Pierre-Daniel Huet, významný učenec, který se zabýval filosofií, teologií, historií i literaturou, zemřel právě před 300 lety. Své současníky Huet nejvíce zaujal ostrou kritikou kartezianismu. Ze stanoviska empirismu a skepticismu odmítl pozici arogance rozumu v epistemologii a důvěryhodnost racionálních důkazů Boha v teologii. Největší vliv na vývoj novověké filosofie měl však jeho skepticismus, ve kterém Huet rozvíjel myšlenky antických skeptiků především s důrazem na nemohoucnost lidské mysli dospět k pravdivému či jistému poznání. V článku rozvíjím analýzu Huetova skepticismu v širším kontextu znovuoživení antické skeptické tradice v západní Evropě v 16. a 17. století a propaguji relativně novou interpretaci formování novověké filosofie, v níž hraje tato tradice klíčovou roli., Pierre-Daniel Huet (Huetius, 1630–1721), a scholar of immense erudition, died 300 years ago. Huet wrote many works on philosophy, theology, history and literature. At his time Huet was best known for his fierce criticism of Cartesianism. From an empiricist and sceptical standpoints, he attacked the position of the arrogance of reason in epistemology and the credibility of rational proofs of God in theology. But it was Huet’s scepticism, developing the arguments of the ancient sceptics and insisting on the principal weakness of human mind to achieve true and certain knowledge, that had the biggest impact on the development of early-modern philosophy. I analyze Huet’s scepticism in the context of the revival of the ancient sceptical tradition in Western Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries and promote a relatively new interpretation of the formation of early-modern philosophy, in which scepticism is supposed to play a constitutive role., and Pierre-Daniel Huet (Huetius, 1630–1721), éminent savant, théologien, historien, littéraire, mort il y a 300 ans. Huet passionna ses contemporains par sa critique lancinante du cartésianisme. Il refusa, en s’appuyant sur l’empirisme et le scepticisme, l’arrogance de la raison dans l’épistémologie ainsi qu’il refusa dans la théologie la confiance dans les preuves rationnelles de Dieu. Huet influença significativement l’essor de la philosophie moderne par son scepticisme en développant les pensées des vieux sceptiques tout en accentuant l’impuissance de l’esprit humain d’arriver à la connaissance vraie ou certaine. Je développe dans mon article l’analyse du scepticisme par Huet dans le contexte plus large de la renaissance de l’antique tradition sceptique vivante en Europe occidentale aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles tout en diffusant une interprétation relativement neuve de la formation de la philosophie moderne dans laquelle cette tradition joue le rôle clé.
The revival of Pyrrhonian scepticism in European thought of the seventeenth century had a significant influence not only on the further development of epistemology, but also on the sphere of theology. Sceptical denial of the legitimacy of rational judgement affected even the legitimacy of traditional arguments for God’s existence. The attempt to “save God” led to fideism in which faith is transferred to the sphere of inner experience, and is fraught with mystery. One of the main propagators of Pyrrhonism, and representatives of the fideistic turn, was Montaigne. What about Hume? Do we not find a similar strategy here too? After all, Hume accepted the irresolvability of epistemological scepticism by rational means, and he founded the positive structure of knowledge on human nature instead. Analogically, he might be inclined to go for the opposite pole of religious scepticism by endorsing the private faith of the heart, and he might perhaps even recognise this as a natural need in human life. The author, in her investigation of these questions, treats above all of Hume’s Dialogues and she arrives at the conclusion that Hume - in contrast to his predecessor Bayle - is perfectly devoted to an enlightened world where religion, especially in its fideistic form, belongs to the old times of “darkness”. It may be replaced, though, by the almost secular true religion practiced in an enlightened community., Zuzana Parusniková., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii