Furthermore, we also provide UD 2.0 CoNLL 2017 training data with automatically predicted morphology. We utilize the baseline models on development data and perform 10-fold jack-knifing (each fold is predicted with a model trained on the rest of the folds) on the training data.
Finally, we supply all required data and hyperparameter values needed to replicate the baseline models.
Baseline UDPipe models for CoNLL 2018 Shared Task in UD Parsing, and supplementary material.
The models require UDPipe version at least 1.2 and are evaluated using the official evaluation script. The models were trained using a custom data split for treebanks where no development data is provided. Also, we trained an additional "Mixed" model, which uses 200 sentences from every training data. All information needed to replicate the model training (hyperparameters, modified train-dev split, and pre-computed word embeddings for the parser) are included in the archive.
Additionaly, we provide UD 2.2 CoNLL 2018 training data with automatically predicted morphology. We utilize the baseline models on development data and perform 10-fold jack-knifing (each fold is predicted with a model trained on the rest of the folds) on the training data.
Indonesian text corpus from web. Crawling done by SpiderLing in 2017. Filtering by JusText and Onion (see for details). Tagged and lemmatized by MorphInd (
A richly annotated and genre-diversified language resource, The Prague Dependency Treebank – Consolidated 1.0 (PDT-C 1.0, or PDT-C in short in the sequel) is a consolidated release of the existing PDT-corpora of Czech data, uniformly annotated using the standard PDT scheme. PDT-corpora included in PDT-C: Prague Dependency Treebank (the original PDT contents, written newspaper and journal texts from three genres); Czech part of Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank (translated financial texts, from English), Prague Dependency Treebank of Spoken Czech (spoken data, including audio and transcripts and multiple speech reconstruction annotation); PDT-Faust (user-generated texts). The difference from the separately published original treebanks can be briefly described as follows: it is published in one package, to allow easier data handling for all the datasets; the data is enhanced with a manual linguistic annotation at the morphological layer and new version of morphological dictionary is enclosed; a common valency lexicon for all four original parts is enclosed. Documentation provides two browsing and editing desktop tools (TrEd and MEd) and the corpus is also available online for searching using PML-TQ.
UDPipe is an trainable pipeline for tokenization, tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing of CoNLL-U files. UDPipe is language-agnostic and can be trained given only annotated data in CoNLL-U format. Trained models are provided for nearly all UD treebanks. UDPipe is available as a binary, as a library for C++, Python, Perl, Java, C#, and as a web service.
UDPipe is a free software under Mozilla Public License 2.0 ( and the linguistic models are free for non-commercial use and distributed under CC BY-NC-SA ( license, although for some models the original data used to create the model may impose additional licensing conditions. UDPipe is versioned using Semantic Versioning (
UDPipe website contains download links of both the released packages and trained models, hosts documentation and offers online demo.
UDPipe development repository is hosted on GitHub.
Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer and Parser models for all Universal Depenencies 1.2 Treebanks, created solely using UD 1.2 data (
To use these models, you need UDPipe binary, which you can download from
Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer and Parser models for all 50 languages of Universal Depenencies 2.0 Treebanks, created solely using UD 2.0 data ( The model documentation including performance can be found at .
To use these models, you need UDPipe binary version at least 1.2, which you can download from .
In addition to models itself, all additional data and value of hyperparameters used for training are available in the second archive, allowing reproducible training.
Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer and Parser models for 84 treebanks of 56 languages of Universal Depenencies 2.3 Treebanks, created solely using UD 2.3 data ( The model documentation including performance can be found at .
To use these models, you need UDPipe binary version at least 1.2, which you can download from .
In addition to models itself, all additional data and value of hyperparameters used for training are available in the second archive, allowing reproducible training.
Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer and Parser models for 90 treebanks of 60 languages of Universal Depenencies 2.4 Treebanks, created solely using UD 2.4 data ( The model documentation including performance can be found at .
To use these models, you need UDPipe binary version at least 1.2, which you can download from .
In addition to models itself, all additional data and value of hyperparameters used for training are available in the second archive, allowing reproducible training.
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky@@LM2015071@@LINDAT/CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat@@nationalFunds@@✖[remove]11