The contribution includes several remarks on the subject matter of the study of the contemporary Czech ethnomusicology. Some topics and methods are based on the research conducted in the second half of the 20th century: monographical study of singers and musicians, singing skills of the youngest generation, singing in the city with the use of sociological methods.Other methods developed after 1989, e.g. the study of religious songs and their relation to secular songs.The area which has seen remarkable development during the last twenty years is publishing, especially the publication of song editions in printed and audio forms. Interdisciplinary
cooperation is also developing, namely cooperation with music studies, history, psychology, literary science or linguistics, especially with regard to the study of ethnic stereotypes, contemporary ethnocultural tradition, liturgical songs or fair traditions.The contemporary research in the field of ethnomusicology goes beyond the area of the so-called
“genuine folk songs” and includes various genres belonging to the area of non-artificial music.
This article examines the development of panel studies and their main characteristics. The first part of this article outlines the historical development of panel studies. Here special reference is made to the first panel studies ever undertaken, and the influence of Paul Lazarsfeld on this field of research. Thereafter, there is an overview of some recent national panel studies, and different approaches used in the analysis of panel data. The second part of this article concentrates on the panel study as a type of longitudinal research where special attention is given to a number of issues: unit of analysis, mode of data collection, time span between waves of data collection, duration of panel studies, research themes and policy influences, and opportunities for studying change at the individual (micro) level. In the final section, there is a discussion of the specific difficulties associated with panel study research., Zdeňka Lechnerová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Forty soil samples from forests and other biotopes in Germany and the Czech Republic were studied for the presence of entomopathogenic nematodes using the Galleria bait method at the same time as a sieving-decanting method for direct extraction of infective-stage juveniles. Five Steinernema species were recovered trom the samples from Germany and four species from the samples from Czechia. All five species were recovered with both methods, but the baiting technique was generally less effective and mixtures of species were frequently undetected. The direct extraction method provided quantitative estimates of infective-stage juvenile density but no information on their infcclivity or on morphological characters of adults, and nematode cultures could not be established.
When blood pressure is measured in the finger using the volume clamp method the value at which the vascular volume is clamped is of crucial importance. Since the discovery of the method, several criteria of finding a correct set point have been elaborated: 1. The volume oscillations reach their maximum amplitude at cuff pressure equalling mean blood pressure. 2. The form of the diastolic portion of volume pulsations changes if the cuff pressure moves around the mean blood pressure. 3. The set point can be positioned at one third of the arterial volume. 4. The dynamic vascular compliance (DVC) may be continuously measured as the instantaneous amplitude of vascular volume oscillations is elicited by a relatively small and rapid vibration of the cuff pressure. The shape of the DVC pulse characteristically depends on the transmural pressure (TP): at negative TP (cuff pressure exceeding the blood pressure) it shows a distinct positive systolic peak, at positive TP the polarity of the DVC pulse is reversed. In contrast to the first three ways to find the set point, the last one may operate even in closed-loop performance, i.e. during the blood pressure measurement.
The text introduces basic concepts of cohort analysis – age, period and birth cohorts. The author shows the role of birth cohorts in explanation of social processes and deals with a cohort replacement as a matter of social change. From the methodology point of view the author presents the standard cohort table, introduces an identification problem and shows two ways how to solve it using the data on birth rates in the Czech Republic between 1948 and 2007. The first solution is presented for population data, the second one is presented for microdata in the form of a series of repeated cross-section sample surveys. The results of both analyses show, that identification of age, period and cohort effects is important for interpretation trends in birth rates in the Czech Republic between 1948 and 2007., Tomáš Katrňák., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
This paper explores causal explanations that use panel data and describes the contribution of Paul Lazarsfeld to the methodology of panel analysis. The introductory part describes the concepts of ‘panel data’ and ‘panel analysis.’ The second section is devoted to the history of panel studies. The main part of the paper focuses on the contributions of Paul Lazarsfeld to panel data analysis. The term ‘panel study’ generally denotes any data collection that involves the same respondents who are questioned repeatedly in consecutive waves of a survey. In contrast, ‘panel analysis’ refers to the quantitative analysis of changes in the distributions of responses among the same respondents across two waves of a panel data set. Paul Lazarsfeld developed panel analysis during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The main aim of this early work was to test for causal relationships, and to outline some explanation for the intra-personal changes observed. Lazarsfeld outlined three important panel data analysis procedures: 1) analysis of turnover tables, 2) analysis of qualified change also known as the “analysis of qualifiers”, and 3) analysis of concurrent changes. The latter was often referred to by Lazarsfeld in his methodological papers as the problem of the “sixteen-fold table”. The final section of this paper discusses of the use of control groups in panel studies and problems associated with panel attrition rates., Hynek Jeřábek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Bei der Bearbeitung des frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeldes von Thunau, Obere Holzwiese, Niederösterreich, ergab sich in Bezug auf Mehrfachgräber die Frage nach den ihnen zugrunde liegenden Motivationen. Über verschiedene Wege wird versucht, mehr über die möglichen Hintergründe räumlicher Bezüge zwischen Bestattungen zu erfahren. Hierfür liegt mit dem Gräberfeld, welches großflächig untersucht und umfassend anthropologisch bearbeitet wurde und mehrere Vertreter der verschiedenen Arten von Mehrfachgräbern aufweist, eine günstige Ausgangsposition vor. Auch die bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den Anthropologen aufgetauchte methodische Problematik wird thematisiert. and Multiple graves on the cemetery of Thunau, Obere Holzwiese. Methods, manifestation, interpretation. At the processing of the early medieval cemetery of Thunau, Obere Holzwiese, Lower Austria, arose the issue of the underlying motivations. By different ways an attempt is made to obtain further information on the possible backgrounds of spatial relations between burials. As this cemetery has been investigated at large scale, comprehensively revised by anthropologists and yielded several examples of the different types of multipel graves, it provides a favourable starting position. As well the methodological problems emerging at the collaboration with the anthropologists are made a subject of discussion.
