Indonesian text corpus from web. Crawling done by SpiderLing in 2017. Filtering by JusText and Onion (see for details). Tagged and lemmatized by MorphInd (
The SQAD database consists of 3301 records obtained from Czech Wikipedia articles. The record structure is following:
- the original sentence(s) from Wikipedia
- a question that is directly answered in the text
- the expected answer to the question as it appears in the original text
- the URL of the Wikipedia web page from which the original text was extracted
- name of the author of this SQAD record
Simple question answering database version 2.1 (SQAD_v2.1) created from Czech Wikipedia. Each record of SQAD consist of four files (in vertical form provided with lemmatization and POS tagging) and two metadata files.
Simple question answering database version 3 (SQAD v3) created from Czech Wikipedia. New version consits of 13477 records. Each record of SQAD consist of multiple files - question, answer extraction, answer selection, ulr, question metadata and in some cases answer context.
Simple question answering database version 3.2 (SQAD v3.2) created from Czech Wikipedia. The new version consists of more than 16000 records. Each record of SQAD consists of multiple files - question, answer extraction, answer selection, URL, question metadata, and in some cases, answer context.
Simple question answering database (SQAD) created from Czech Wikipedia. Each record of SQAD consist of four files (in vertical form provided with lemmatization and POS tagging) and two metadata files.