Narácia a subjekt v poetike umeleckého diela
- Title:
- Narácia a subjekt v poetike umeleckého diela
Narration and the subject in the poetics of a literary artifact - Creator:
- Žemberová, Viera
- Identifier:
- Subject:
- moderná próza, poetika, autor, rozprávač, postava, priestor, čas, subjekt, rodovosť, zážitok, senzualizmus, erotika, exotika, pamäť, kompozícia, výraz, význam, štylistika, modern prose, poetics, author, narrator, character, space, time, subject, a family character, experience, sensualism, eroticism, memory, composition, expression, meaning, stylistics, and Slavonic Studies
- Type:
- Article
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Description:
- Pozornosť autorky textu sa sústredila na rodovo exponovanú prózu M. Durasovej. Ambíciou nie je sonda do feministickej prózy. Skutočnosť, že v próze dominuje práca s literárnym časom a literárnym priestorom zaujala dominantné postavenie pri analýze a interpretovaní výrazu a možných významov v koncepte stratégie autorky a jej odraz v stratégii textu. Extrémne rozpätie literárneho času (vtedy - teraz), fyzického času rozprávačky a postavy (mladosť - staroba), odlišnosť literárneho priestoru (Ázia - Európa) vytvorili takú naračnú príležitosť pre ženskú postavu, v ktorej zaujme jej tenzijný vzťah voči všetkému, čo ju identifikuje ako konkrétny subjekt konzervatívnom spoločenskom prostredí. Senzuálne rozvíjaná erotická línia, zmyslové reflektovanie subjektu svojho jestvovania má svoje epicentrum v emocionálnej, sociálnej a rodinnej träume. Práve problému uchovania a navrstvovania traumy v pamäti sa premietol do kompozične precízne organizovanej deštrukcie tajomstva subjektu. and The author's attention is focused on the phenomenon of the strongly exposed motif of a family line in the prose work of M. Duras. The ambition of the study is not to analyse feminist prose, rather the fact that the dominant feature of the prose's poetics is handling with literary time and space which occupied a dominant position in the analysis and interpretation of literary expression and its potential meanings in the concept of the prose writer's strategy and its reflection in the strategy of the text itself. The extreme range of literary time (once - now), the physical time of the female narrator and the literary character (youth - old age), the otherness of literary space (Asia - Europe) formed a specific narrative chance for a female character in which she adopted the narrative position as a permanent tension in relation to all that identified her as a concrete subject in the conservative social environment. The sensually developed erotic plot, the sensual reflection of the subject of its existence has its focus in the emotional, social, and family trauma. The very problem of the protection and formation of the layers of the trauma in memory were reflected in the precisely organised composition of destruction of the secret of the subject's enigma.
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- unknown
- Relation:
- - Harvested from:
- Digital Library of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
- Metadata only:
- false
- Date:
- 2008
The item or associated files might be "in copyright"; review the provided rights metadata:
- unknown