Stať představuje jednoduchý nástroj měření konceptu tzv. přemosťujícího sociálního kapitálu (PSK) pomocí baterie otázek dotazujících odlišnosti v okruhu přátel adaptovanou pro podmínky dospělé populace v ČR. Tato baterie byla použita ve výzkumu veřejného mínění Naše společnost 2007-04 (CVVM). Nejprve ověřujeme konvergentní a diskriminační validitu nástroje pomocí explorační a konfirmační faktorové analýzy, ve které sledujeme, zda je koncept vícedimenzionální. Výsledky ukazují, že o přemosťujícím sociálním kapitálu je třeba uvažovat ve třech různých dimenzích: odlišný životní způsob, okrajové skupiny a odlišné zájmy. Dále ověřujeme pomocí strukturního modelu konstruktovou validitu. Vycházíme z teoretického modelu pozitivních efektů strukturní dimenze sociálního kapitálu (diverzita v přátelských vazbách) na jeho kulturní dimenzi (tolerance, důvěra). Pozornost věnujeme také položkové reliabilitě škál PSK. Závěrem navrhujeme doporučení pro využití baterie PSK v dalších výzkumech., Jiří Šafr, Julia Häuberer., tabulky, obrázky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Authors draw attention to certain problems which should not be missed especially concerning the last step of archaeological methodology i.e. in attempting to interpret discovered archaeological sources with respect to a living culture,i.e. a historical society. This article outlines several possibilities that may explain the so-called burials in settlementcontexts. All of the examples discussed were encountered in the area of Mikulcice - a Great Moravian power centre.The authors also introduce several possible interpretations of these field situations with respect to the living culture.They consider (similarly to other researchers) the possibilities and difficulties of chronological, social, economic, political as well as symbolic interpretations of material sources. In concluding this work, the authors emphasize thatall examples discussed, point to the necessity of carefully distinguishing between archaeological and empirical factson the one hand, and cultural facts that are not available to archaeologists, on the other hand. In light of the proposedconclusions, the revision of „old“ excavations in the area of early Medieveal fortified agglomeration Mikulcice-Valydemonstrates the need for acquiring new data of a quality matching the current methodological requirements. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Vzhledem k značným rozdílům odhadu věku dožití uváděným pro kosterní pozůstatky jedince ztotožňovaného s knížetem Spytihněvem I. († 915) se autoři pokusili přehodnotit výsledky z hlediska reliability použitých metod a ukázat na některá jejich omezení vyplývající z rozvoje oboru. Užití metod antropologického určení pohlaví a odhadu věku dožití dle kostry musí provázet statistická indukce, při níž se uplatňují dva základní a zároveň protichůdně působící principy – přesnost a spolehlivost. Je úkolem biologického antropologa zvážit výpovědní hodnotu znaků, které jsou v konkrétním případě na skeletu zachovány, a nabídnout archeologovi takovou odpověď, která optimalizuje vztah přesnosti a spolehlivosti. Rozvoj znaků na kostře, která je přisuzována knížeti Spytihněvovi I., přesný a zároveň spolehlivý odhad dožití neumožňuje. Z těchto důvodů autoři považují oba předchozí odhady věku dožití za přesné, avšak značně nespolehlivé. V posledním desetiletí biologická antropologie dospěla k závěrům, že výpovědní hodnota metod odhadu věku dožití podle kostry neumožnuje tak přesné a spolehlivé zařazení jedinců do úzkých věkových tříd, jak se dříve praktikovalo. Tato skutečnost v důsledku omezuje i platnost výsledků některých postupů, jakož i kvantifikace úmrtnostních poměrů v pravěkých či středověkých populacích. and Given the pronounced differences in the estimates of the age at death of the skeletal remains of an individual identified with Prince Spytihněv I († 915), the authors attempted to reappraise the results from the point of view of the reliability of the methods used, and to show that the limitations of several spring from the development of the discipline. The anthropological methods of sex identification and estimation of age at death must be accompanied by statistical induction, in which two basic and antagonistic principles apply – precision and reliability. It is the task of the physical anthropologist to weight the value as evidence of the markers preserved on the skeleton in specific cases, and to offer the archaeologist an answer that optimises the relationship between precision and reliability. The development of the markers on the skeleton attributed to Spytihněv I does not allow for a precise and at the same time reliable estimate of age at death. For this reason, the authors hold both attempts at age estimation to date to be precise, but grossly unreliable. Over the last decade physical anthropology has advanced to conclude that the value as evidence of methods of age estimation from the skeleton does not allow such precise and reliable classification of individuals into narrow age categories, as was previously practised. The consequence of this fact is the limitation of the validity of the results of certain approaches, such as the quantification of mortality rates in prehistoric or medieval populations.